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Military Advertisements

Posted: 2007-07-01 12:37pm
by Bertie Wooster
This one is hilarious:

This one is damn good:
Czech Army

I'm confused about this one; Scotland has it's own Army?
Scottish Infantry

Anyone else know any interesting ones?

Re: Military Advertisements

Posted: 2007-07-01 01:09pm
by Aaron
Bertie Wooster wrote:
I'm confused about this one; Scotland has it's own Army?
Scottish Infantry
It's probably referring to Scottish Territorial Army units in the UK.

Posted: 2007-07-01 01:16pm
by Aaron
The Canadian Forces, ones are really good. This video has both current ads in one.

Posted: 2007-07-01 02:30pm
by Keevan_Colton
Scottish Infantry refers to the infantry units from Scotland.

Posted: 2007-07-02 12:13am
by ray245
Singapore's ads are pretty good, though it's mainly for show..

Air force

Army ... ed&search=

Posted: 2007-07-02 12:48am
by Lisa
Cpl Kendall wrote:The Canadian Forces, ones are really good. This video has both current ads in one.
I thought there were a couple more ads at that time... I remember they all stirred up controversy with the people who think our forces should be wet nurses and targets.

Re: Military Advertisements

Posted: 2007-07-02 04:45am
by Vympel
Bertie Wooster wrote:This one is hilarious:
Wow. That's just blatant.

"Chicks will dig your BTR-80."

Ok .... I mean, I'm sure that's true ... but .... :lol:

There's some Russian Army (professional, that is, not conscript- obviously) ones on youtube as well. They're pretty standard though (ie do cool stuff, fire guns, get a hot girlfriend, wear a cool uniform ...)

Posted: 2007-07-02 04:47am
by Vympel

Posted: 2007-07-02 05:41am
by Lord Woodlouse
The Scottish Infantry one is exactly the same as the Mechanised Infantry ad we had.

Posted: 2007-07-02 06:36am
by K. A. Pital
Chicks will dig BTRs. Proven. :lol:

Posted: 2007-07-02 10:45am
by Aaron
Lisa wrote:
I thought there were a couple more ads at that time... I remember they all stirred up controversy with the people who think our forces should be wet nurses and targets.
These are the only two I'm aware of and have seen. We usually only have a limited number of ads at once. Heck we only had the same one ad for years.

Posted: 2007-07-02 12:39pm
by Feil
I've always been fond of that first Canadian Forces ad. It manages an incredible level of honesty. A nice change from "Join the Army, where everybody likes you and you get hot chicks, cool uniforms, and giant war machines to play with!"

Posted: 2007-07-02 01:17pm
by Aaron
Feil wrote:I've always been fond of that first Canadian Forces ad. It manages an incredible level of honesty. A nice change from "Join the Army, where everybody likes you and you get hot chicks, cool uniforms, and giant war machines to play with!"
I believe the recruiting drive right now is going for straight up honesty. Although you should always be on your guard when you talk to a recruiter, things have changed now that they've made it it's own trade. It's gone the way of, "join up and you'll do dangerous and exciting things but you'll have some interesting stories to tell your grandchildren". Of course this doesn't appeal to a great many people and recruiting has suffered because of it. But lets be honest, the Army doesn't need jackasses that joined up for the education benefits but rather people that are willing to fight. We've had less of a problem with that than the US but I've run into a few while I was in that joined up just for the free trades training and didn't want to do anything.