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Pictures from Chile (56k warning)

Posted: 2007-07-15 01:39am
by The Grim Squeaker
Well, I finally got around to filtering down the the very few photos that are among the best I took in my AMAZING trip to Chile, (South America).

Tge following are a mere 8 of the photos (selected with help from Zaia [Thanks Z]) and for more check out:

Dan's Chile set on Flickr, 23 of the better photography that I took in Chile

Reflected mountain 1

Reflected mountainscape 1

The Amazing Torres Del PAine. Reached suddenly after a long hike, it simply spring up from behind a wall of rubble, one of the most beautiful, indescribable things I have ever seen. (It's in my top 6 :D).
My puny digi-cam couldn't do it justice (Same with the glacier field which isn't shown "here").

Close flower

Petals from the tree

a quickr pickr post

If you liked this, I hope you'll enjoy my complete (Albeit filtered set) of Chile Photos located Here on Google web albums where you can download it (Though all rights are reserved)

Posted: 2007-07-15 03:16am
by Mange
Wow! It's very beautiful!

Posted: 2007-07-15 04:04am
by Shroom Man 777
Yes. And I am happy that some of those mountains still have snow :)

Posted: 2007-07-15 05:13am
by salm
Sounds great. How were you traveling? Backpacking?

Posted: 2007-07-15 02:41pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Yes. And I am happy that some of those mountains still have snow :)
Have You seen the picture of the Glacier field in the full Set?

The guide told us how 4-6 YEARS ago the Ice was far, far further ahead (As in, See the icebergs at the head of This Lake?. That fucking far).
We saw 4 separate large chunks fall away over the course of 40 minutes.
Anyone denying Global warming after a visit to the Glacier fields in Chile (And melting mountains) needs his damn head examined.
It should be said though, that boat trips drinking Pinto sours with freshly crushed & picked Glacier Ice is delightful :P

Chile has a bit of an Ozone hole problem (one of the reasons for the amazing water shades), though with plans to dam up the 3d greatest White water rafting river on Earth (The Futa Le Fu) for more hydropower, they're trying to do something before turning into char-broth.

Thanks for the comments, and tell me how you like the linked to pics :D