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Nice Ron Paul picture (Star Wars reference)

Posted: 2007-10-08 10:21am
by Warsie
I found this on infowars; wanted to show this with you guys. It is really nice. Though it makes him look like Tarkin. What do you think. (about the picture; not Ron Paul's chances/etc but if you want to go ahead and tell me anyway)


Posted: 2007-10-08 10:31am
by Masami von Weizegger
Last time I was in Chicago, Ron Paul was a bit of a joke and not without reason, I suppose. I wonder if things will be different when I go back in a week?

I'm wondering if the Tarkin-esque look is not deliberate. :lol:

Posted: 2007-10-08 10:33am
by Dartzap
Whose this fellow then?

Posted: 2007-10-08 12:35pm
by Ma Deuce
Dartzap wrote:Whose this fellow then?
Libertarian-leaning Republican representative, and candidate for the GOP presidential nomination. One of the few Republicans to vote against the Patriot Act and the Iraq war, and the only Republican presidential candidate to openly argue that American foreign policy instigated 9/11 and that the US should rethink it's interventionist policies. In the past, he once ran for President as the Libertarian candidate.

As a libertarian many of his views wouldn't jive with those of this board, and he also holds many socially conservative views (i.e, he's pro life) but he's by far the least offensive of the candidates vying for the GOP nomination (and also happens to be trailing most of the pack). I personally wouldn't compare him to Tarkin though.

Posted: 2007-10-08 03:07pm
by Zed Snardbody
Pro life libertarian.......Image

Posted: 2007-10-08 06:50pm
by Warsie
Masami von Weizegger wrote:Last time I was in Chicago, Ron Paul was a bit of a joke and not without reason, I suppose. I wonder if things will be different when I go back in a week?
Actually I saw some of his campaign signs in rural Illinois south of Interstate 80 after the Bishop Ford Expressway ends and becomes a US route. Anyway he raised more money than McCain
I'm wondering if the Tarkin-esque look is not deliberate. :lol:
ditto; I was wondering about that :?:
Ma Deuce wrote:snip
I knew about his "pro-life" stance; but IIRC his platform is basically the regular libertarian freedom small-government idea.

Posted: 2007-10-09 01:36pm
by Ma Deuce
Zed Snardbody wrote:Pro life libertarian.......Image
While he personally opposes abortion, it seems his political position is to let the states regulate it one way or another within their own jurisdictions, which fits into the rest of his ultra-small government/libertarian platform.