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Vader is comming to America

Posted: 2008-03-08 10:59pm
by Zed Snardbody

Posted: 2008-03-08 11:57pm
by Havok
That's pretty good, but there is a better one IMO that uses Jones from ALL his movies. There is an AWESOME line when he is confronting Leia and he yells at her for being in Detroit, shacked up with Willie the Pimp. Then he tells her to get her black ass outta there and the Stormies take her away. :lol:

Posted: 2008-03-09 12:46am
by Darth Servo
Mildly amusing. They could do much better if they wouldn't limit themselves to just one other JEJ part. Include lines from Hunt for Red October, Lion King, Conan etc.

Posted: 2008-03-09 01:31am
by Coriolis
Darth Servo wrote:Mildly amusing. They could do much better if they wouldn't limit themselves to just one other JEJ part. Include lines from Hunt for Red October, Lion King, Conan etc.
You mean like this?

Posted: 2008-03-09 03:24am
by Havok
Coriolis wrote:
Darth Servo wrote:Mildly amusing. They could do much better if they wouldn't limit themselves to just one other JEJ part. Include lines from Hunt for Red October, Lion King, Conan etc.
You mean like this?
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's the one I was talking about! "Your mama's goin' on a date." :twisted:

Posted: 2008-03-11 04:11am
by Executor32
Ahhh HA! :lol:

I never tire of seeing this video. The second one would've been even better, methinks, if they had used the proper reverb (or however it's done) to make it sound just like Vader.