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I open the first-in-Siberia urban decay photo-expo (no 56k)

Posted: 2007-10-09 12:25pm
by K. A. Pital
Well, last 10 days were a blast since I have opened a photo-exposition of urban decay photos from around Russia in my hometown of Omsk. It's the first such expo in Siberia and it gathered quite an attention in the media.

With a budget of ~30,000 roubles (around 1,1K USD) it took me half a year to amass the required funds on my own, but I tightened my belt (so did my fiancee) and we pushed through with this large event that made us totally bankrupt financially until the 9th of October - but morally satisfied.

A totally uncommercial venture done in full accordance with V.I. Lenin's quote "Art must belong to the people", it included a grand opening with free alcohol (absinthe + vodka&cranberry) at the 4th of October and a music performance of a Dark Ambient/Dark Electro band AINOMA - with free entrance - at the 7th of October.

The exposition includes over 50 works of urban explorers, stalkers and inflitrators across Russia - from Europe to Siberia to Yakutia...

Decay Aesthetics website - look here for several sample author works!

A mad raider from a postnuclear future - that's me:
Another mad raider with the red industrial armband:
They're hellbent on destruction after coming out of the Vault:
One of our Dark Ambient musicians feels a deadly touch: :lol:
TV reporters:
Welcome to an industrial spirit - cog-formed bocals of absinthe and cranberry vodka put upon my very personal 1987 Soviet flag:
Two industrial infiltrators:
A large mass of people (around 150 in a 50 square meter hall):
I give an opening speech in which I hail the 10th anniversary of Fallout, explain the beauty of urban exploration, stalk and dark ambient, praise Tarkovsky's movie "Stalker" and briefly mention the game of the same name.... lament the downfall of Russian industry... and welcome everyone to the exposition of a post-apocalyptic Russia (all photos are 200x).
My fiancee is ready to mete out severe repression against any bourgeois critics.
Sky Fox, the chief webdesigner and also an author, celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Fallout, pondering the post-nuclear future.
Tolich, our "PR-manager" and my former classmate. We made a joint venture to an abandoned international airport complex in Omsk for the exposition.
The fight starts...
And ends... with me losing and my mobile falling to the floor...
Jadus - a darkwave studio manager, a musician and a photographer. He's scary:
He and our post-nuclear mannequin Willie:

Posted: 2007-10-09 12:30pm
by Shroom Man 777
Dude, that is cool. Oh, and good luck on your whole venture. Man, a museum curator! That's so awesome!

Posted: 2007-10-09 01:16pm
by salm
Congrats on the exposition. The images in the web site are really cool.
I love the whole urban exploration thing.
I´ve only done it once myself. I went draining with a couple of friends in the drain of Ulm. After two km you can enter an abandoned jazz bar which is only accessible via this drain and it´s got an old air-raid shelter in the basement.
However, i imagine Russia to be a paradise for urban exploring.

Posted: 2007-10-09 01:37pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Looks like a LOT of geeky fun :D . Funny that I never realized that you were a Fallout fan before, feel free to use my spare shelter when the bombs hit (Although we're keeping the bio-gear and chem-toilet in our shelter, we do have a duty to outbreed your shelter full of only the most attractive women, an Excellent idea, no? :P )

Posted: 2007-10-09 02:20pm
by Phantasee
Why is this in Testing? Put it in AMP!

ps your fiance is gorgeous :wink:

Posted: 2007-10-09 02:23pm
by K. A. Pital
Ah well, me bad... I guess I got used to posting photos in Testing. If someone moves that to AMP, I'd be most grateful. :)

Posted: 2007-10-09 04:08pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Looks cool comrade. What did the news people say?

Posted: 2007-10-09 07:21pm
by Frank Hipper
This is indeed far too prestigious for a hive of scum and spamminy like Testing.

Posted: 2007-10-09 07:34pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Dude, your fiancee looks totally hot in that uniform. :)

Posted: 2007-10-09 08:08pm
by NeoGoomba
That looks pretty sweet, both from an artistic perspective, and a geek one haha.

Did you advertise it much, or were you hoping for word-of-mouth to attract visitors?

And, more importantly, has Bethesda asked you and your posse to become Fallout 3 models? :P

Posted: 2007-10-09 09:28pm
by K. A. Pital
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:What did the news people say?
Blah blah postapocalypse blah Chernobyl blah expo... something like that.
NeoGoomba wrote:Did you advertise it much, or were you hoping for word-of-mouth to attract visitors?
Free advertisment - TV news, free-printed posters. Worked good enough :)

Posted: 2007-10-09 09:46pm
by NeoGoomba
Stas Bush wrote: Free advertisment - TV news, free-printed posters. Worked good enough :)
Yes, that I can see. Congrats man.

Posted: 2007-10-09 10:22pm
by Pollux
My fiancee is ready to mete out severe repression against any bourgeois critics.
You owe me a new keyboard now. :P

Quite awesome expo there. I like the flag.

Posted: 2007-10-09 11:05pm
by Imperial Overlord
Beautiful Stas. I'm glad it went well.

Posted: 2007-10-10 02:39pm
by Alferd Packer
Gonna have to get my wife to translate the site for me. At the risk of sounding like a pretentious asshole, I've always been fascinated by images pf urban decay (like certain structures in the old East Berlin and Dresden). Very nice stuff! For the images on the site, is there any way I could get more information about them (where and when they were taken, etc.)?

Also, fiancee = hot. Jebus, they sure grow 'em pretty in Siberia.

Posted: 2007-10-16 04:57am
by PeZook
Alferd Packer wrote:Gonna have to get my wife to translate the site for me. At the risk of sounding like a pretentious asshole, I've always been fascinated by images pf urban decay (like certain structures in the old East Berlin and Dresden). Very nice stuff! For the images on the site, is there any way I could get more information about them (where and when they were taken, etc.)?

Also, fiancee = hot. Jebus, they sure grow 'em pretty in Siberia.
Slavic beauty for ya :D

Excellent exposition. The creepiness of the pictures is eerily fascinating. It makes go touch...the...monolith ;)

Posted: 2007-10-16 10:34pm
by Spice Runner
Fuckin awesome Stas. Sad to see the decaying structures of the once mighy Soviet state. At the same time eerily fascinating

Posted: 2007-10-16 11:09pm
by Sephirius
