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"The Cat Came Back" Definitive version You Choose!

Posted: 2008-06-03 01:58pm
by Crossroads Inc.
We are all aware of the age old song "The Cat Came Back"

Recently however it has come to my attention that there is another Song... One, an old Canadian cartoon, and the other one rendered by The Muppets. BUT! Which do you consider to be the definitive version? YOU must choose!

The Muppets
old Canadian cartoon

Posted: 2008-06-03 06:19pm
by Wyrm
Canadian version is closer to what I learned.

Posted: 2008-06-03 06:37pm
by Zor
Canadian Version is frankly just awesome.


Posted: 2008-06-03 06:52pm
by Soontir C'boath
They still show that on CN from time to time and I vastly prefer it over the Muppet version. It's a more interesting take on it.

Posted: 2008-06-03 09:16pm
by AK-047
Canadian version. I have actually never heard the Muppet version before. I suspect that had I heard the Muppet one first when I was a kid, I wouldn't have liked the song.

Posted: 2008-06-04 03:08am
by Johonebesus
Neither, for there is a different and far better melody. I have never seen it dramatized to this tune, but it is what I learned at home.

Posted: 2008-06-04 04:26am
by Executor32
Canadian cartoon version, for certain, it's the one I remember from when I was a child.

Posted: 2008-06-04 08:43am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Canadian, hands down. BTW what is the name of that particular drawing style? It's surreal and very creepy, like a Russian park.

Posted: 2008-06-04 09:21am
by Surlethe
The one I learned around the campfire is most similar to the Canadian version, but it's also significantly different.

Old Farmer Johnson had a problem of his own:
He had an old cat that just wouldn't leave him alone.
He tried and he tried
To give that cat away,
But each time he tried it came back the next day!

Oh, the cat came back
The very next day.
The cat came back --
Thought he was a goner, but
The cat came back.
He just wouldn't stay away, away, away -
Hey, hey, hey!

Gave it to a boy, with a dollar note.
Told him to take that cat out in a boat,
tie a rock around its neck --
Weighed a hundred pounds --
Now we say our prayers for that little boy who drowned, but ...


Gave it to a man going out west;
Told him to give it to the one he loved best.
The train jumped the track,
And then it skipped a rail.
No one survived to tell the gruesome tale, but ...


Gave it to a man going up in a balloon,
Told him to give it to the man in the moon.
Balloon came down
Ninety miles away,
And where that man is to this day I can't say, but ...


Old Farmer Johnson swore he'd shoot that cat on sight.
He loaded up his gun with nails and dynamite,
Waited for that cat
To come around the bend.
Ninety-seven pieces of man was all that they found, but ...


A-bomb fell, just the other day.
H-bomb fell in the very same way.

England went.

Russia went.

And then the U. S. A. ... .

The human race
Was destroyed
Without a trace ... .



Posted: 2008-06-05 03:37am
by Big Orange
I chose the Canadian version, a better adaptation by a huge margin, it is likely more ingrained into popular culture and the low budget (yet well crafted) animation holds up today after twenty years.