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Is Anyone "Vlogging"?

Posted: 2007-10-26 04:32am
by Lord Poe
Does anyone here vlog on Youtube or elsewhere? When I first joined Youtube, I couldn't care less about vloggers. I just wanted to share my silly movies. Lately, I really started getting hooked. I finally decided to give it a shot myself:

No idea how long this will last. Or what "opinion" I'll have next.

Posted: 2007-10-26 10:28am
by Alan Bolte
It seems to repeat the first 25 seconds.

Posted: 2007-10-26 11:31am
by Lord Poe
Alan Bolte wrote:It seems to repeat the first 25 seconds.
I started again after my cell phone interrupted.

Posted: 2007-10-26 03:48pm
by Spyder
A suggestion, don't do what every other vlogger does and have hours and hours of footage of yourself talking into a camera. Make good use of those editing skills of yours and mix it up with some visual aids or footage of...stuff when you're trying to make a point.

Posted: 2007-10-26 05:09pm
by Lord Poe
Spyder wrote:A suggestion, don't do what every other vlogger does and have hours and hours of footage of yourself talking into a camera. Make good use of those editing skills of yours and mix it up with some visual aids or footage of...stuff when you're trying to make a point.
Already on it. I've been digging up old videotape of my friends and I, vacation vid I made with Rosie, etc. I'm looking for one video my friend Ray and I made of us freezing to death in 30 degree weather in Pasadena waiting for a Howard Stern booksigning!

THe LAST fucking time I'll ever do that.

Posted: 2007-10-26 05:10pm
by Lord Poe
BTW, I now have video evidence to show Rosie that she really does call at the most inopportune times!

So, anyone else?