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Coyote, Mayabird, and the Duchess aboard 'Turner Joy'

Posted: 2008-07-28 02:22am
by Coyote
I am in Bremerton, Washington, after my 2-week NCO course at Ft. Lewis, so I stopped by up here to see our own Marina and Mayabird. We spent the afternoon aboard the USS Turner Joy, the ship that brought us the Vietnam War. Yay, and stuff!

Here is the Turner Joy at berth:

The first place we went to was the rear deck gun-turret. Pix of me and the girls:

We then went to the crew berth section:

The machinery for loading shells into the turret:

The machine-shop:

Torpedo tubes, starboard side:

Port side upper deck near bridge:

The Captain's Cabin, first with Maya and Marina:
Me and Marina at the Captain's Cabin--

The Officer's Wardroom, with Marina at the imperious head of the table, and Maya serving as scullery worker. "Cook, cook, I want... hasenfeffer!"

The soup was cold. Off with his head!

Starboard foredeck.

Engine Room:

The interior bridge:

The exterior bridge:

And so ends her Majesty's first command. The ship was in one piece when we left it, so all is well.

Posted: 2008-07-28 03:08am
by Tsyroc
Is the machine shop in use as an office or something?

I was just wondering about the coffee, drinks, and the folder stocked shelves? It didn't look like they went for that sort of realizm for the rest of the ship if that's not the case. :)

The berthing on that ship wasn't all that much different than one of the ones I lived in on the Saratoga. At least our racks were encolsed on three sides, but the I've had to make do with the exact same type of lockers. No coffin locker for me. :(

Posted: 2008-07-28 05:26am
by Shroom Man 777
Real nice, mang. Well, not really. it's real crammed. I wonder how navy folks can work in those confines without going mad. I should ask Loinstar.

You totally look different from how I envisioned you to be, Coyote! You're an older gentleman :D

Posted: 2008-07-28 05:54am
by Broomstick
Can we get Maya to list what's on that t-shirt clearly? I couldn't quite read all ten reasons to be an atheist.

Posted: 2008-07-28 06:38am
by Havok
Broomstick wrote:Can we get Maya to list what's on that t-shirt clearly? I couldn't quite read all ten reasons to be an atheist.
:lol: Do you need 10? :wink:

Posted: 2008-07-28 11:31am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Tsyroc wrote:Is the machine shop in use as an office or something?

I was just wondering about the coffee, drinks, and the folder stocked shelves? It didn't look like they went for that sort of realizm for the rest of the ship if that's not the case. :)

The berthing on that ship wasn't all that much different than one of the ones I lived in on the Saratoga. At least our racks were encolsed on three sides, but the I've had to make do with the exact same type of lockers. No coffin locker for me. :(
Yeah, they use the machine shop as an office. I think they maybe store some repair equipment in there too; I'm not sure if the lathe is operational or not anymore. It would be cool if they did their own work like that, though.

Posted: 2008-07-28 11:44am
by Shroom Man 777
How was the meet? Was it awkward, or was it like meeting old buddies and just LOLing? Did you guys go for coffee afterwards? Was Coyote a smooth operator?

Was it totally awesome? :)

Posted: 2008-07-28 11:54am
by Gil Hamilton
Wow, my father was right. Navy crewquarters really are a bunch of industrial metal shelving units crammed into a gym locker.

(of course, my fathers opinion of sleeping aboard a Navy ship was somewhat colored by serving aboard the USS Yorktown back when it was a carrier and having his bunk virtually directly below Third Cable, thus making a plane landing a very personal experience...)

Those are great pictures, though. Sounds like you folks had a great time. It just goes to show that we need to invest in an actual ship full of SD.netters.

Posted: 2008-07-28 01:27pm
by Lonestar
Coyote, your pictures always creep me out for some reason. Like you're on 'Nam movie away from going all Full Metal Jacket. :P

Posted: 2008-07-28 01:54pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Shroom Man 777 wrote:How was the meet? Was it awkward, or was it like meeting old buddies and just LOLing? Did you guys go for coffee afterwards? Was Coyote a smooth operator?

Was it totally awesome? :)
It was like meeting old buddies. We were making horrible, horrible, crude jokes within 15 - 20 minutes of his showing up. The whole time from lunch at the Indian place to the tour to buying port, being the last people out of a snazzy restaurant in Port Orchard right through drinking port until going to sleep, waking up and making lots of strong Turkish coffee before going to have breakfast, it was just all one big ball of nerd talk and catching up and having fun, and Coyote only just left like 10 minutes ago--he slept on the couch over the night.

And he is a smooth operator and a real gentleman.

It was, indeed, totally awesome.

Posted: 2008-07-28 01:58pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Gil Hamilton wrote:Wow, my father was right. Navy crewquarters really are a bunch of industrial metal shelving units crammed into a gym locker.

The enlisted personnel's mess was also outfitted like a highschool cafeteria with seating stolen from a McDonalds. Conversely, as you can see, the Captain has TWO separate cabins, one with TWO rooms (one that has a refridgerator) and all the officers are two to a room at most; and the officer's mess is done in leather and has real silver for the seating, as you can see from those pictures. The Chief's mess had a bunch of lounge-chair style seating and was rather long and narrow, but cozy.
(of course, my fathers opinion of sleeping aboard a Navy ship was somewhat colored by serving aboard the USS Yorktown back when it was a carrier and having his bunk virtually directly below Third Cable, thus making a plane landing a very personal experience...)
Oh, one of those berthings wrapped around No.3 turret to the point they stored extra ammo in it, and another was directly aft engineering, and another directly over the No. 1 boiler room. Officer's country, conversely, was in the superstructure.
Those are great pictures, though. Sounds like you folks had a great time. It just goes to show that we need to invest in an actual ship full of SD.netters.
*grins* I'd LOVE to get ahold of an old CFA or Forrest Sherman and turn it into a private yacht. We'll get a permit to keep one of the 5in's operational, and go pirate hunting.

Posted: 2008-07-28 02:04pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
The ship is in EXCELLENT condition, by the way, unlike a lot of museum ships. They have crew on it DAILY who do maintenance on a regular basis--a lot of volunteers from the navy yard--she's excellently painted, there's no rust anywhere, even the bird shit is kept to a minimum, the hull is in excellent condition, and she's not permanently placed, but can be towed out for maintenance. The engineering plant seems PRISTINE, and I couldn't find a single missing component anywhere. I half think that you could give the order to fire up her boilers and bring her under power, and she could definitely be restored to use as a training ship for cadets or as a boy's academy or whatever.

In fact, I'd say that in the Armageddon-verse, she is actually the only steam fired ship which could, in fact, rejoin the Navy--I have never seen the engineering plant of a museum ship in such good condition before.

Posted: 2008-07-28 02:39pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Broomstick wrote:Can we get Maya to list what's on that t-shirt clearly? I couldn't quite read all ten reasons to be an atheist.
I'll get her to when she gets home from work today, of course.

Posted: 2008-07-28 03:36pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Oh wait, I read the full list off the shirt:

1. "Unencumbered by Ethics" -- John Adams.
2. Blasphemy.
3. Electable in most of the Western World.
4. Real Rock > Christian Rock.
5. Sleep in on Sundays.
6. Proud of Monkey Heritage.
7. 10% Higher Income.
8. We run things after the Rapture.
9. Less Kneeling.
10. What kind of God would let UGA win?
(note, not USA.)

That last one refers to the University (sic) of Georgia, the mortal rival of Georgia Tech, may everyone who ever attended the place die horrible, agonizing deaths in their own shit as their insides burst open.

Posted: 2008-07-28 04:36pm
by DarthShady
Awesome pics. You guys clearly had a great time. :D

Coyote mang, you're old...a lot older than I thought. :lol:

Posted: 2008-07-28 05:14pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
DarthShady wrote:Awesome pics. You guys clearly had a great time. :D

Coyote mang, you're old...a lot older than I thought. :lol:

He's like 39 or 40-ish, I believe. Not like he shows it much!

Posted: 2008-07-28 06:48pm
by LadyTevar
You're adorable in a skirt, Marina. :lol:

But uncross your arms more! ;)

Posted: 2008-07-28 06:53pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
LadyTevar wrote:You're adorable in a skirt, Marina. :lol:
And I wear them all the time, too. And am getting more, beautifully. Now I just need to get some arm warmers for winter so I can wear short sleeves without a jacket regularly, and some high stockings with sock garters, and I'll be properly attired...
But uncross your arms more! ;)
Yeah, I know, it's an impulsive habit I have--I want something to do with my arms, so I cross them or plant my hands on my hips or grab stuff when standing still.

Posted: 2008-07-28 06:55pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Also, Coyote, being an army guy, managed to mix up port and starboard when describing the foredeck.

*crooked grin*

Posted: 2008-07-28 07:44pm
by DarthShady
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
DarthShady wrote:Awesome pics. You guys clearly had a great time. :D

Coyote mang, you're old...a lot older than I thought. :lol:

He's like 39 or 40-ish, I believe. Not like he shows it much!
I thought he was like 20 something.

I guess I'll just have to call him Sir from now on. :D :wink:

Posted: 2008-07-28 08:43pm
by LadyTevar
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:You're adorable in a skirt, Marina. :lol:
And I wear them all the time, too. And am getting more, beautifully. Now I just need to get some arm warmers for winter so I can wear short sleeves without a jacket regularly, and some high stockings with sock garters, and I'll be properly attired...
Other than a shrug or a shawl, I'm not sure what you're wanting. Besides, in winter you want the little knit tights and thigh-high boots. Warmer that way.

Yeah, I know, it's an impulsive habit I have--I want something to do with my arms, so I cross them or plant my hands on my hips or grab stuff when standing still.
Play with your hair. If you have the excess fabric, flare your skirt a little. Flirt with the camera, try not to look like you're scared to have a picture taken. :lol: You've got it, girl... FLAUNT IT.

Posted: 2008-07-28 10:10pm
by Coyote
I had an awesome time, and Amy and Marina are the bests hostesses. It was like linking up with long-lost buddies. It's odd for me to think that through SDN, I've known her for over five years, just not through face to face meeting. We talk about all the connections here on the board, in fact, and agreed it was downright incestuous at times. This is more than a mere webboard, there's a lot of ties and connections that cross borders-- there's a lot of meet-ups that take place all over, and I was (to be honest) always a bit jealous of those who had the opportunity :D.

But Amy & Marina totally rock. I'm glad I got to finally meet them in person!

And it's true, the camera was not as kind to me this time around-- but then, angle-up shots are always difficult. That I was still sleep-deprived after getting by on about 5 hours a night for two weeks at Ft. Lewis didn't help, to be sure.

And let's face it, since coming back from Iraq I've, um, relaxed quite a bit... :oops:

Posted: 2008-07-28 10:17pm
by Coyote
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Also, Coyote, being an army guy, managed to mix up port and starboard when describing the foredeck.

*crooked grin*
Only in that one shot. :oops: In the torpedo shot and the shot of the foredeck from the bridge level I got it right. It's... um... it's because I'm left-handed. Yeah. That's it!

Posted: 2008-07-28 10:59pm
by Rogue 9
The Duchess of Zeon wrote: *grins* I'd LOVE to get ahold of an old CFA or Forrest Sherman and turn it into a private yacht. We'll get a permit to keep one of the 5in's operational, and go pirate hunting.
Now that sounds like it'd be a blast. :D
[size=0]See what I did there?[/size]
Think Congress would issue a letter of marque? :twisted:

Posted: 2008-07-28 11:03pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Coyote wrote:
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Also, Coyote, being an army guy, managed to mix up port and starboard when describing the foredeck.

*crooked grin*
Only in that one shot. :oops: In the torpedo shot and the shot of the foredeck from the bridge level I got it right. It's... um... it's because I'm left-handed. Yeah. That's it!
*grins* Oh, it's okay.

P.S. I actually think you're enormously fit, and if this is "letting yourself go", you must have been at one point able to fight Ah-nuld to a standstill.