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I never realized this about Paris Hilton... Pic heavy

Posted: 2007-06-26 12:41pm
by Superman
Since the media has once again decided to forcefully shove Paris Hilton up all of our collective rectums, I found myself seeing pictures of her... once again. But I noticed something today. Check this out:

Here we have everyone's favorite celebritard in all her vile, disgusting glory.




It's amazing how she manages to capture the appearance of an anorexic junkie in each one of these. When I see her typical pictures like this, I find myself wanting to vomit.
BUT today I saw pictures of her leaving jail. Look what happens when she doesn't wear the whore paint.




I can't believe I'm saying this, but she's not bad looking in the last pictures. If she could come down to earth and humble herself a little, she could be an attractive person.

Posted: 2007-06-26 12:47pm
by Bounty
Meh. She was cute before all the surgery and she does a bit look better au naturel, but still...skinny, sickly and artificial.

Posted: 2007-06-26 12:53pm
by Superman
Bounty wrote:Meh. She was cute before all the surgery and she does a bit look better au naturel, but still...skinny, sickly and artificial.
I'm not saying she's even in the ballpark of my type, I'm just saying that's an improvement.

And I agree; she's way too skinny. I like curves, and I think most guys probably would agree.

Posted: 2007-06-26 01:11pm
by The Spartan
I've seen a couple pictures of her from before having surgery and she was an attractive young woman. She had a pretty face at the very least; couldn't see her body.

Makes me wonder if there was a particular reason, aside from her apparently severe psychological issues, that she might have had for getting it done. Though I'm betting there weren't.

Posted: 2007-06-26 01:17pm
by Bounty

For reference. That's the damage a plastic surgeon can do. I don't know if the first one was partway through her rebuild or before it, but it gives an idea of just how much she messed up her face.

Posted: 2007-06-26 01:33pm
by tim31
I love a blonde hair/dark eyes combo, so I have to admit she's appealing.

Publicity mission accomplished then.

Posted: 2007-06-26 01:47pm
by Darth Wong
The face isn't the problem. It's the eyes. They look dead.

Posted: 2007-06-26 01:51pm
by rhoenix
Darth Wong wrote:The face isn't the problem. It's the eyes. They look dead.
That's it, really.

If you look closely at the pic Bounty was good enough to post, that's the biggest difference between the old and new her, aside from all the superficial differences - she really does look like she either died or gave up her soul.

Posted: 2007-06-26 02:09pm
by Cosmic Average
rhoenix wrote:That's it, really.

If you look closely at the pic Bounty was good enough to post, that's the biggest difference between the old and new her, aside from all the superficial differences - she really does look like she either died or gave up her soul.
To me she looks stoned out of her mind.

Posted: 2007-06-26 02:15pm
by Superman
Not only do her eyes look dead, but they look like the eyes of a person with a particular chromosomal abnormality...

I think I could get past the eyes, but the stick figure is a kill. No boobs, no ass... I've seen healthier looking corpses.

Posted: 2007-06-26 02:18pm
by Big Phil

Posted: 2007-06-26 02:18pm
by Superman
The Spartan wrote:I've seen a couple pictures of her from before having surgery and she was an attractive young woman. She had a pretty face at the very least; couldn't see her body.

Makes me wonder if there was a particular reason, aside from her apparently severe psychological issues, that she might have had for getting it done. Though I'm betting there weren't.
The odds of her having something like an eating disorders are probably much higher than average. Eating disorders have to do with self image; people become obsessed with the way they look. Younger celebrity women are in one of the highest risk groups, and her ex best friend is anorexic as hell.

Posted: 2007-06-26 02:23pm
by Shinova
For me its the dead eyes, and the face gives off waves of haughty and arrogant.

Posted: 2007-06-26 06:16pm
by Solauren
rhoenix wrote: she really does look like she either died or gave up her soul.
So, Hollywood is not only recycling old and dead movies, there doing it with people now?

I knew it!

Anyway, I agree. She looked much nicer prior to her plastic surgery.

Now, she's just tall, skinny, and quite frankly unhealthy looking.

Posted: 2007-06-26 06:38pm
by Lord Woodlouse
Her face has always evoked Terry Fuckwitt to me for some reason.

Posted: 2007-06-26 06:48pm
by J
Superman wrote:Not only do her eyes look dead, but they look like the eyes of a person with a particular chromosomal abnormality...
Years of heavy drug abuse will do that to a person.

Posted: 2007-06-26 10:57pm
by Superman
J wrote:
Superman wrote:Not only do her eyes look dead, but they look like the eyes of a person with a particular chromosomal abnormality...
Years of heavy drug abuse will do that to a person.
Right, but I was implying she looks more like someone with Down's Syndrome... but I would never insult them like that, so I take it back.

Posted: 2007-06-26 10:58pm
by RogueIce
She doesn't look too skinny on the after jail photos. Her boob size isn't all that big, but she does appear to be a fairly healthy weight from what I can tell (but then I'm hardly an expert).

Maybe 23 days of jail food did her some good?

Posted: 2007-06-27 12:07am
by Spin Echo
J wrote:
Superman wrote:Not only do her eyes look dead, but they look like the eyes of a person with a particular chromosomal abnormality...
Years of heavy drug abuse will do that to a person.
I was wondering if the fact she's been forced to be clean for a month is why she's looking healthier.

Posted: 2007-06-27 12:48am
by Dalton
She doesn't look dead or arrogant or anything like that to me. What those eyes say is "I am a very, very stupid person".

Posted: 2007-06-27 03:38am
by loomer
Without all the bullshit flooding her system and the makeup, she could be reasonably attractive if she took on a healthy lifestyle. Until then... Eh.

Posted: 2007-06-27 03:59am
by Meest
RogueIce wrote:She doesn't look too skinny on the after jail photos. Her boob size isn't all that big, but she does appear to be a fairly healthy weight from what I can tell (but then I'm hardly an expert).

Maybe 23 days of jail food did her some good?
It's been reported she actually lost weight, but without the makeup her boney-ness isn't as ridiculous. How someone looks more homely at 5'7ish and barely 100 pounds is beyond me though.

Posted: 2007-06-27 01:51pm
by Superman
Spin Echo wrote:
J wrote:
Superman wrote:Not only do her eyes look dead, but they look like the eyes of a person with a particular chromosomal abnormality...
Years of heavy drug abuse will do that to a person.
I was wondering if the fact she's been forced to be clean for a month is why she's looking healthier.
I would take that bet.

Posted: 2007-06-27 06:26pm
by RogueIce
Meest wrote:It's been reported she actually lost weight, but without the makeup her boney-ness isn't as ridiculous. How someone looks more homely at 5'7ish and barely 100 pounds is beyond me though.
Really? Shit, I obviously need work at photo interpretation then. She looks less thin in the pics Supes posted... :?

Posted: 2007-06-28 01:58am
by The Yosemite Bear
Damn I thought those were all pics of courtney love....