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Real Life Wall-E !!!

Posted: 2008-07-05 01:58pm
by Crossroads Inc.
It is simply TOO cute!!! I want one

Posted: 2008-07-05 02:03pm
by LadyTevar
He's a good-sized remote, isn't he

Posted: 2008-07-05 08:42pm
by Havok

For.. Jenn... of course. :D

Posted: 2008-07-05 10:28pm
by Kanastrous
It's a little scary that you can build a mechanical device that pings our instinct to care about small things with huge eyes, squat bodies, and soft voices, and we actually feel like we care about it...

Posted: 2008-07-05 10:36pm
by Oskuro
The cuteness.... IT HURTS!

Posted: 2008-07-06 01:47am
by Hawkwings
...but does it compact garbage?

aww, I don't care!

Posted: 2008-07-06 06:49am
by Starglider
Kanastrous wrote:It's a little scary that you can build a mechanical device that pings our instinct to care about small things with huge eyes, squat bodies, and soft voices, and we actually feel like we care about it...
Skynet should've built WALL-E's with concealed plasma canons. Much cheaper than a robot tank and more effective; "aww, it's so cute... zap! *splat*"

Posted: 2008-07-06 01:17pm
by Kanastrous
If I were going to make a Terminator fan film, I would license that idea from you, and run with it...

...hordes of cute, trundling, cooing baby-eyed death machines, slaughtering their way through the'd be awesome.

Posted: 2008-07-06 01:33pm
by Zixinus
Where does Wall-E come from?

Posted: 2008-07-07 12:02am
by Master of Cards
Zixinus wrote:Where does Wall-E come from?
The Pixar Film Wall-E

Posted: 2008-07-07 08:20am
by Enigma
Kanastrous wrote:If I were going to make a Terminator fan film, I would license that idea from you, and run with it...

...hordes of cute, trundling, cooing baby-eyed death machines, slaughtering their way through the'd be awesome.
It has been done in Screamers. :)