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Unbelievable space painting

Posted: 2007-06-21 02:05pm
by Darth Wong

Posted: 2007-06-21 02:08pm
by Mrs Kendall
That's fucking crazy! I want one!

Posted: 2007-06-21 02:09pm
by Aaron
That is amazing.

Posted: 2007-06-21 02:09pm
by SirNitram
The only word that describes my thoughts is zounds.

Posted: 2007-06-21 02:12pm
by rhoenix

Holy shit. Not bloody bad for 60 seconds.

Posted: 2007-06-21 02:36pm
by CaptHawkeye
That's fucking crazy. I wish I was that good.

Posted: 2007-06-21 04:09pm
by Soontir C'boath
That's awesome! :D

It plastered a smile on my face and that's uncommon to say the least.

I checked their website and these go for at least $30. :shock:

Posted: 2007-06-21 04:31pm
by weemadando
Holy crap!

Posted: 2007-06-21 05:12pm
by YT300000
I was sort of blankly staring until he removed the circular object and revealed the planet, then my jaw just dropped. Truly amazing.

Posted: 2007-06-21 05:24pm
by aerius
Holy shit! I've watched it several times now and I still have no idea how he did it. This is the most awesome thing I've seen today.

Posted: 2007-06-21 05:52pm
by Surlethe
I saw a guy spray-painting like that in Rome. He was just sitting on the side of the street spray-painting on big sheets of art paper. It took him a good fifteen minutes to do that sort of painting, though; seeing it done in sixty seconds got my jaw to drop. I didn't realize he was finished with it until it displayed the finished painting after the movie finished rolling.

Posted: 2007-06-21 06:42pm
by Temjin
There's a guy who does that here at The Forks. Exact same technique. Picked up a small one a couple of years ago for 20 bucks. Don't know if he's still doing them, though.

It's impressive, but not as impressive once you know more about it. These guys basically have a set number of pictures (maybe a dozen), that they'll do over and over again, with various variations. Once you do the same picture 70 or 80 times, you're going to become quite fast at it.

It's still impressive though. And I have to admit, the finished product looks great.

Posted: 2007-06-21 08:00pm
by fusion
At first I was wondering what he was doing, but by the end I was shocked. That is amazing, I want to do that...

I still want one despite what you said Temjin. :evil:

Posted: 2007-06-21 09:17pm
by Ford Prefect
So here I was thinking it was just random spraying.

Then, like Nitram, I could only say zounds.

Posted: 2007-06-21 09:27pm
by Howedar
I've seen a similar video before, higher detail painting that took maybe five or ten minutes.

It's not exactly the classiest art in the world (more like something you might see on the hood of an old full-sized van), but it looks nice. I like it. The paint time is, of course, very impressive.

Posted: 2007-06-21 10:49pm
by Shogoki
I actually have 2 space landscapes made with this technique, my favorite has a type of a domed Emerald City with a planet and a distant sun on the background, I got them made on order from a street performer on a trip to Mexico City about 15 years ago, took him probably 5-10 mins each, that was the first and last time i saw this technique until now, it's still amazing to see.

Posted: 2007-06-22 12:05am
by Havok
I've been waiting all day to watch that, as the site is blocked at work... well worth the wait!

Posted: 2007-06-22 02:53am
by wautd

Posted: 2007-06-22 04:33am
by Mange
Wow. That's pretty neat.

Posted: 2007-06-22 07:30am
by phred
I recognized what the artist was doing and where he was going , but it was still fascinating to watch. its like my brain refused to put the pieces together until the end

Posted: 2007-06-22 08:46am
by Zaia
Cool stuff. I like how, of the 60 seconds it took to make it, the last 3 or 4 were just him signing it. :D

Posted: 2007-06-22 09:40am
by Zed Snardbody
Go to Freemont Street in vegas. Its awesome to watch these guys work.

Posted: 2007-06-22 11:40am
by Dooey Jo
In Gothenburg, I saw a guy who also could spray paint crazy fast. I wanted to buy a painting of a comet, and thought that I would get one of those he had laying around, but instead he made a new one. I was a bit concerned because I was in a hurry to the opera, but then he whipped it up in probably less than a minute :shock:

So that was good, except they smell while they are drying...

Posted: 2007-06-22 11:47am
by Insert Username Here
I love videos like that the remind me I'm a no-talent hack. :)

Very, very cool.