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How to mountain bike like a pro

Posted: 2008-07-07 08:45pm
by aerius
My biking partner and I have been filming footage for a mountain bike movie and shooting a whole bunch of pictures while we're at it. These are some of the picture we've taken over the last few months. Remember, we're skilled riders with years of experience, the riding depicted in these photos can land you in the hospital.

Riding onto a nice big log. I was supposed to be filming that day, but somehow got talked into doing the log on my commuter bike. Sketchy as hell.

Doing a wheelie off a log. I hate my riding partner sometimes, I can barely keep my bike on a curb, yet he can ride down a 40' log like it's nothing and wheelie off the end of it.

Flying off a ramp over a big log. This is a pretty neat stunt, a big tree fell across one of the downhill trails so the local riders built a ladder bridge over it so bikers could get over the tree. We learned that we could get massive airtime if we carried speed off the ramp.

Riding off a retaining wall. For some reason they built a retaining wall to nowhere at a local compost site. We found it and sessioned it.

Dropping in on some sand dunes at a ski resort. The sand dunes form sort of a quarter pipe with a nice landing transition. Perfect for some filming and photos.

A huge drop on our local trails. This one takes balls since there's a minimum safe jump distance. If you come up short you land on a flat instead of a steep downhill, and if you do that it punts you right off your bike and you get creamed. Some dumbass teen saw us doing a session there, we told him not to do the jump but he did it anyway, he came up short and got launched off his bike straight into a tree. He was lucky the paramedic carried him away on a stretcher and not a bodybag.

Re: How to mountain bike like a pro

Posted: 2008-07-07 10:14pm
by SCRawl
aerius wrote:A huge drop on our local trails. This one takes balls since there's a minimum safe jump distance. If you come up short you land on a flat instead of a steep downhill, and if you do that it punts you right off your bike and you get creamed. Some dumbass teen saw us doing a session there, we told him not to do the jump but he did it anyway, he came up short and got launched off his bike straight into a tree. He was lucky the paramedic carried him away on a stretcher and not a bodybag.
Did you at least get footage? :twisted:

Out of curiosity, what's the end purpose of the film project?

Posted: 2008-07-08 02:42am
by The Grim Squeaker
2,4,5 are awesome.
4 Is the best of this set, really pretty looking shot and angle (dropping off the cliff).
Great angle on 5.

3 - "Flying off a ramp over a big log." - You should have panned this shot, to blur the background and keep the rider in focus (a lot of the shots would benefit from that, it would look most awesome :)).

Nice stuff, is there more coming in the near future? Amp up your production rate ;).

Posted: 2008-07-08 09:42pm
by aerius
SCRawl wrote:Did you at least get footage? :twisted:
Yeah, it's on film. You can see the dumb teen doing a superman over the handlebars before hitting the ground and the tree at roughly the same time. Unfortunately we don't have have a high speed camera since it would've looked awesome in slow motion.
Out of curiosity, what's the end purpose of the film project?
Our goal is to make a short ~20 minute film of our mountain biking adventures, then putting it on DVD so all our friends & family can watch it. A secondary purpose is to help promote the sport of mountain biking in our area and get local riders organized & pumped up about riding.
DEATH wrote:2,4,5 are awesome.
4 Is the best of this set, really pretty looking shot and angle (dropping off the cliff).
Great angle on 5.
Personally I like 5 more, 4 needed a ton of Photoshop editing to make it look good. Shooting into a sunset with a digital camera is a pain in the ass.
3 - "Flying off a ramp over a big log." - You should have panned this shot, to blur the background and keep the rider in focus (a lot of the shots would benefit from that, it would look most awesome :)).
I would've, if I were the one taking the picture. I'm the rider in the photo, it's kinda hard for me to take an action picture of myself.
Nice stuff, is there more coming in the near future? Amp up your production rate ;)
Thanks. Unfortunately not in the near future, both of us took huge crashes while filming this past weekend, and our SO's witnessed the crashes and got freaked out. So we've both been banned from doing stupid shit for a while.

Posted: 2008-07-09 01:53am
by The Grim Squeaker
Aerius wrote:Personally I like 5 more, 4 needed a ton of Photoshop editing to make it look good. Shooting into a sunset with a digital camera is a pain in the ass.
Hey, you're the photoshop snap, I'm the one who does thing bare and nude and without any digital "dressing" ;). (Although thorns whipping into your ass hurts).

Aerius wrote:I would've, if I were the one taking the picture. I'm the rider in the photo, it's kinda hard for me to take an action picture of myself.
Unfortunately not in the near future, both of us took huge crashes while filming this past weekend, and our SO's witnessed the crashes and got freaked out. So we've both been banned from doing stupid shit for a while.
To which the obvious response is: Take better pictures of hot bike riding chicks.
Everybody wins and improves :D

Posted: 2008-07-12 06:06pm
by aerius

This one's from a few years ago. Some guy built a big teeter-totter, it was damn fun but scary to ride on. I was supposed to be on camera duties but somehow got talked into riding it on my cheap bike, proving again that it's the skill of the rider that counts, not the bike.

Posted: 2008-07-13 01:39am
by Hawkwings
aerius wrote: Our goal is to make a short ~20 minute film of our mountain biking adventures, then putting it on DVD so all our friends & family can watch it. A secondary purpose is to help promote the sport of mountain biking in our area and get local riders organized & pumped up about riding.
Where is this area that you speak of?

Posted: 2008-07-17 02:07pm
by Phantasee
Toronto, Ontariooooo (sucks).

These are some pretty sweet pictures, aerius. I am most impressed.

Posted: 2008-07-17 03:55pm
by SCRawl
Phantasee wrote:Toronto, Ontariooooo (sucks).
Oh, please. Just because it isn't Redneckistan doesn't mean it sucks. :wink:

Posted: 2008-07-18 09:42am
by aerius
Hawkwings wrote:Where is this area that you speak of?
The greater Toronto area. We had a nice organization going when I co-ran a webpage some years ago, but after a falling out with the other guy after his ego got to him and he became an asshole, everything went to hell and most of us never saw each other again.

So now my riding buddy & I along with a few other guys are working to get things going again.

Re: How to mountain bike like a pro

Posted: 2009-04-25 11:35pm
by aerius
A couple more pictures from a recent session



And my new favourite video. It's fucking insane.

Re: How to mountain bike like a pro

Posted: 2009-04-30 02:13pm
by White Haven
That video passes beyond the boundaries of sanity, man.

Re: How to mountain bike like a pro

Posted: 2009-04-30 02:24pm
by SCRawl
White Haven wrote:That video passes beyond the boundaries of sanity, man.
Well...he did say it was insane, didn't he? (I also think that it's very good, by the way.)

Re: How to mountain bike like a pro

Posted: 2009-05-03 05:54am
by Sky Captain
Wow that video is awesome I never thought myself something like that is possible with bicycle. In some moments it looks like that guy is defying the laws of physics.

Re: How to mountain bike like a pro

Posted: 2009-05-03 06:47am
by Ace Pace
What they said ^^, I think the "bike walking" (I don't know of a better term for it) was the most impressive bit