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RRoan's Art Thread (Not recommended for 56k)

Posted: 2007-12-07 08:26pm
by RRoan
Just something I've been working on for a while now.

WARNING: 389KB 1601x4000 IMAGE

It's a fair bit better than the last thing I posted here. :)

Posted: 2007-12-07 08:35pm
by Zor
Einy, Consider yourself officially outdone.


Posted: 2007-12-07 09:46pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Yup. Saw it a few weeks ago. Hawt. :D

Posted: 2007-12-07 11:00pm
by RRoan
The best part? I can accurately say that seeing Ein's work is what got me into pixel art. :o

Posted: 2007-12-07 11:07pm
by Havok
Cool. That is one huegnormousspacegun. :lol:

Posted: 2007-12-08 03:13pm
by TheMuffinKing
I'm glad you put some stuff in for scale. This is huge! Very nice work.

Posted: 2007-12-08 03:38pm
by Phantasee
If I could get a job working on a relativistic cannon, I would be very happy.

Posted: 2008-01-16 07:33pm
by RRoan
Update! It now has some RCS thrusters (there are also some at the bottom, not just the ones at the top).


Posted: 2008-01-16 10:54pm
by Shroom Man 777
I wonder what Einy thinks about having a smaller space cannon than a girl :lol:

Posted: 2008-01-16 11:19pm
by Sidewinder
May I assume the cannon is mounted on a space station? Otherwise, those projectiles are awfully small in comparison to the weapon's size.

There's a Freudian joke in there somewhere, I just can't find it.

Posted: 2008-01-17 05:22am
by Ford Prefect
Sidewinder wrote:May I assume the cannon is mounted on a space station?
The cannon is a space station unto itself.
Otherwise, those projectiles are awfully small in comparison to the weapon's size.
Remember that when you're dealing relatavistic velocities, even tin cans can become megaton range bombs. Those projectiles are as big as a house.

Ultimately, I'd think that most of the cannon's mass is in engines in order to counter the incredible recoil.

Posted: 2008-03-22 10:24pm
by RRoan
Well, since I'm working on more than one thing at this time, I decided to just re-name this thread and stick all my artsy stuff in here instead of just making a thread for every project I'm working on. Most notable among my non-huegnormousspacegun projects is this, a modern-day battleship.


As you can see, it's still a work in progress, so any feedback people might have is nice. Also, it's currently lacking a name. Thoughts?

Posted: 2008-03-23 06:45am
by Shroom Man 777
I can't wait for the completed image, RRoan :)

Posted: 2008-03-26 02:52pm
by RRoan
Minor update.

Posted: 2008-03-29 01:15pm
by RRoan
Well, one of my numerous side projects is a Pluto SLAM ripoff.


Not much to show so far, but I want to be sure of all the details before I get to the shading. Chief amongst those details being how it deployed nukes. I know that it could drop multiple nuclear devices, but from my research I haven't been able to figure out how it was supposed to go about doing so, the location of said systems, etc. Help would be appreciated.

Posted: 2008-03-29 01:25pm
by Shroom Man 777
I think it launched its submunitions from its dorsal side... if I recall that documentary right.

Posted: 2008-03-29 01:37pm
by Sidewinder
The battleship is off to a good start. I didn't notice any funnels, though. Is it nuclear-powered?
RRoan wrote:Not much to show so far, but I want to be sure of all the details before I get to the shading. Chief amongst those details being how it deployed nukes. I know that it could drop multiple nuclear devices, but from my research I haven't been able to figure out how it was supposed to go about doing so, the location of said systems, etc. Help would be appreciated.
This site, from the company that actually developed the SLAM, should provide the answers you want.

Posted: 2008-04-28 10:06pm
by RRoan
Well, I haven't updated this in quite a while, both because of lack of inspiration and because real-life concerns have kept me away from a computer for a while. Anyways, I decided to redo the reactor, since it was pitifully small. Now it's not.

Since it's still heavily WIP, there's lots of wasted white space. You have been warned.

Posted: 2008-04-28 11:05pm
by Kanastrous
Tasty stuff.

Posted: 2008-05-09 08:15pm
by RRoan
Well, I've got a fairly major update on the battleship.



Posted: 2008-05-30 10:42pm
by RRoan
You probably guessed already that if I posted in this thread there's an update. Well, you'd be right. I got rid of the shading until I can be assed to do it right, I redid the helicopter (I kept in the old one to show the difference), added a UAV, and started getting into the detailing.


I also switched to photobucket and I'm really loving how you can arrange your pictures.

Posted: 2008-05-31 04:14am
by Shroom Man 777
The devil is in the details and mang, from the big guns to the CIWS to the safety rails to the cruise missile launchers to the anchors!


Posted: 2008-07-13 01:59am
by RRoan

Not planning on shading it. Feel free to use it, although it's always nice to credit the artist.

Posted: 2008-08-17 04:59pm
by RRoan
More updates to the battleship.
And one with all the stuff tacked on:

Note the guy on the bow for scale.

Posted: 2008-08-17 07:01pm
by Ford Prefect
I love it. Great detail work, RRoan.