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The Most Dangerous Footpath in the World

Posted: 2008-05-30 12:42pm
by Big Orange
Here is footage of a very crooked, high and perilous mountain path somewhere in Spain and in an advanced state of disrepair.

And the crazy bugger who filmed this walked the full length of it without any harness gear. :shock:

Posted: 2008-05-31 12:13am
by Adrian Laguna
I wasn't impressed at first, I've walked mountainside dirt footpaths so narrow I had to push vegetation out the way. Then he got to the collapsed parts...

Posted: 2008-05-31 01:08am
by darthdavid
I'm generally pretty good with heights but man...

Posted: 2008-05-31 02:32am
by Hawkwings
The most amazing part of that was the fact that there were other people there.

Posted: 2008-05-31 08:32am
by Broomstick
I always wonder how those sorts of paths get made in the first place.

Also, I keep thinking "this looks like something out of one of the Myst games" - anyone else get that vibe?

Posted: 2008-05-31 12:09pm
by Oskuro
And Wikipedia provides an answer: Linky

My fear of heights has suffered all throughout the video, although I guess the frequent cuts were made to hide the guy re-attaching his harness (as you can see some other guy doing).

If I ever was proposed to do that, I'd reply with a FUCK YOU! of Epic proportions.

Posted: 2008-05-31 04:47pm
by Tasoth
Our camera man was not using a harness, as seen where he passes up the guy in the harness. He doesn't stop to disconnect and go around him, he just trucks on by. That being said, when he walks acrossed the beams, that's horrifying to me.

Posted: 2008-05-31 05:11pm
by Mr Bean
I mean fuck, I'm not the best man for heights, I do just fine working aloft since that's artifical, I don't think "this rope could fail and I'll die"

But Fuuuuucccckkk, I had to stop watching the video a few times for Vertigo to wear off, it looked like a fucking FPS level by some retarted level designer with a mania for jumping puzzles, not an actual open to the public path.

Posted: 2008-05-31 05:16pm
by Bounty
not an actual open to the public path.
It's not open to the public. Not officially anyway.

Posted: 2008-05-31 07:09pm
by Faabio
That was quite something. Nice wievs and everything. Not something I would do, so thanks for the video.
Broomstick wrote: Also, I keep thinking "this looks like something out of one of the Myst games" - anyone else get that vibe?
Reminded me of Ico and Shadow of the colossus more but then again I have'nt played any of the Myst games.

Posted: 2008-05-31 10:50pm
by Ayrix
How did this guy not fall straight through the concrete from the weight of his iron balls?

Posted: 2008-06-01 04:36am
by Death from the Sea
Ayrix wrote:How did this guy not fall straight through the concrete from the weight of his iron balls?
I think the sheer amount of stupidity the guy had with him would have caused it to collapse. That ain't brave, it is just dumb.

Posted: 2008-06-01 06:59am
by Mr. Coffee
Ayrix wrote:How did this guy not fall straight through the concrete from the weight of his iron balls?
Pretty simple. He exchanged the Iron Balls for light weight Titanium Cojones.

Posted: 2008-06-01 10:56am
by Oskuro
Tasoth wrote:Our camera man was not using a harness, as seen where he passes up the guy in the harness. He doesn't stop to disconnect and go around him, he just trucks on by.
Maybe he wasn't wearing it the whole time? I just found it curious that there were many cuts, and some of them were before crossing some of the more dangerous sections (wouldn't blame the guy for, you know, not wanting to die).

In fact, I thought the line on the wall was an improvised handrail of sorts until they guy came across someone using it to attach a harness. Not as insane as it seemed at first, but pretty suicidal, nonetheless.

Posted: 2008-06-01 02:07pm
by LadyTevar
I think they switched cameramen at some part. The second half, after crossing the pipe-bridge, was a lot shakier, and you saw the cameraman's feet more as he crossed the path.

Posted: 2008-06-01 10:30pm
by Kitsune
To be honest, it does not seem that bad....I remember trails where the rocks under you always feel like you are about to slip and slide

Posted: 2008-06-02 03:03pm
by salm
LordOskuro wrote:
Tasoth wrote:Our camera man was not using a harness, as seen where he passes up the guy in the harness. He doesn't stop to disconnect and go around him, he just trucks on by.
Maybe he wasn't wearing it the whole time? I just found it curious that there were many cuts, and some of them were before crossing some of the more dangerous sections (wouldn't blame the guy for, you know, not wanting to die).
Maybe he just edited out the boring parts.
It´s not unthinkable that someone would do something like that. I mean while this is really cool and impressive there are people who do whakier stuff. Just look at the freeclimbers and some le parkour people.

Posted: 2008-06-02 10:30pm
by The Yosemite Bear
just remembering that Velvet Undergroun and Warholf "Factory" girl Nico was killed mountin biking in spain.

of course the ironic part being she was trying to loose weight for a movie part without doing any drugs after years of drug addiction too keep her weight down.

Posted: 2008-06-03 02:45am
by wautd
Gasp :shock: