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Want A Truck?

Posted: 2007-10-19 01:39pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Want THIS truck?

I could sell this house (which isn't mine) and just live in it. Too bad it can't transform to smite my enemies.

Now to wait for someone to soup up their custom MH-53...

Posted: 2007-10-19 02:44pm
by Starglider
Bleh. I preferred the original cab-over optimus.

Posted: 2007-10-19 06:09pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Yes, it is odd having Optimus with a "snout", but I learned to love the new American design as well. So until I see an original Prime with decal clad trailer, this is the only Autobot leader on the market.

Be a while before we see a similar thing for Starscream.

Posted: 2007-10-19 07:57pm
by NeoGoomba
We should all sell a kidney and chip in.

We can call it the "SDN Totally Fucking Awesome" Ride, and I can crash it into my office in a whirlwind of ecstacy and joy.

Valdy, shotgun is yours if you want it.

Posted: 2007-10-19 08:20pm
by Phantasee
Oh man, I was talking about this the other day. We have a few 378s and 379s in my uncle's fleet and two in ours. I want to get a 379 in blue, and paint the red flames on it. Put my name under the window, Optimus Prime on the hood (small letters forward of the air filters) and take off the Peterbilt badge on the front and stick on an Autobrand. The bumper would need to be shorter for our work, but that's just flash anyhow.

That would be a total chick magnet.

Posted: 2007-10-19 08:22pm
by Phantasee
Actually, on closer inspection, the rear fenders would have to be changed as well. I couldn't pull an end-dump tandem or triadem with those on it.

Re: Want A Truck?

Posted: 2007-10-20 11:06am
by J
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Too bad it can't transform to smite my enemies.
Too bad it runs on diesel instead of Energon, otherwise we'd be all set for the post-oil world. Of course, it would help if we had some Energon...

Posted: 2007-10-20 01:21pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Find a prototype Ford Nucleon and steal the reactor pile. Not quite Energon, but not diesel either.

Posted: 2007-10-20 09:26pm
by Darth Servo
The seller needs to change his username to "ladysman217" :P

Posted: 2007-10-21 02:21am
by The Yosemite Bear
now what would happen if the autobots got ahold of an XB-Falcon Interceptor?

Posted: 2007-10-21 03:00am
by Ford Prefect
The Yosemite Bear wrote:now what would happen if the autobots got ahold of an XB-Falcon Interceptor?
Now we're talking.

Posted: 2007-10-21 03:03am
by The Yosemite Bear
glad you liked that concept

though since Jazz got killed, what would the Autobots do with a token Aussie?

Posted: 2007-10-21 06:39am
by Executor32
Purdy, but the colors are a little off and the sleeper is too tall. The latter is just because it's a 379 and not a 378, though.