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Pic request

Posted: 2007-10-17 03:25pm
by Chardok
Hey, one of your bored mofo's do me a favor.

Can you geniuses cobble together a pic that includes all four of the following people:

Brad Pitt
George Clooney
Denzel Washington
Matthew Mcconoughey (SP?)

needs to be 1024X768 or more.

Yes, I'm serious.

needs to be work appropriate and not stupid. (Like pasting brad and matt's head to Gabe and Tycho in a PA strip)

It's for a co-worker of mine who is bonkers for those guys and her desktop is just...well, it's so sad it makes me cry.

Posted: 2007-10-17 04:03pm
by Bounty
First attempt. GIMP said "fuck it, I'm above this" and took a dump all over the image.


The second version sorta works, but I don't know what sinks your buddy's battleship and frankly I can't be arsed to look at these people any longer.


Posted: 2007-10-17 04:06pm
by Bounty
It looks like Clooney and the idjit are checking out Mconnasomehting while Washington wonders when he gets to leave. This was not intentional.

Posted: 2007-10-17 04:14pm
by Chardok
Sweet! Thanks, Bounty!

Posted: 2007-10-17 04:16pm
by Bounty
I feel dirty now.