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Cover design of The Salvation War: Armageddon 56K warning!!!

Posted: 2008-08-22 12:45am
by ray245
To ensure that the cover design can be disscused on a seperate thread, and the main story thread can focus more on the story as compared to the cover design and fan art.

So we have we possible design for now.




Hopefully more people can submit their design...and I hope to upload my design soon...after my exams is over.

Posted: 2008-08-22 01:37am
by Stormbringer ... nCover.jpg

Here's my stab at the cover design. Not entirely happy with the font but I'm thinking this works best with a minimalist approach. If anyone has some suggestions, feel free as I appreciate the feedback.

Posted: 2008-08-22 01:41am
by Darth Ruinus
Nice. I could try to make a more cleaned up version though.

Posted: 2008-08-22 02:22am
by ray245
It has been mentioned in the the story thread...but I was wondering if anyone would do a renaissance style art?

Renaissance style art always evoke the religious feeling, given that there is so many famous artist in that era that managed to draw several beautiful religious painting.

I don't think that ANYONE has drawn a renaissance style MODERN day MILITARY painting.

A renaissance style cover can include the modern military on one side, and on the other side, the legions of hell.

I think such a cover can be very attractive without looking too flashy like many fantasy novels, or have the 'monster film' design of Wong's cover.

A battle drawing between humans and demons using renaissance is BOUND to attract the customers.

Something like this.

Link renaissance mural painting of a battle



Remember, we are going to attract customers, and given that such a book with such a original idea has not been penned...we should give it a very very unique look.

A 'soft' approach for the drawings, like the davinci code style of art.




By the way, my brother who has not read the whole story yet, but understand what is the story about, feels that the first two cover could would not let him feel and understand the through undertaking of this story. He says that it needs to move away from the normal cover design of military novels, AND fantasy novels.

Given that this story is not a simple fantasy novel...not a simple adventure story and etc, and given that the title is basically Armageddon, the cover needs to be epic on a grand scale.

Posted: 2008-08-22 02:36am
by Darth Ruinus
Good God man, fix that damn link, its horrible. :D

Anyways, a slightly more less sketchy rendition of the demons.


Posted: 2008-08-22 02:55am
by ray245
Darth Ruinus wrote:Good God man, fix that damn link, its horrible. :D

Anyways, a slightly more less sketchy rendition of the demons.

Can someone help me edit the link? I have no idea how to rewrite the link with words.

Posted: 2008-08-22 02:58am
by Darth Ruinus
Your link?

If you want to make it into a thumbnail, its:

URL HERE[/b]][img]URL%20HERE[/img]

Thumbnails are usually better, I think, since it helps people with slow connections.

Posted: 2008-08-22 03:07am
by ray245
Darth Ruinus wrote:Your link?

If you want to make it into a thumbnail, its:

URL HERE[/b]][img]URL%20HERE[/img]

Thumbnails are usually better, I think, since it helps people with slow connections.
Sadly filckr prevents me from recreating it as a image on another board...

And by the way, should I add a 56K warning at the thread?

Posted: 2008-08-22 03:09am
by Darth Ruinus
Mmmh, that sucks.

Well yes I suppose, it might be hard for some people to load those images.

Posted: 2008-08-22 04:58am
by EdBecerra
Darth Ruinus wrote:Good God man, fix that damn link, its horrible. :D
It's the link that ate Las Vegas!

Seriously, there's TinyURL and a number of other URL shrinking services. Just go to Google and use the search terms 'shrink' and 'urls' and you'll get over two million links, with the first twenty or so being various sites that'll do the job for you. Firefox even has an extension that will automatically create a TinyURL for you. You just open the right-click menu on the web page, select the option, and a few seconds later, you'll get a TinyURL, already copied to your clipboard for cut&pasting.

I hope that's been helpful.


Posted: 2008-08-22 05:24am
by ray245
Ok, done and thanks for the help given.

Now back on topic, is it possible for anyone here to do a Renaissance style cover?

If people feel that a Renaissance style cover don't seem to fit this novel, what kind of cover can you think of?

Just ensuring that we are open to opinions and new design...although this is going to be a long process.

Posted: 2008-08-22 09:14am
by El Moose Monstero
What about something like this?


Apologies for the crap artistry, it's just a quick sketch edit thing.

It would need someone artsy to do the main body sketch, it's based upon the image in the link below - replacing the angels in the bright cloud with some sort of attack planes, the shafts of light with missiles - possibly the bright cloud with a mushroom cloud and the fallen angels with harpies instead. It's an image from an illustrated version of paradise lost. The surrounding cover illustration is the cover page of Paradise Lost, and would obviously need making a bit more rustic in tone, given ink spots, wobbly lines etc. ... Lost_1.jpg

Posted: 2008-08-22 10:02am
by ray245
We need to change the cover from angels to demons as well...the first book only concentrate on the war on hell.

Nevermind, you have mentioned it.

By the way, which line are we going for?

An original drawing, or a cover using pictures from a public domain?

By the way, perhaps we can ask Havokeff to help us design as well?
His drawings seems to be very nice... ... sc&start=0



Perhaps we can use this kind of art style, with a different kind of paint to represent this book better?

Edit: add more beautiful pictures




I guess this is the type of picture darth wong was looking for?


Posted: 2008-08-28 01:09am
by ray245
No one else want to help in the design process?

Posted: 2008-08-28 01:40am
by Darth Ruinus
Not quite a cover, but inspired by the most recent update.


Anyways, I am still trying to come up with a cooler cover type thing.

BTW, the last image you put is quite cool, but I wouldn't know how that works in Armageddon. I don't remember any close quarters combat like that, except at that one city in the Middle East, Hit I think Abigor called it?

Posted: 2008-08-28 01:49am
by CaptainChewbacca
Nice, but I imagined him looking a bit more polished, and a bit less like he's been in the field a week.

Posted: 2008-08-28 02:34am
by Mr. Coffee
You also need to add wings to him. Remember something about Abigor having wings.

Posted: 2008-08-28 12:27pm
by ray245
Darth Ruinus wrote:Not quite a cover, but inspired by the most recent update.


Anyways, I am still trying to come up with a cooler cover type thing.

BTW, the last image you put is quite cool, but I wouldn't know how that works in Armageddon. I don't remember any close quarters combat like that, except at that one city in the Middle East, Hit I think Abigor called it?
There IS a scene where harpies launch a huge assault on the tanks.

Perhaps that scene can be used, hundreds of harpies scratching and trying to tear the tank apart?

AND if I remember, the early battles where the demons invade earth...there seems to be some very close quarter fighting.

IN a town or something, where a unit was cut off from the main army, and is left to fend for themselves.

Perhaps the scene can be something like this, a few Iraqi style house is all around, with the demon army marching and running through the streets, firing their tridents everywhere.

Some soldiers taking cover in the buildings is trying to make the last of their bullets count, while some sucidal troops who run out of ammo decides to make a charge?

Posted: 2008-08-28 02:54pm
by The Vortex Empire
Darth Ruinus wrote:Not quite a cover, but inspired by the most recent update.

I got the impression that Baldricks like Abigor were much more heavily built than that.

Posted: 2008-08-28 05:09pm
by Darth Ruinus
Yeah, he is more heavily built, but I don't remember him having wings. He looks slim like that because, well, frankly because I simply fucked up and made a mistake on his build.

Posted: 2008-09-23 09:18am
by ray245
Btw...I was thinking of using certain world war 2 paintings as an inspiration for the cover...

like this one for example.


A modern day army using this kind of painting will be awesome I suppose...together with Renaissance style demon army.

Posted: 2008-09-25 07:18am
by ray245
Perhaps a painting of chapter 19 can work...