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Show of your home

Posted: 2007-06-18 11:24am
by Faram
Done before I know but it is fun anyway.

This is the entrance to my appartment, many shoes that I shold put away but haven't

Nice and roomy bathroom, I cannot live without the washer and dryer.

Livingroom / kitchen towards the kitchen.

Livingroom / kitchen from the kitchen.

Bedroom, must get a new chair and computerdesk.

50m"2 3000kr/ $400us/m in rent and 4000/kr $560us /m to the bank in mortage. Not to bad and I live 15min from Stockholm city square.

And the single most treasured thingy.

Click Me

Posted: 2007-06-18 12:01pm
by Superman
$400 dollars per month...

Well, we can rule out California as your home state...

Posted: 2007-06-18 12:56pm
by phred
nice pad. and yeah a microscopic studio cost more than that here in the Bay Area

Posted: 2007-06-18 12:58pm
by Vendetta
House prices in Sweden are crazy low compared to the rest of the world.

My flat's nowhere near as nice, it's in a pretty rough area (calm compared to Nottingham's real shitholes, but still rough), and it's £325pm. (~$650).

Posted: 2007-06-18 02:56pm
by General Zod
Shit, I'm in a somewhat decent neighborhood, but at $615/mo my 1 bedroom apartment isn't quite as modern as that one is. (Plus, most of my furniture I picked up second hand on the cheap. And I'm still adding furniture slowly). If I still had a digital camera I'd show off some of it.

Re: Show of your home

Posted: 2007-06-18 05:10pm
by Enigma
Faram wrote:<snip>50m"2 3000kr/ $400us/m in rent and 4000/kr $560us /m to the bank in mortage. Not to bad and I live 15min from Stockholm city square.
Is that a condo? Because that is the only way I can wrap around $400 in rent and $560 mortgage payment.

Re: Show of your home

Posted: 2007-06-18 05:30pm
by Faram
Enigma wrote:Is that a condo? Because that is the only way I can wrap around $400 in rent and $560 mortgage payment.

Bought it for 780 000kr ~$110 000us, not so long ago the sold an identical for 1 200 000kr or ~$167 000us, so I am a happy camper.