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Need a Spidey Screencap

Posted: 2007-05-08 04:17am
by CaptainChewbacca
My roommate and his girlfriend don't believe that Doctor Connors in the Spidey movie is missing an arm, and I can't find one on the net.

Can anybody help?

Posted: 2007-05-08 04:25am
by DPDarkPrimus
Yes he is missing an arm. I don't know if the actual actor is missing an arm, but like any geek, I made sure to see if he had one sleeve tucked in or not.
Dylan Baker as Dr. Curt Connors: Dr. Curt Conners is one of Peter's physics professors at college, who reminds him to get his work done. Conners also has an arm missing

Posted: 2007-05-08 04:29am
by CaptainChewbacca
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Yes he is missing an arm. I don't know if the actual actor is missing an arm, but like any geek, I made sure to see if he had one sleeve tucked in or not.
Dylan Baker as Dr. Curt Connors: Dr. Curt Conners is one of Peter's physics professors at college, who reminds him to get his work done. Conners also has an arm missing
The actor isn't missing an arm. He's done alot of stuff, including recently the late Fox drama 'DRIVE'.

Edit: They STILL want a screencap for proof! :banghead:

Posted: 2007-05-08 04:42am
by Starglider
CaptainChewbacca wrote:They STILL want a screencap for proof! :banghead:


Posted: 2007-05-08 05:02am
by CaptainChewbacca
Should I be worried that caps of spidey-3 are already on teh intarweb?

Posted: 2007-05-08 05:06am
by Starglider
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Should I be worried that caps of spidey-3 are already on teh intarweb?
I don't know, do you work for the MPAA? If you find it at all surprising then you haven't been paying much attention to the internet for the last five years or so.

Posted: 2007-05-08 06:57pm
by CaptainChewbacca
From my roommate: both pictures look like he could conceivably have one arm behind his back

Is there a better picture? I'm not expecting jumping jacks or anything, but at this point it might be necessary.

Posted: 2007-05-08 07:04pm
by Rye
Tell your roommate to fuck off. Headbutt him if he gives you any cheek.

Posted: 2007-05-08 07:09pm
by Old Plympto

If that doesn't convince him, you're authorized to harvest organs from him tonight as he sleeps.

Posted: 2007-05-11 04:14pm
by Haminal10
I am almost embarrassed to say that I didn't realize that the professor only had one arm until Spiderman III. I totally missed that in the second movie. :oops: