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Freak Mercenaries

Posted: 2007-10-23 11:06am
by Shroom Man 777
From/for my DINO EATER fic.


Grr...I can't seem to be able to go beyond sketchy blurry looking things. I like sketchy and blurry, but still.

I like how it turned out though.


If anyone can provide some link to some for of simple Photoshop tutorial, I'd be really grateful.

Posted: 2007-10-23 05:50pm
by Sidewinder
I see references to Vamp from 'Metal Gear Solid 2' (the guy in the trench coat, whoever he is), Sam Fisher (the sniper), and Spider-Man (Arachnid-- I like the costume). Overall, it's cool.

Posted: 2007-10-23 06:59pm
by Ford Prefect
Sidewinder wrote:I see references to Vamp from 'Metal Gear Solid 2' (the guy in the trench coat, whoever he is)
That's Ted Coleman - the Bloodsucker! Also, The Slinger is totally Revolver ocelot.

Posted: 2007-10-23 07:21pm
by Crazedwraith
Ford Prefect wrote:
Sidewinder wrote:The Slinger is totally Revolver ocelot.
Hmm. I don't see it. Sure he's good with the shooty-shooty. But otherwise he's pretty much an on the level 'I work for money' Mercenary kinda guy. Whereas Ocelot's most famous schtik is not the revolver but the xanatos roulette of conspiracy and backstabbage.