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Some Stuff

Posted: 2007-10-25 08:56pm
by Kanastrous

Posted: 2007-10-26 11:07am
by Shroom Man 777
Dude, you are incredible! I haven't got a uterus, but I want your baby! :D

Posted: 2007-10-26 11:44am
by Chardok
Ha! I knew I should be starstuck! Man, Kanastrous, that is really awesome! Thanks so much for sharing these! I hope there is more to come (If you're authorized to share, that is.)

Again, Thank you!!!

Posted: 2007-10-26 12:06pm
by Kanastrous
Well, thanks, you're very kind!

Posted: 2007-10-26 05:45pm
by Alan Bolte
*Reads imdb page.* Dude, you were a Drazi? Kickass!

Umm, nice art-dump, too.

Posted: 2007-10-26 05:48pm
by Kanastrous
I was an airsick Drazi.

Barfing in Jerry Doyle's lap was the high point of the show, for me...

Re: Some Stuff

Posted: 2007-10-26 06:10pm
by Cosmic Average
Kanastrous wrote:From my hard drive at work...
Do you have a bigger version of the Ennis-Brown House Interior? It looks cool.

Posted: 2007-10-26 06:16pm
by Kanastrous
I have a higher-res file on another drive.

Those are actually frames from an animated fly-through.

Posted: 2007-10-26 06:37pm
by Uraniun235
Woah woah woah woah WOAH

That is AWESOME. Any chance of higher-res version of that? (I loved Seaquest.)

Also, did you make these?

Posted: 2007-10-26 06:41pm
by Kanastrous
Yes; I designed sets for the pilot, was a playback-graphics designer/animator for seasons 1-2, and playback supervisor for season 3.

Posted: 2007-10-26 07:03pm
by General Zod
Uraniun235 wrote:
That is AWESOME. Any chance of higher-res version of that? (I loved Seaquest.)
Seconded. Higher res would be neat.

Posted: 2007-10-26 07:08pm
by Kanastrous
The original frames were 640x480 (or 704x480).

I'll see about putting them up.

Posted: 2007-10-26 07:10pm
by Chardok
are you allowed to tell us what you're working on currently? (Or better yet, SHOW us?) *puppy dog*

Posted: 2007-10-26 07:22pm
by General Zod
Kanastrous wrote:The original frames were 640x480 (or 704x480).

I'll see about putting them up.
You could always put them in a zip archive and use rapidshare for ease of sharing. :D

Posted: 2007-10-26 07:36pm
by Tasoth
What art proggie did you use for the mechanical drawings? Or were they done by hand and scanned in?

Posted: 2007-10-26 08:05pm
by Kanastrous
The drawings are all hand-work, except for the two 'G-Force' illos, which were modeled in Lightwave and rendered in Sketchup.

Posted: 2007-10-27 05:02am
by Uraniun235
Kanastrous wrote:Yes; I designed sets for the pilot, was a playback-graphics designer/animator for seasons 1-2, and playback supervisor for season 3.
Holy shit, that is AWESOME!

Man, I love the sets in season 1, especially the bridge. That's my favorite bridge of all televised sci-fi. The animations on those big screens really contributed a lot as well.

Were those just big rear-projection screens they used for the large displays?

Posted: 2007-10-27 12:43pm
by Kanastrous
Yeah, the big displays up front were rear-screens fed by Eiki LCD projectors. The smaller displays were direct-view LCDs and - briefly - we had a hemispherical 'navigation display' fed from underneath by a smaller projector. The side-displays were also rear-screen setups.

I only did bits and pieces of the bridge; the control console units (and there's a horror story...), the dolphin tank, and the VR Probe control station.

The Moon Pool/Sea Deck was my main set.

I also liked the look of the bridge, a lot, but it always struck me as weird, having this enormous unbraced volume of space, in a submarine, inside a pressure hull. But hey, it looked cool, and it was just a tv show...

Posted: 2007-10-27 03:01pm
by Hawkwings
I saw the sniper system and accessories, including the "sniper snacks". That made me laugh.

Incredible work dude! What are you doing now?

Posted: 2007-10-27 03:39pm
by Kanastrous
I'm Art Directing on a Bruckheimer feature, "G-Force," at Culver Studios.

And, as you can see, I'm in my office, on Saturday.


Posted: 2007-10-31 01:12am
by Kanastrous
Some more stuff...


moved up the page, to keep stuff together...

Posted: 2007-10-31 02:41am
by Shroom Man 777
Gasp! The One! I am Nobody's Bitch!

Did you come up with that awesome font in The One as well?

Posted: 2007-10-31 11:16am
by Kanastrous
Oh gawd...there's a story surrounding that font...

The short version: it's a commercially available font; comes with any one of a number of font collections.

I worked together with the Graphic Designer, creating those backlit panels (he did about half of the individual panels; I did about half) and that font was *his* the Production Designer walks by, looks at the font, sez he likes, it, and the Graphic Designer says something like, yeah, I created that font! The PD nods, walks off, and an hour later is at my desk, asking did so-and-so *really* create that font, it being obvious that he knew damn well that it was off-the-shelf, and the GD was snowing him.

So I mumbled something about it being, like, a basic commercial font that the guy had adapted, or something...

That Graphic Designer does not work, any more. No mystery, why.

He had also created most of the control-panel graphics for the Quantum Tunneler Machine itself, and convinced the producers that, well, they should put him in costume, and he should play the operator, since "the controls are laid out with a certain logic, and he can't teach an extra to work them and make it look real."

So during a take where Jason Statham yanks the operator away from the console, so as to get at the controls, he gets a little too into it, and basically flings the guy face-first into the wall of the set, hard enough that he had to go to the medic with a bloody nose and take the rest of the day...

...but he's in the movie!

Posted: 2007-10-31 12:20pm
by Shroom Man 777

That is so awesome. Well, sucks to be him. At least he's...well, not famous. Damn!

Posted: 2007-10-31 01:46pm
by Uraniun235
I only did bits and pieces of the bridge; the control console units (and there's a horror story...),
Can it be story time please? :)