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New Robot: Maxim Hands...

Posted: 2007-11-05 02:45pm
by TheMuffinKing


Posted: 2007-11-05 02:49pm
by Dartzap
is there a reason why it has a tea flask under one arm?

Posted: 2007-11-05 02:54pm
by TheMuffinKing
She's English?

Posted: 2007-11-05 02:56pm
by Kanastrous
Nothing rounds off a nice morning maxim-gunning your enemies, than a nice cup of tea. It's about preparedness.

Posted: 2007-11-05 02:56pm
by Dartzap
That would indeed also explain the cheese cutter head. :)

Posted: 2007-11-05 04:26pm
by Zablorg
That looks really cool. But what's with that wierd posture? She looks like she's going to fall over...

Posted: 2007-11-05 04:39pm
by TheMuffinKing
I got bored and wanted to draw a pose like that.

Posted: 2007-11-05 04:41pm
by Kanastrous
It kind of works as a shooting-around-a-corner pose.

Posted: 2007-11-05 08:41pm
by loomer
It works best if you imagine her wearing a pair of skates. With speed lines.

Posted: 2007-11-05 10:00pm
by Shroom Man 777
Now that's the way to draw them! Wild bombastic poses! Action, flashiness! Daring and boldness!

Even if your way of drawing lines and shades and angles and machineguns and tea kettles hasn't changed, the sheer body posture greatly improves your art by more than 9,000 midichlorianoid quatloos!

Posted: 2007-11-06 11:27am
by Redleader34
We made the ultimate robot from England, the Final Fusion of machine and british additude... MARGET TATCHER TRON!

Posted: 2007-11-06 12:08pm
by Kanastrous
Shroom Man 777 wrote:the sheer body posture greatly improves your art by more than 9,000 midichlorianoid quatloos!
So how's the midichlorianoid quatloo standing against the US Dollar right now...?

Posted: 2007-11-06 12:46pm
by TheMuffinKing
Thanks all, but especially Shroom Man, for the humorous quotes!