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Tith and ACNut @ IRON FUCKING MAIDEN (56k need not apply)

Posted: 2008-06-10 02:37am
by TithonusSyndrome
On June 6th, 2008, for the second time in as many days, I had the privilege of fulfilling a childhood dream that hadn't been within my grasp since before I was born - I saw the biggest active metal band in the world, Ivor Award recipients who revolutionized the English metal sound to do the essential and highly gratifying deed of, in Scott Ian's jubilant words, wash away the "last shards of blues" along with Judas Priest and many other fierce English bands who inspired or were part of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal from 1977-1981, completing the birth of the sound we now recognize as heavy metal.

I saw Iron Maiden.

What follows here are a smattering of low-quality cellphone pictures from the only camera I dared to bring into the venue, along with a few from my proper camera to add context from the road trip and events surrounding the concerts. Consider yourself warned with respect to their resolution. Some will be blurry because being on the floor as we were (editor's note: ! ) we were being jostled much, much more than a little.

After a half hour or so of cock-rock nepotism from Steve Harris' daughter wherein a drunken fat man insisted on being hoisted and crowdsurfed even well into the sound check after her set, ending in a security guard being rescued by four or five of his comrades after botching his removal, the lights dimmed and the roar of Spitfires and a certain British PM led us directly into their first song of the evening. No Maiden fanatic worth their spit ought to need many guesses as to what that might be given the opening speech.

What I regret most about the linked video, apart from the shoddy quality, is that you get little or no sense of the sudden possessed fanaticism that overtook the crowd the moment the song kicked in. We were swept five feet forward much more suddenly than I anticipated and spent the next four songs being thrashed eight feet left and right in constant, violent rhythms that we had no choice but to cooperate with, like the most orgasmic ocean riptide you've ever experienced. I had worried that myself and others might have to try to break up mosh pits that boneheaded fratboys decided to start because any brains they might have had to distinguish bands whose music is suited to moshing apart from older, classic bands with headbanging rhythms would have been replaced with loutish, hair-trigger adrenaline. The problem was moot in this case; there was no room for anything that could have been technically considered moshing to take place, but for reasons I hadn't considered even distantly.

This was obviously shortsighted on my part, however, since the reaction to the announcement of ticket sales in my part of the country had been so alarmingly ravenous that Maiden vocalist Bruce Dickinson had commented specifically on it:
Bruce Dickinson @ wrote:We are truly overwhelmed by this response, especially as some of these cities we haven't played in 20 years!! Being Brits we are always very comfortable with Canadians and it will be a great pleasure to get back on the prairies again. It was always a LOUD response there! We look forward to this immensely and hope to give you all a show to remember.
Anyways, after deciding that spending all our time and effort trying to keep from being trampled and crushed was no way to enjoy a concert, AC and me retreated back to where we could try to settle the cramps in our lungs that had come from struggling to breathe and not pass out from heat exhaustion, and then I could begin with the pictures:


This is during the song "Revelations" (second video), one of Maiden's slower songs still in a heavy vein. This song was a definite highlight for me, as Bruce Dickinson's vocals have a way of making slower, heavy songs really soar whereas other bands merely plod and sink back into blues necromancy for album filler. It's worth noting that not only were Bruce's vocals stunningly on-point, and not only is he a 49 year-old man, but he was able to deliver them all while running all over the stage, leaping to and fro over stage monitors, props and risers. Blues necrophiliacs like the Rolling Stones and AC/DC, that's your cue to be humbled.

I didn't take many pictures for a while, and I should have, because the pyro for "Number of the Beast" was nothing short of mind-blowing. Until that point I had recoiled at pyro at concerts as a toxic streak of cock-rock bombast that strutting, preening rock aristocrats and their would-be successors and understudies used to cover up amateurish songwriting and performances. KISS, anyone? Maiden swiftly buried that preconception as being universal, and I regret not getting more than these few scant pictures:


That one was during "Number of the Beast."


Those were snapped during their moody epic "The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner." The song is a good 14 minutes long and no cakewalk to perform, which knocked me flat all that much more to see them whip it out with such precision. As singers are wont to do, Bruce took a time out to banter with the crowd and try to lead into the song with a discussion on bird-watching, during which he was interrupted by one of the bros at the front tossing a lit joint his way. In the most touching moment of the evening for this recovered drug user, he stomped it out and gently rebuked him by telling the crowd that "the gift of imagination; it comes free without the use of drugs."


Since this tour focused on their 85-88 period, it was inevitable that the song "Powerslave" would come out sooner or later, and the sets never failed to maintain the same level of awesome. Bruce's pharaoh headdress was one of several outfits he'd changed into throughout the evening, along with a British cavalry uniform, black cloak, RAF fighter pilot and more that I doubt I could remember. Once this song is uploaded to youtube, I'll definitely post it because the solo is one of Maiden's best.


Then it was time for the crowd-pleaser "Fear Of The Dark."


Having missed the chance to clearly photograph the three-story tall mummy Eddie that popped out of the sarcophagus set in the background and lurched over the band over and over, I was at least able to catch photos of the 12 foot tall Eddie time-assassin on stilts that came out from the back of the set during "The Clairvoyant" and alternated between harassing the guitarists and helpfully, if clumsily, pointing out which notes they ought to play:


Before kindly departing with a suggestion to the audience as to what they ought to do with their genitalia after the show:


More show pictures pending, but until then, just take me on my word when I tell you that I have seen a lot of bands, big, small and everything in between, and that this is bar none the best show I've ever seen put onstage from any band in any genre. Sell your organs, buy all the tickets and travel arrangements you can and leave your family and loved ones far behind so you can see them as often as you possibly can. I saw them two nights in a row and don't regret a minute of it, everything about the show was beyond my most unrealistic expectations, no hyperbole.

Posted: 2008-06-10 04:29am
by Vaporous
Absolutely fucking awesome. Good stuff, man. :D

Posted: 2008-06-10 04:35am
by Havok
Who is Iron Maiden? :?:

OK.... breath. I'm kidding. Cool pics. Too bad they couldn't be a little more clear, but when you are on the front lines of AWESOME you take what you can get. :D

Oh and if they didn't play Run To The Hills, you didn't get your monies worth. :wink:

Posted: 2008-06-10 04:47am
by Ford Prefect
You lucky bastard.

Posted: 2008-06-10 08:55am
by Soontir C'boath
Oh fucking shit. They have a show at Madison Square Garden and it's only now I know when tickets are sold out. :x

Posted: 2008-06-10 11:51am
by Losonti Tokash
Oh, you motherfucker. By the time I can afford to travel to one of their shows they'll probably all be retired/dead.

Posted: 2008-06-10 01:01pm
by Phantasee
Fuck you. The tickets were sold out before I could get my hands on them. I'm so jealous that I can't even think of something else to say.


Posted: 2008-06-10 01:41pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Goddamn, that looks awesome :P . How much did the tickets cost?

Posted: 2008-06-10 01:47pm
by YT300000
T'was truly an amazing show. And like Bruce said, Calgary sold out faster than any other city in Canada. He apologized for not having been over here in a long time, and promised to come back with a new album soon. :D

The only shred of evidence that he isn't still in his mid-20's is that he took the "running low" scream on Hallowed Be Thy Name in two breaths. His voice hasn't worsened in the slightest, it's truly humbling.

The musical highlight was almost certainly The Trooper, with the addition of Janick Gers to the churning harmonic soup, the song has never sounded more muscular and urgent. Indeed, he was quite the spectacle in and of himself, tossing his guitar high into the air and catching it at the end of the set.

As for which t-shirt to buy, I couldn't resist the super-gaudy Cyborg Eddie exploding out of the Powerslave pyramid.

hav: They played Run to the Hills, oh yes.

That said, Tithonus gets the obligatory fuck you for bashing the blues.

EDIT: Death: The tickets started at $50, so just $10 less than a t-shirt.

Posted: 2008-06-10 02:12pm
by Phantasee
Maybe they were $50 to start with, but once they were sold out, I couldn't find many for less than $125. And even those were impossible to buy, they were always "sold to somebody else, sorry! Should have mentioned that."


Posted: 2008-06-10 02:18pm
by TithonusSyndrome
havokeff wrote:Who is Iron Maiden? :?:
an good band :D
Oh and if they didn't play Run To The Hills, you didn't get your monies worth. :wink:
Before going into the show I could've done without Run To The Hills, since it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay overplayed and just about the only Maiden song they'll play on the radio, but I mos def enjoyed it when I was there.
Soontir C'boath wrote:Oh fucking shit. They have a show at Madison Square Garden and it's only now I know when tickets are sold out. :x
Losonti Tokash wrote:Oh, you motherfucker. By the time I can afford to travel to one of their shows they'll probably all be retired/dead.
Stay frosty, you two; Bruce made no secret of the fact that they'd be on the road again soon in support of a new album. I didn't like the last two all that much and enjoyed seeing them do a rerun of an older tour a lot more, but you'll get your chance in a year or so.
Phantasee wrote:Fuck you. The tickets were sold out before I could get my hands on them. I'm so jealous that I can't even think of something else to say.

You were interested in going? I could've tried to arrange something if I had known, I was up bright and early the day of the presale to get mine on the floor. Come to think of it, you should come chill and be nerds with me and AC some time before I move out east.
DEATH wrote:Goddamn, that looks awesome :P . How much did the tickets cost?
For the floor, $83 or so after ticketmaster charges.
YT300000 wrote:T'was truly an amazing show. And like Bruce said, Calgary sold out faster than any other city in Canada. He apologized for not having been over here in a long time, and promised to come back with a new album soon. :D
I saw them in Calgary too, but didn't have floor tickets. Me and my brother decided to make the most of that by trying to rush the stage during the fast part near the end of the last song on the set. :P It was fun.
As for which t-shirt to buy, I couldn't resist the super-gaudy Cyborg Eddie exploding out of the Powerslave pyramid.
I didn't see that one until later, well after the show - but you mean to say you didn't get the exclusive Canadian Tour 2008 shirt with SSOASS Eddie playing hockey in a Team Canada jersey, number 666, on a frozen Toronto?
That said, Tithonus gets the obligatory fuck you for bashing the blues.
Hey, I like the blues, quite a bit in fact, I just don't like it when white Englishmen steal it and try to pass themselves off as writers and players of high-impact, fast paced music. :P That's why I said that completing the birth of the sound we now know as metal was great, so I can throw on a proper metal album and a proper blues album, separate of one another, without having to deal with their sluggish lungfish intermediates.

Posted: 2008-06-10 06:46pm
by Tasoth
I get to see them Thursday in Ohio. What's awesome is this will be my first concert I have ever attended.

Posted: 2008-06-10 06:49pm
by TithonusSyndrome
Tasoth wrote:I get to see them Thursday in Ohio. What's awesome is this will be my first concert I have ever attended.

This will not be what you might call a beginner's concert. Prepare yourself for a very driven crowd as per my description.

Posted: 2008-06-10 11:07pm
by aerius
Iron Maiden live is a hell of a fucking experience, I saw them 5 years ago in Toronto and it was crazy. With the possible exception of Motorhead I don't think I've ever seen such intense crazy fans, and when it comes down to the stage show, no contest, Iron Maiden's is the best I've ever seen.

Posted: 2008-06-11 12:40am
by Phantasee
So I missed Iron Maiden, I missed Glow in the Dark, fuck, I even missed Tiesto last summer. I'm not doing well for seeing the shows I wanted to see... Although, Kelly Clarkson and Reba Macintyre are coming by soon :lol:

Posted: 2008-06-11 02:25am
by Academia Nut
Well Phant, there is still Judas Priest at the end of July apparently.

Also, I found the video of Bruce vs the joint, and to give people some perspective, that was about how close we were to the stage. Actually, at the furthest point we were probably closer than that before we backed off due to the fact that we were spending more time trying not to die in the crush of people than actually watching the show. It was fucking insane, and the videos on Youtube truly do not capture the raw energy and emotion of the crowd.

Also, I find it quite amusing that Eddie is playing hockey in front of a frozen over Toronto when Toronto is the only major Canadian city not on the tour. Regina and Winnipeg have tour dates, and Toronto doesn't! I'm guessing that the guys in charge there had their heads up their asses over something so the boys in Maiden decided not to go. I believe a "You got beat out by fucking Regina, what the fuck is up with that?" is in order for Toronto.

Posted: 2008-06-11 02:38am
by Crayz9000
I last saw them in 2006 here at the Universal Amphitheatre in LA (the Dance of Death tour). That show also rocked, hard.

That said, I was sad to miss this last show but 1) I wound up missing the ticket sale by accident, and 2) I had seriously bad fever and diarrhea that didn't end until the day after the concerts...

Posted: 2008-06-11 03:22pm
by YT300000
TithonusSyndrome wrote:I saw them in Calgary too, but didn't have floor tickets. Me and my brother decided to make the most of that by trying to rush the stage during the fast part near the end of the last song on the set. :P It was fun.
I think I saw you, actually. I also saw you leaving, with a large yellow-shirted security man on either arm. :lol:
TithonusSyndrome wrote:I didn't see that one until later, well after the show - but you mean to say you didn't get the exclusive Canadian Tour 2008 shirt with SSOASS Eddie playing hockey in a Team Canada jersey, number 666, on a frozen Toronto?
A friend of mine got that one, but I only had so much money to spend, and 3 Eddies on one shirt clinched it.
TithonusSyndrome wrote:Hey, I like the blues, quite a bit in fact, I just don't like it when white Englishmen steal it and try to pass themselves off as writers and players of high-impact, fast paced music. :P That's why I said that completing the birth of the sound we now know as metal was great, so I can throw on a proper metal album and a proper blues album, separate of one another, without having to deal with their sluggish lungfish intermediates.
Bah, no NWOBHM album will beat the bluesy Master of Reality, anyways. :P

Posted: 2008-06-11 03:30pm
by Mr. Coffee
I don't give a shit what anyone says... Iron maiden always puts on a damned good show.

If you disagree then you are a dirty hippy communist that supports the jihad. Seriously, why do you hate freedom so much?

Posted: 2008-06-12 12:05am
by TithonusSyndrome
Academia Nut wrote:Well Phant, there is still Judas Priest at the end of July apparently.
See them! They'll be at least as good as Maiden!
Also, I found the video of Bruce vs the joint, and to give people some perspective, that was about how close we were to the stage. Actually, at the furthest point we were probably closer than that before we backed off due to the fact that we were spending more time trying not to die in the crush of people than actually watching the show. It was fucking insane, and the videos on Youtube truly do not capture the raw energy and emotion of the crowd.
Actually, in retrospect, we should've given muscling our way back up front another go some time later in their set. Usually after the halfway point of a show the weak and exhausted are weeded out, leaving the front row significantly more hospitable and roomy.

No matter though, that was still pretty much better than sex. :P
Also, I find it quite amusing that Eddie is playing hockey in front of a frozen over Toronto when Toronto is the only major Canadian city not on the tour. Regina and Winnipeg have tour dates, and Toronto doesn't! I'm guessing that the guys in charge there had their heads up their asses over something so the boys in Maiden decided not to go. I believe a "You got beat out by fucking Regina, what the fuck is up with that?" is in order for Toronto.
Their website lists Toronto and Montreal as dates on their East coast American tour, which is still a little humiliating. :lol:
YT300000 wrote:I think I saw you, actually. I also saw you leaving, with a large yellow-shirted security man on either arm. :lol:
Was it a shirtless longhaired dude or a shirted big giant yeti of a dude? 'Cause the latter would've been my brother.
Bah, no NWOBHM album will beat the bluesy Master of Reality, anyways. :P
MoR isn't even especially bluesy, not for it's time anyways. Besides, there's not much sense in starting comparisons to Black Sabbath, because any victory for any side would be pyhrric at best.

Posted: 2008-06-12 08:26am
by Falkenhorst
I saw this show last night in chicago at the Allstate Arena. I got bored and fell asleep after the Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I came off with the opinion that it was nothing special and frankly I feel like an idiot for spending $120.00 on tickets.

Posted: 2008-06-12 09:05pm
by YT300000
TithonusSyndrome wrote:Was it a shirtless longhaired dude or a shirted big giant yeti of a dude? 'Cause the latter would've been my brother.
Ah, then it was your brother, though I did see the two of you running in.
TithonusSyndrome wrote:MoR isn't even especially bluesy, not for it's time anyways. Besides, there's not much sense in starting comparisons to Black Sabbath, because any victory for any side would be pyhrric at best.
True, but I had to pitch that in.

Posted: 2008-06-13 02:01pm
by Tasoth
I'm surprised I have any voice at all after that show. It was simply and utterly amazing. The moment they came out to Ace's High, the crowd exploded. You could feel the energy zipping about. Fucking amazing.

I feel bad for Lauren Harris, partially. Everyone came for Maiden and they put her on before them. It was like no one cared. And then they kept fucking up her sound and what not. Poor kid.

I also don't understand the concept of wearing another band's shirt to the concert. It just kinda seems wrong to me.