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Nerdiest Song Ever

Posted: 2008-01-26 02:35pm
by Alyrium Denryle
PCR Song

Yes. it is a song about polymerase chain reaction

Posted: 2008-01-26 03:05pm
by Bounty
When I clicked the link, I was expecting something closer to this.

That's... wow. It almost makes biology cool, in a very uncool way.

Posted: 2008-01-26 03:15pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Oh you did not bitch! *gay Z snap* Biology is the coolest subject in the universe

Posted: 2008-01-26 04:18pm
by Steel
By FAR the geekiest song in the world

Posted: 2008-01-27 04:34pm
by Metatwaddle

Posted: 2008-01-28 10:35am
by Alferd Packer
Submitted for your consideration: the song about kill -9.

"I dismount your girl and then I mount /proc!"

Posted: 2008-01-28 02:09pm
by Vanas
I'd go either for MC Hawking's Entropy or anything by John Coulton. Especially The Future Soon.