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Beach Babes - Update (NSFW,56K)

Posted: 2008-06-27 06:07pm
by The Grim Squeaker
A crappy day? Perhaps. A day to go out photographing? Yes. Terrible hour of the day? Yes, it was.
A band of roving party Paparazzi photographers with megazoom lenses told me my stuff was good, and enlightened me to the dark side of Paparazzi style photography? Yes sensei :grin: .

Aerius has been bugging me about this for long enough, so enjoy a nice even dozen shots of some babes at the beach. (Next step up is getting phone numbers, and not just the emails of two of them).

Sign says: "Parachuters may land from up above". Wouldn't Blame them ;).

Ah, a woman with an economics (Wall street) book. And watermelons. Yum :D.




Not much, but the rest of the day was a wipe anyway, so at least I can find a new venue for people [size=0](Cough, Aerius) [/size]to call for my improvement on. (Not too hard really, the main issue is picking one ;)).
Now to check about the offer to get the photos and a few others onto a party photos website (Albeit, without any offered pay)...

Posted: 2008-06-27 06:21pm
by Havok
Good work! :D

Posted: 2008-06-27 06:40pm
by aerius
This is by far your best photography thread. :D

One tip though, try to get a few ass shots in there, nice firm butts in swimsuits are hot. For example:


Posted: 2008-06-27 08:23pm
by RogueIce
Screw the terrorists. The day I have enough money to go to Israel I'm booking the first flight out.

Posted: 2008-06-27 08:53pm
by Rye
So many jewish women seem to have my hair. Bizarre.

Posted: 2008-06-27 09:35pm
by Lancer
Nice shots, but is "NSF56K" tag really necessary in AM&P?

Posted: 2008-06-27 09:53pm
by Phantasee
This is an effort I can get behind, DEATH. More Babes, less sand. Try Babes in the water?

Posted: 2008-06-28 01:12am
by The Grim Squeaker
First of all, I forgot a (Albeit, rather too panormaic) shot:
Lancer wrote:Nice shots, but is "NSF56K" tag really necessary in AM&P?
That's what I kept asking, especially with photography threads. Might I suggest a petition to your local senator? (Although I don't see that many around here :P).
Ice wrote: Screw the terrorists. The day I have enough money to go to Israel I'm booking the first flight out.
If you do, then the Tel-Aviv beaches are best for picking up chicks. Massive amounts of people, and the hottest chicks. (Many of them tourists), although I hear Eilat's also good for that ;). I'll give you the tour if you visit :D.
I don't bother going there, since I dislike so much crowding, and noise, and let's face it, my chances of picking someone up on the beach are about the same of my picking up someone in a crowded, raucous dance bar. (Even if both offer high chances of getting their picture and email). They only want me for my long, telescoping lense and oversized camera
:P .
phantasee wrote:This is an effort I can get behind, DEATH. More Babes, less sand. Try Babes in the water?
You mean, like so? ;).
There's also Very NSFW, (swim suit slip in mid jump)this one in the water.
Rye-Zuul wrote:So many jewish women seem to have my hair. Bizarre.
More like you have the hair due to so many of your ancestors being seduced by our fair womanz! :wink: . (Blonde hair is all but unknown, at least before a million Russians, many of them Jews, came over for some ethnic blending).
Aerius wrote:This is by far your best photography thread.
With you and party paparazzi photographists as my mentors, my future career looks wholesome and filled with documentaries and nature work. Or not. :D .
Glad you all like it.

Posted: 2008-06-28 01:47am
by Shroom Man 777
This is a great thread.
DEATH wrote:You mean, like so? ;).
There's also Very NSFW, (swim suit slip in mid jump)this one in the water.

Posted: 2008-06-28 04:16am
by loomer
DEATH, I will find you and I will kill you. My eyes have been soiled!

Nice photography, though.

Posted: 2008-06-28 04:43am
by Ford Prefect
Shroom Man 777 wrote: I HAET you, DAETH.
loomer wrote:DEATH, I will find you and I will kill you. My eyes have been soiled!
He gets someone like this every single time. It's hilarious. :D

Posted: 2008-06-28 08:39am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Lancer wrote:Nice shots, but is "NSF56K" tag really necessary in AM&P?
Because if you don't put s '56k' label on the thread, some damn no-post n00b nobody even knew was on here will scream 'zOMG BANDWIDTH RAPE!1' completely unironically. Go ahead, try making an unlabeled heavy-pic thread, I dare ya.

SDN needs a new Chewtoy anyway. :lol:

Posted: 2008-06-28 09:12am
by The Grim Squeaker
Ford Prefect wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote: I HAET you, DAETH.
loomer wrote:DEATH, I will find you and I will kill you. My eyes have been soiled!
He gets someone like this every single time. It's hilarious. :D
What's even better is that I will now link to a photograph I took of a hot (Thin) chick straddling a guy on the shore, and they won't click on it out of fear. You can trust me this time, honest ;). (Who needs Orion slave girls, indeed ;)).

Right, updates from another beach today, and a lot more of them :).












I'm getting a bit more adept at this, I think :D. (The beach was rather dull though, despite being a drive up north, alass).

I say however, that it is a sad statement about this board that no girl has yet commented on everyone going through this thread being a bunch of male pigs. And that no ones posted pictures of herself or himself and his GF, or herself and her GF to show that SDN members can outdo the Jewish hordes ;).
Einy wrote:
SDN needs a new Chewtoy anyway. Laughing
What's wrong with me? I won't post pictures of hot guys and a redhead's face bursting a bloodvessel due to the strength of his fart just because of that :P.

Posted: 2008-06-28 10:50am
by Shroom Man 777
DEATH wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote: I HAET you, DAETH.
loomer wrote:DEATH, I will find you and I will kill you. My eyes have been soiled!
He gets someone like this every single time. It's hilarious. :D
What's even better is that I will now link to a photograph I took of a hot (Thin) chick straddling a guy on the shore, and they won't click on it out of fear. You can trust me this time, honest ;). (Who needs Orion slave girls, indeed ;)).
That looks like a man.

I really hate you.

Keep up the good work :)

Re: Beach Babes. Updated with 200% more Bikini outside! (NSF

Posted: 2008-06-28 11:06am
by J
Nice! So...I have a question. Do you have plans for moving into the field of artistic nudes? (nsfw)

Posted: 2008-06-28 03:02pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
DEATH wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote: He gets someone like this every single time. It's hilarious. :D
What's even better is that I will now link to a photograph I took of a hot (Thin) chick straddling a guy on the shore, and they won't click on it out of fear. You can trust me this time, honest ;). (Who needs Orion slave girls, indeed ;)).
That looks like a man.

I really hate you.
The guy on bottom is a man. Girl with her hips around his chest is a woman :P.
And seriously, I can't believe you checked that :P .
J wrote:Nice!
Thanks :D. What, no comments on this being chauvinistic, an abuse of public property privacy laws, or whatnot? ;).
J wrote:So...I have a question.
The more the better :D.
J wrote:Do you have plans for moving into the field of artistic nudes? (nsfw)
This would require:
A) Having a GF -
1. who doesn't mind, and that I wouldn't mind.
B) Having a lot of cash to spend on models.
C) Finding more female friends who'd be interested, and don't spend 26 out of 31 days a week in full army uniform in various holes 5+ hours drive from me ;).
D) Me being interested in that. (It's not my schtick really, people aren't my forte. Blame the neurology).

So, no :) .

Posted: 2008-06-28 03:52pm
by Phantasee
DEATH is like the guys in those planes, the ones who mark targets with smoke rockets. The rest of us can be the F-15s that go in and take the targets out.

Good recon work, son. I'll put you in for a medal.

Posted: 2008-06-28 05:40pm
by [R_H]
DEATH wrote: C) Finding more female friends who'd be interested, and don't spend 26 out of 31 days a week in full army uniform in various holes 5+ hours drive from me ;).
I think you meant to write 26 out of 31 days a month.

Posted: 2008-06-28 05:52pm
by Rye
More like you have the hair due to so many of your ancestors being seduced by our fair womanz! (Blonde hair is all but unknown, at least before a million Russians, many of them Jews, came over for some ethnic blending).
Actually, it's probably because of the spanish side of the family that apparently descended from the Moors, who would've more than likely been arabs, e.g. the other side of the semitic coin. :P

Also, artistic nudes don't require a girlfriend. If you put up some notices in your nearest uni or befriended some photography students, you could probably find some models.

Posted: 2008-06-29 06:18am
by The Grim Squeaker
Phantasee wrote:DEATH is like the guys in those planes, the ones who mark targets with smoke rockets. The rest of us can be the F-15s that go in and take the targets out.

Good recon work, son. I'll put you in for a medal.
I know a guy down the hall who did that (Only with F-16's), an officer. Shame about the horrifying 3d degree burns and losing his leg, an arm and his ears.
His quarter inch diameter medla is nifty though... :wink: .

RH wrote:I think you meant to write 26 out of 31 days a month.
It''s a very busy week :D .
Also, artistic nudes don't require a girlfriend. If you put up some notices in your nearest uni or befriended some photography students, you could probably find some models
I'm joining a photography course just to meet the later actually ;).
However, your simple idea has a strange ring of brilliance to it. And it's a really good line for an advanced date:
"So baby, feel like winning the nude pulitzer with me?". (Or somesuch). A very...intriguing idea :twisted: [/quote]

Posted: 2008-06-29 10:08am
by Ace Pace
So let me just understand this, since your opening post made this unclear... How many of these girls consented to having their pictures taken? Nevermind online?

Posted: 2008-07-06 02:30am
by DesertFly
Ace Pace wrote:So let me just understand this, since your opening post made this unclear... How many of these girls consented to having their pictures taken? Nevermind online?

Is that an issue in Israel? In America it may be shifty (depending on the circumstances), but it's actually perfectly legal to photograph and publish anyone in public. It may even be legal to make money off of it, though I'm not sure about all the intricacies of the laws regarding that.

Posted: 2008-07-06 02:38am
by The Grim Squeaker
DesertFly wrote:
Ace Pace wrote:So let me just understand this, since your opening post made this unclear... How many of these girls consented to having their pictures taken? Nevermind online?

Is that an issue in Israel? In America it may be shifty (depending on the circumstances), but it's actually perfectly legal to photograph and publish anyone in public. It may even be legal to make money off of it, though I'm not sure about all the intricacies of the laws regarding that.
In a public area it's 100% LEGAL. (I checked multiple times). It's also legal for commercial use, although they can complain/sue privately, I think (That might be US only, as the pros on the beach specifically siad that was a non issue, and they work for a party/dancing site.
And in the first thread - Allmost everyone (More than 85% as I recall) consented to the pictures in advance (Many asked me to take shots, some assuming I was one of the party photographers although I corrected them on that assumption) and a large percentage asked for it to be online (the party site), second thread, around half I'd say. (Maybe less).
Only one time did one group ask for no pictures to be taken, with said pictures immediately being deleted by me (With my camera I was quite visible, I was carrying around a honking big camera and wasn't disguising what I was doing, namely, taking pictures in a public area).

So, yes it is legal, and it's probably legal to make money off it (If I could somehow).
I prefer to ask people, out of basic politness, as well as there being more of a chance of someone actually agreeing to a conversation. (It depends on the circumstances), not to mention it being more polite. (the Ratio not being 100% asked in advance is a very rare thing for me, even more so the closeups on people).

In short, it's not an issue (here) and its perfectly legal.

Posted: 2008-07-07 05:22pm
by NeoGoomba
So I must know, are you prowling the beaches in a trenchcoat and shades on a daily basis, or were these vacation pics? Not that it matters, as I now concede that you have a masterful eye :P

Posted: 2008-07-08 02:10am
by The Grim Squeaker
NeoGoomba wrote:So I must know, are you prowling the beaches in a trenchcoat and shades on a daily basis, or were these vacation pics? Not that it matters, as I now concede that you have a masterful eye :P
These days I've taken up going to the beach 1-2 times every week (On the weekend, Naturicht).
The weather is too hot, the water full of Medusa (Literally, every 50 feet you'll have 3-4 jellyfish strewn on the sand, massive ones), and the sun bakes my head into a migraine.
But, it sure beats staying bored at home, or trying to navigate to somewhere else for some time wasting/photography/walking in the fresh air. (AKA - I'm too lazy to go somewhere that requires more work than a 90* angle drive at worst to get too ;) ).

For example: I picked this up (relevant to this thread) on the last weekend, in between walking the marine at night (thread pending), revisiting the nude beach (update today) and going a lot farther on my traditional "medium-far" beach (update today)