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Back to Pencils / Death to Tablets / 40k Sister of Battle

Posted: 2008-08-16 11:12pm
by Feil
If God had meant for Man to use tablets, he would have made WACOM a delicious tropical fruit. Despairing of figuring out how to draw things properly with this abomination against nature, I grabbed a #2 pencil and a few sheets of printer paper and drew this.


Anybody have ideas for a background or suggestions for a color scheme?

Posted: 2008-08-16 11:15pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Only two prayers on her and they are on her boobs? Yeah, maybe not...

Posted: 2008-08-16 11:59pm
by Feil
There are three more on the left knee. But I decided to move the two on her breasts anyway, since they were throwing off that little focus there was and making it difficult to make the breasts look even.

EDIT: and updated first post with the edit.

Posted: 2008-08-17 12:41am
by Ford Prefect
That's an improvement. I really like how you've depicted her face. I can't exactly explain why, but it's got a something.

Posted: 2008-08-17 08:17am
by TheMuffinKing
Very cool. I think you've captured the feel of SoB quite well.

Goes off to draw chaos marines... :P

Posted: 2008-08-17 01:34pm
by Feil
Thank you.

TMK- post them when you're done, I'd like to see them :)

Re: Back to Pencils / Death to Tablets / 40k Sister of Battle

Posted: 2008-10-05 11:51pm
by Feil

Edited in GIMP. I think this is the final version.

Re: Back to Pencils / Death to Tablets / 40k Sister of Battle

Posted: 2008-10-06 01:54am
by Hawkwings
Pretty awesome. I like how you've depicted her as female without being too feminine and unreasonable. And I really like those shoulderpads for some reason.

Re: Back to Pencils / Death to Tablets / 40k Sister of Battle

Posted: 2008-10-06 03:15am
by Havok
the gun- er- bolter is off and you should have done a better jop erasing the nipple prayers, but other wise, pretty cool. Does need a back ground though. Either a triumphant victory, or about to lead men into battle.