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Sunshine Soundtrack Request

Posted: 2008-01-16 02:01am
by Stravo
After some intense searches I find out that the Sunshine movie OST was never released. It was done by a band called Underworld and some of the music in this movie was simply awe inspiring. I listen to music like this when I write and have to organize my thoughts and I simply MUST have the music from this movie in particular a cue many fans are calling "Surface of the Sun"

To give you some idea of how beautiful it is I provide a Youtube link. Take a listen, give it a minute as it is a slow build up but you will not regret it and perhaps the more...resourceful ones of you may find a way to provide me with a manner in which to have this song on my iPod.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Surface of the Sun

Posted: 2008-01-16 03:45am
by El Moose Monstero
There is out there on the internet somewhere a few tracks that people have put together by carefully dubbing out speaking parts from the film sound, and as far as I can tell, they're playable and half way decent.

If you send me a PM with whatever receiving email address you want me to send some mp3 files (that are certainly nothing to do with this thread at all) to you (I think I only have 3), I'll fish the totally unrelated files off my HD. I don't know whether they'll be at the quality level you want, but you can have a look.

Posted: 2008-01-16 09:51am
by Shroom Man 777
Sunshine, mang. It's a totally awesome movie. It's like...aside from the characters, it's the stunning visuals and the music. It's like watching an opera or something.

On an unrelated note, I would like to get some of these "3mp" files as well.

Posted: 2008-01-16 10:02am
by Stravo
Its one of those movies where upon first viewing you sit there and think "Something deep just happened here." and you notice the music immediately because it gives this movie so much of its soul. Its like a transcendental religious experience listening to it and how it captures the spirit of these 7 people desperately trying to restart the sun and Capa's frustration as he falls down and gets back up again and leaps across that chasm, shit, it sends such shivers up my spine. If only I could write something like that.

If you are so inclined there is also a technical commentary track from the lead physicist who was the scientific adviser on this film. I learned more about the universe, big bang theory and the heat death of the universe in the 2 hour track than I have in many articles and documentaries. One nice little factoid, the universe is 3 degrees above absolute zero - the still dwindling after effects of the explosive Big Bang. I mean, doesn't that just fucking blow your mind? The entire universe is still warm from the explosion 15 billion years ago.

He is also obviously an atheist and responds with derision at the religious nut figure in the movie and his blind adherence to faith, talking to God, etc.

I'm not going to say it was an awesome movie, there were obvious problems, plot holes and contrivances, etc but damn if I'm still not riveted by the music and thinking over some of the themes of the movie. Definitely worth a gander if you're looking for a thinking man's sci fi film a la 2001.

Posted: 2008-01-16 10:22am
by Shroom Man 777
I guess it's similar to Blade Runner where it's not just the (convoluted/whatever) story or plot that's the main gist, but also the scenery and the sound. It's meant to be an immersing experience that conveys emotion and pseudophilosophical stuff that makes you go "Hmmm...." rather than stuff like Armageddon.

Armageddon also has an imperfect story but also has awesome scenery and explosions, but conveys...well, it's an awesome brain-dead movie. I found both Sunshine and Armageddon enjoyable for the exact opposite reasons.

My email's by the way. Send me those so-called 3mps.

Posted: 2008-01-16 12:23pm
by Aaron
Sounds alot like some of the tracks from Cosmos, I don't know if anyone here listens to that but I love it.

Posted: 2008-01-16 01:03pm
by Stravo
This seems to be the best version of the cue I can find out there. Anyone know how to craft an mp3 from a youtube clip? And many thanks for those who have contributed, I have those clips playing in loops on my computer as I work today. You have all made me more productive.

Posted: 2008-01-16 01:09pm
by TimothyC
Stravo wrote:This seems to be the best version of the cue I can find out there. Anyone know how to craft an mp3 from a youtube clip?
First use YoutubeX to extract the FLV (flash Video Files), then feed it into SUPER and select an Audio Out format. I'm doing it right now, and I can get you the file if you want.

Edit: I've got it done, and I can PM you the URL where I've put it.

Posted: 2008-01-16 01:13pm
by Stravo
MariusRoi wrote:
Stravo wrote:This seems to be the best version of the cue I can find out there. Anyone know how to craft an mp3 from a youtube clip?
First use YoutubeX to extract the FLV (flash Video Files), then feed it into SUPER and select an Audio Out format. I'm doing it right now, and I can get you the file if you want.
Many thanks. PMing you my email address.

Posted: 2008-01-17 05:20am
by Shroom Man 777
Gentlemen, thank you.

Posted: 2008-01-18 05:17pm
by Admiral Valdemar
There is a bootleg score, if interested I can send it you. It's basically the movie's score extracted via an analyser from the DVD, so there are some bits that might not be brilliant with some interference, but otherwise the tracks like "Surface Of The Sun" (or the first time that's used, "What Do You See?") are perfect.

Unfortunately, I've been checking up on the official site since the movie was released last spring and they said John Murphy (he was the composer after all) and Underworld were putting together an OST for a summer release to coincide with the US theatre release. Summer came and went.

I fear like Transformers, another odd case, we may have a great soundtrack that is not released until a mass petition is formed. Both were odd cases, given Jablonsky has released major motion picture scores before (Steamboy, The Island) as has Murphy who always works with Boyle (28 Days Later, The Beach).

The bootleg-cum-rip is good though and whoever did it gave the tracks good names to boot. Certainly better than the YouTube clip I had of "Surface of the Sun" on my phone for a while.

Actually, I recall this same problem with Stealth which while a so-so popcorn flick, had a great score which I only accidentally stumbled upon at Xmas and I really only wanted for one track, but ended up loving it all. They always prefer releasing a shitty tie-in album with pop or rock music that has no relevance whatsoever to the movie.

EDIT: D'OH! Should read the thread next time. Apologies. But least it's good to know even more people want this score released and get goosebumps from the visuals and music in that scene with Capa and the countdown (though Kaneda's is great too).

I was disappointed Pinbacker's quote from the trailer wasn't in the movie though.

"Nothing survives. Not your parents. Not your children. Not even stars."

Anyone notice the massive Icarus image on the front of the inner shield when the ship finally gives up the ghost and dies? That was a nice touch.

And Stravo, don't recall if the CERN physicists mentioned on the DVD commentary, but static from an untuned TV is basically the remnants of the Big Bang you can see. Films and facts like that really make me humble.

Dammit, Murphy, release this!

Posted: 2008-01-19 12:12pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Forgot, the theme during the sending of the last message and for the very last scene sounds very much like some of the tracks in 28 Days Later and "An Ending" by Brian Eno for Traffic. Beautiful piece, just wish it was longer.

Posted: 2008-01-20 07:38pm
by Androsphinx
The only thing I remember about the soundtrack was the backing over the final credits, which sounded exactly like an NHS MRI scan.

Posted: 2008-01-20 07:58pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
I would appreciate an emailing of these completely unrelated files, should anyone happen to have any.