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More STGOD Starships, Crazy Paint Action

Posted: 2007-08-17 01:58pm
by Thirdfain
Here's a bunch of steampunk capital ships from my nation in STGOD6, ripped wholeheartedly from China Mieville's excellent Perdido Street Station series of novels, and placed in deep space. Oh yes, those ARE smokestacks. The main guns are magical cannon which use thaumaturgy to drastically increase the energy efficiency of the propellant charges. Point defense guns are living golems which crank their own gatlings- it's all quite silly.


Next, here's the first of a series I'm working on of the warships of the Polish Republican Star Fleet, for the currently operational STGOD: Dead Artist's Society. The big bulb in the back holds the ship's reactor and drive assemblies, the one in the front is for weapons and maneuvering jets. There are 12 PD clusters, and 24 laser mountings. The main railguns, in 2 quad mounts and 2 triple mounts, fire guided missiles for a long-range punch. This ship is supposed to largely act as an escort for fleet carriers.

This vessel's hull is set to parade colors, in combat it would be a uniform matte black.


Thoughts? Comments? Criticisms? Praise? I'd love to hear it.

Posted: 2007-08-17 02:20pm
by rhoenix
Looks good, though I confess to a small amount of envy - I'd like to try to bring all my ship designs from my mind's eye and into some form of art program.

Perhaps I'll try later on today, and see how they come out.

But, regardless - your designs look good, and I like having visual aids to go along with what's happening.

Posted: 2007-08-17 02:27pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Your ships make my nipples hard, Thirdfain. Very Dreadnoughts-in-Space feel to them as well.

Also, I recommend PNG or GIF for line drawings such as this; JPEG blows incredible amounts of chunks.

Posted: 2007-08-17 03:19pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I suck at collors.. I wonder..

Cpould I get a "request" for a pixelted version of my own STGOD starships?


other ships

Posted: 2007-08-17 03:42pm
by Havok
Damn, those are fucking cool. :D I wish I knew how to do that.

Posted: 2007-08-17 03:58pm
by Thirdfain
havokeff wrote:Damn, those are fucking cool. :D I wish I knew how to do that.

It's easy. You use paint, and you zoom in, and you go pixel by pixel.

Posted: 2007-08-17 04:23pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Unless you have never done pixel Art and grew up with Illustrator and Vectors.. which is fine for drawing! but hard to do color.,

Posted: 2007-08-17 06:17pm
by Thirdfain
More stuff: Two escorts, a frigate (the smallest ship in my arsenal,) and a destroyer, the most powerful type of escort I field.


Posted: 2007-08-17 06:23pm
by Starglider
Here's a plan view one of my BBs:


In 3D it would look somewhat like an open-lattice version of this:


Sadly I doubt I will have time to draw any more any time soon.

Posted: 2007-08-17 10:02pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Heres a quick Crude version of one of my BB from the side.. just doing this made me realize how hard drawing their organic smooth forms are... Its a PAIN


Posted: 2007-08-17 10:33pm
by Starglider
I am curious what the purpose of a) the 'neck' section connecting the forward and aft hulls of the Polish BB and b) the 'wings' on the UISC BB is?

The Kiro design is partially because you don't see open-lattice structures very often in visual sci-fi, and partly because the Cygnus from The Black Hole looked awesome. The neutronium reactors are mostly stolen from Schlock Mercenary.

Posted: 2007-08-17 11:35pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Purpose? I originally concieved those back when I was 18, The "purpose" at the time was cause I htought the looked cool!

In truth my reasonly was, more surface area = more places to put guns! My old images had those wings PLASTERD with Phaser blisters and turrets... :P

Really all those old designs need a serious makeover..

Posted: 2007-08-17 11:56pm
by Starglider
Crossroads Inc. wrote:In truth my reasonly was, more surface area = more places to put guns!
Now that's HAB thinking. All HAB spacecraft shall have wings and dangerous-looking fins - to serve as mounting surfaces for more guns!

Though having the turrets mounted on lots of spines, gantries and outrigger pods would probably be more sensible.

Posted: 2007-08-18 12:11am
by Crossroads Inc.
This is SO cool!

I was talking to friend of mine about wanting to remake my ships and stuff, and just out of the BLUE he comes back to me a few hours later with these:


Friggen Sweet!

Posted: 2007-08-18 10:42am
by Thirdfain
Starglider wrote:I am curious what the purpose of a) the 'neck' section connecting the forward and aft hulls of the Polish BB and b) the 'wings' on the UISC BB is?.
The neck is to act as a lever for the manuvering thrusters in the fore hull. There's a cluster of them in the very front of the ship, and the long neck gives them more leverage to move the whole shebang. It's a similar concept to the Starfury from B5 with it's 4 engines on wings.

Posted: 2007-08-18 06:40pm
by Thirdfain
Ahem, I've finished some more- I've now done all the escorts in the Fleet, from frigates all the way up to light cruisers.


The two new designs are an EW frigate designed to support larger vessels in fleet actions, and a light cruiser armed with heavy missile armament- she's designed to have a large throw weight but only for a brief period of time cause there's not a lot of room for ammo in a light cruiser.