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Plant Monsters

Posted: 2007-08-31 02:02pm
by Starglider
I finally cracked and uploaded some stuff to DeviantArt (it's like the new Livejournal! Buckets of ***INTERNETZ DRAMA*** and no <strike>writing</strike> artistic talent required to join the party!). So now I will inflict on you some of my old sketches of enemies in RPs I GMed.

Excessively complicated plant-cyborg-jackal-crocadile-bird-thing - with LASER FLOWERS OF DOOM


Plant monster reverting from an anthro fox form to its natural form (excellent for freaking out yiffy furries)


If this was a D&D style fantasy world I would definitely be one of those mad mages with magical breeding pits churning out an endless stream of bizarre hybrid monsters for no good reason.