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Scif/Fantasy Motivational Posters *Pic Heavy*

Posted: 2007-08-20 04:20pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Ok, I admit it, I love the Motivational Poster Generator

I'd like this thread to be a way to showcase some of my best and favorites, and I encourage other folks to post theirs too. Just be sure to host your pics somewhere, as the one generated by the site won't last.

And now...






Let the poster making begin!

Posted: 2007-08-20 04:57pm
by Instant Sunrise

Screenshot is one I took in FSX

Posted: 2007-08-20 06:52pm
by Bladed_Crescent
Here's three:




Posted: 2007-08-20 07:33pm
by Black Admiral

Source image here.


Source image here.

Posted: 2007-08-20 09:14pm
by Civil War Man
Some Lord of the Rings-themed posters




And my personal favorite (in spite of the blurry photo)

Posted: 2007-08-21 02:06am
by Superman
Sorry, couldn't resist...


A couple of non fantasy oldies...




Posted: 2007-08-21 02:20am
by Havok
Hope you guys don't mind, but for some reason these two pics just popped into my head when I saw this thread. :D



Posted: 2007-08-21 02:24am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Here's the ones I made for the old thread of a similar nature, which I'm rather pleased with (40k theme, obviously):







Posted: 2007-08-21 03:46am
by Hotfoot
Bladed_Crescent wrote:Here's three:

I need to know what that is from. Those ships are made of awesome.

Posted: 2007-08-21 04:26am
by Sriad
Great, though only sci-fi as a stretch:


Posted: 2007-08-21 04:57am
by Companion Cube
Hotfoot wrote: I need to know what that is from. Those ships are made of awesome.
Some guy called Coolhand on sci-fi meshes dot com.

Posted: 2007-08-21 05:23am
by Hotfoot
3rd Impact wrote:
Hotfoot wrote: I need to know what that is from. Those ships are made of awesome.
Some guy called Coolhand on sci-fi meshes dot com.
You are god among men. Thank you.

Posted: 2007-08-21 06:29am
by Vympel
Wow. Love the Russians in space stuff.

Posted: 2007-08-21 07:33am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Vympel wrote:Wow. Love the Russians in space stuff.
Fourthed! That was really awesome and full of win. :D

Posted: 2007-08-21 07:45am
by Starglider
If anyone hasn't seen the Star Trek motivational posters collection yet, well, go do so, they rock. My favourite is:


Posted: 2007-08-21 10:39am
by AirshipFanboy
Starglider wrote:If anyone hasn't seen the Star Trek motivational posters collection yet, well, go do so, they rock. My favourite is:

I love that site!

Posted: 2007-08-21 12:13pm
by Chardok

Posted: 2007-08-21 01:38pm
by Bladed_Crescent
Vympel wrote:Wow. Love the Russians in space stuff.
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Fourthed! That was really awesome and full of win.
Coolhand does amazing work. He's got more images of Allied and Soviet ships then are shown in that gallery, but they were on his site and it's been down for a month of Sundays. I'm always waiting for him to crank out another picture. In any case, here's a few more:



Because my edit-fu is weak, this ended up chopping off the title: Outgunned: "You will fight 'till the last ship!"

Posted: 2007-08-21 03:00pm
by Ted C

Posted: 2007-08-21 04:06pm
by Lord Poe

Posted: 2007-08-21 04:11pm
by Chardok
Am I the only one who thinks Lord Poe strongly resembles a perfect 50% hybrid of Stephen King and James Hetfield?

Posted: 2007-08-21 05:46pm
by Lord Poe
Chardok wrote:Am I the only one who thinks Lord Poe strongly resembles a perfect 50% hybrid of Stephen King and James Hetfield?
Somebody (Was it Dalton?) said I looked like the lead singer for Godsmack.

Posted: 2007-08-22 07:40am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Bladed_Crescent wrote:
Vympel wrote:Wow. Love the Russians in space stuff.
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Fourthed! That was really awesome and full of win.
Coolhand does amazing work. He's got more images of Allied and Soviet ships then are shown in that gallery, but they were on his site and it's been down for a month of Sundays. I'm always waiting for him to crank out another picture. In any case, here's a few more:
Do you have a link to his website? Is it still down?

Posted: 2007-08-22 09:56am
by Bladed_Crescent
Do you have a link to his website? Is it still down?
Afraid so; I managed to snurch a handful of pics from it before it went down, but not all of them.

Thissite has a couple pics of his that aren't on Sci-Fi Meshes, but none of those older Allies vs. Soviets stuff, unfortunately.

I knew I should have gotten the Vostok when I had the chance....

Posted: 2007-08-22 02:05pm
by Frank Hipper
Eh, I did this one a long time ago....
