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What Adorns Your Planar Surfaces? (56k Warning)

Posted: 2008-03-16 09:09am
by Admiral Valdemar
I'm finally getting stuff to make my walls less bare. It's not quite like my ickle uni flat, where I literally used posters as wallpaper, but I've got loads of all new ones. Just need to ship more older ones in. Anyway, shit that tells people my geek is showing.
What about you lot?

Posted: 2008-03-16 09:54am
by tim31
Heh, I hadn't seen that Grommit HMV one before :D

Posted: 2008-03-16 10:15am
by Admiral Valdemar
They were giving them out free last year for a limited time, so I went and got one. They should do a model figurine too. I need more things to put on top of my main telly (to go with Blackout, the High Wind and Faye Valentine :P ).

Posted: 2008-03-16 02:50pm
by El Moose Monstero
My camera is knackered, but my walls are rather dull anyway

- several pictures of my g/f and I from the Pride and Prejudice photo shoot thing I got her for Christmas, a painting she did of us, that sort of thing.

- a funky drawing Pick did for me a few years ago of a moose monster

- a volcano (of course)

The main feature however is a large print of what I think is a fairly limited edition A2 poster of the cover art of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds. I worship at the alter of eBay.

Posted: 2008-03-16 04:28pm
by Admiral Valdemar
The porter of the Thunder Child scene? I wish I had one of that given how great the paintings are. I did used to have family and friends up in photos, but I haven't got the selection I had in my flat and could do with newer shots anyway.

Plus, takes more such photos to cover the walls than does take movie posters. :)

Posted: 2008-03-16 05:17pm
by El Moose Monstero
Admiral Valdemar wrote:The porter of the Thunder Child scene? I wish I had one of that given how great the paintings are. I did used to have family and friends up in photos, but I haven't got the selection I had in my flat and could do with newer shots anyway.

Plus, takes more such photos to cover the walls than does take movie posters. :)
Yeh, it's pretty damn awesome, I did used to have the poster of the FSM talking to Adam ala Sistine Chapel on my wall as well, but my g/f complained that I had too many freaky posters on my walls. So I shifted that one off to work instead, where it now worries the lecturers adjoining my office. :D One of them tried to censor it with a delicately placed post it note, so I called her an art hating fascist.

Posted: 2008-03-16 05:23pm
by Havok
Admiral Valdemar
You should get some frames for those.

Posted: 2008-03-18 01:02pm
by JME2
I stopped using posters a few years back. All I've got is wall scrolls.


Hanging directly above my comics hardcover shelf is the wall scroll from DC based on Doug Mahnke's cover to JLA # 61.


Directly opposite from my desk and hanging above my bed are two anime scrolls from Sakura Taisen (left) and Neon Genesis Evangelion (right).

Posted: 2008-03-18 08:55pm
by FSTargetDrone

I found this framed collection of mission patches from Apollo 7 to Apollo 17 at my old grade school tag sale about 20 years ago. They are sealed in the frame and on the back, in pencil, is written:

"Valley Forge
January 7, 1973"

I live in Pennsylvania (where Valley Forge is located, for those who don't know) but other than that, I know nothing else about the collection.

The patch in the center on the bottom is not a specific Apollo mission patch. It reads:

"General Electric Transatel Terminal
Apollo Spashdowns"

Sorry about the bad angle. It's hanging pretty high up on the wall here.

(Edit: moved the picture to one of my real image hosts, as Tiny Pic seems to be shooting blanks)

Posted: 2008-03-19 06:11pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Interesting. I need to find my patch collection, they all seem to still be with my parents. My 7th Cavalry one used to be on our lounge door, while I had a US Coastguard and RAF fighter squadron ones around along with assorted aircraft patches.

I would frame the pictures my dad took of Lightnings, Victors and so on when stationed at RAF Akrotiri in the early '70s, but that might go against national security. :lol:

Posted: 2008-03-19 06:21pm
by FSTargetDrone
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Interesting. I need to find my patch collection, they all seem to still be with my parents. My 7th Cavalry one used to be on our lounge door, while I had a US Coastguard and RAF fighter squadron ones around along with assorted aircraft patches.

I would frame the pictures my dad took of Lightnings, Victors and so on when stationed at RAF Akrotiri in the early '70s, but that might go against national security. :lol:
That sounds like quite a collection!

I know it's slightly blurry, but I especially like the Apollo XII patch, (2nd row, on the right). It's a sailing ship orbiting the moon. :)

Anyway, I like that "Mind Warp" poster you have there. The spinning... it's... hypnotic...

Posted: 2008-03-19 06:30pm
by Admiral Valdemar
The Mind Warp one freaks most people out. They know their brain is doing it and it's not a hologram, so they go mad. I find it hilarious, myself. I should buy dozens and wallpaper the house with them.

Posted: 2008-03-19 07:59pm
by Uraniun235
I can get the warp effect to stop, if I look at it right.

I'll get some pictures of these eventually... that said:

My bedroom has Mr. Bean in mid-jump, an abstract painting one of my uncles brought back from Mexico, and a big beaver. The entrance to my bedroom has a copy of an X-ray of my entire skull posted above it.

My computer room has various game posters, including Klingon Academy, Supreme Commander, Ultimate Doom, Independence War... and a postcard for DEFCON. Oh, and the marriage license telling me I was authorized to marry a couple last year. The entrance to said room has a "Fallout Shelter" sign posted next to it.

I've also got two posters on order currently; one of them for Galaxy Express 999, and the other for Space Pirate Captain Harlock. Those are immediately going into the computer room and into the most prominent places available.

Oh, here's the Fallout Shelter sign:


Yes, the wall on the right side there is incredibly bare. That's because it serves as the screen for my projector.

Posted: 2008-03-19 08:37pm
by FSTargetDrone
Uraniun235 wrote:Oh, here's the Fallout Shelter sign:
Grr, I want that sign.

Actually, I know where there is one in particular, attached to a certain wall near the front doors of a certain school in a certain part of Philadelphia I am particularly familiar with. If I had no compunctions about stealing it, it would be in my hands so fast... Well, and assuming I wasn't thwarted by the police.

No doubt there are other signs like that around the city, but it's the only one I remember seeing.

Posted: 2008-03-19 09:43pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I want a biohazard sign and I know where to get them. But if I took them, strangers may suddenly find themselves being unprepared for what lies in the room the sign once guarded.


Posted: 2008-03-20 10:00pm
by J
Wide angle view

View from a nearby bridge and Merrimack Caverns

Calender and cars

Gateway Arch and an airplane

Posted: 2008-03-22 08:49pm
by Phantasee
What good is a fallout shelter if you're sharing it with Uraniun? :?

Posted: 2008-03-23 02:38am
by Havok
Dude. Clean your room.