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AU Fighter for StarWars RP

Posted: 2007-07-19 09:12am
by Zwinmar
Not sure if this is were I put this, but I need critisism on it. (on a side note all sw tech is available included the latest wank from EU ..just no cloaking device)

For the picture I am useing the Eta-2 though the nose would be enclosed. But I suck at trying to modify pictures.

Craft: Blitzkrieger Engineering Division Zeta-1x Prototype Interceptor
Type: Ranged Interceptor Starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 6.47 meters
Height: 2 meters
Width: 4.23 meters
Weight: 18.7 tonnes fully loaded
Fusion power supply with a 4 week duration at normal output
Crew: 1
Shield: "skin tight' Ray/Particle
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20 kilograms
Consumables:1 Week
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None (can use TransGalMeg Hyperdrive Booster Ring, also the Markan's cargo bay)
Nav Computer: No; Astromech programmed with 5 jumps
Atmospheric Speed: Mach 12 (9,137 mph/4084 m/sec)
Sensors: Hardened against thermal and ECM, HuD, Ground Fire Support, Standard Starfighter
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (capable of: single, duel, quad and stutter fire modes)
Fire Arc: Front
Atmosphere Range:2.5 km
4 Heavy Repeateing Blasters
2 Concusion Torpedo Launchers
Fire Arc: Front

2 Novaldex J-77 Event Horizon Engines with vectored thrusters.

Zwin, created, with the help of the Engineers at Blitzkrieger Industries out of Caleigh, a starfighter with unique characteristics.

Only a Jedi pilot would be brave enough to fly an Zeta-1X into combat. That's not to disparage its capabilities; rather, it is a very advanced high-performance craft that devotes most of its system resources to pure speed and power.

In compressing -- yet increasing -- the performance of the Delta-7 into a frame no bigger than an airspeeder, Kuat engineers faced many challenges. Key among them was overheating. A sophisticated system of pumps, heat sinks and extendable radiator wing panels help draw heat away from the Zeta's miniature reactor.

Additionally, insteased of the Delta-7 engines he utilized the engines from an A-wing: as well as upgradeing to an A-wings computer systems.Twin Novaldex J-77 Event Horizon engines push the tiny craft through realspace, giving it phenomonal sublight speed and performance. Though its Microaxial LpL computer worked hard to make the powerful vessel controllable, only the best pilots can take full advantage of the A-wing's velocity and weapons systems. He also incorporated articulated stabilizer foils to assist in maneuverability. The main vectored thrusters included articulated mounts that allowed for greater aerial agility.

The Weapon systems are different even than either of the crafts parents, holding two heavy laser cannons in addition to four heavy repeating blasters (2 in each wing) as well as two concusion torpedo launchers (holds Six Torpedoes).

To compensate for the heavier weapons, power generator and shields the frame has been reenforced as well as the nose being enclosed for better aerodynamics.

Special: Easily fits within the Markans Cargo Hold
** the Heavy Laser Cannons and Heavy Repeaters fire blue bolts.

Posted: 2007-07-20 10:35am
by The_Saint
I've never been great at critiquing made-up ships...

but this:
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (capable of: single, duel, quad and stutter fire modes)
seemed odd... Two laser cannons that are capable of quad fire?? Initially I thought this was your total armament but then I noticed the Repeating Blasters. I suggest your weapons list have a little tweaking for ease of reading.

Posted: 2007-07-21 11:29am
by Zwinmar
doh yeah, I originally had a different loadout and forgot to change that

Posted: 2007-07-25 07:14pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
If I may be so bold...

where is it?

Posted: 2007-07-26 08:26pm
by Zwinmar
still trying to figure out how to load it up to these forums actually. Though the picture itself is no were near complete. I just dont have the skills necissary to modify the picture.

What I have so far

I need to enclose the gap between the two nose forks but cant figure out how[/url]

Posted: 2007-07-26 08:41pm
by Starglider
Current image:


That is a spectacularly awful hosting place you've got it on.