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Toronto Air Show Pictures (updated with boobies)

Posted: 2008-08-30 07:25pm
by J
The theme of the day is water bombers. We haven't seen them in the past few years since they were probably busy putting out forest fires somewhere.

Picking up water from the lake


Helicopters can put out fires too!

The water drop sequence






Two planes at once!

Closer view of the water bombing action

More pictures to come in the next few days.

Posted: 2008-08-31 06:27pm
by aerius
I should throw in a gratuitous picture of a hot chick rubbing suntan lotion on her tits. That was probably my highlight of the airshow this year. :)

Posted: 2008-09-02 10:56pm
by J
2nd batch of pictures, these ones turned out nicer.

F/A-18 and Spitfire

Harvards in formation

Harvards making a heart

Snowbirds doing the Canada goose formation

Just a little close on the head-on pass

More formation flying by the Snowbirds

Posted: 2008-09-03 12:19am
by The Grim Squeaker
Awesome pictures. (Although why is there so much noise on the shots despite the lighting being so good? Did you crop them?).
A wrote:I should throw in a gratuitous picture of a hot chick rubbing suntan lotion on her tits. That was probably my highlight of the airshow this year.
Meh, leave it, I don't think that anyone would be interested in that. Got any good engineering shots of the planes on the ground instead? :P

Posted: 2008-09-03 02:00am
by Zablorg
Cool. I've never seen a waterplane in action before. Are they very fast compared to regular ones?

Also, I believe I was promised boobies.

Posted: 2008-09-03 08:37am
by Kartr_Kana
That's not an F-16 it's an F/A-18 :D nice pics though :D

Posted: 2008-09-03 08:47am
by Col. Crackpot
I've seen the snow birds in action before. They are amazing.
Though this thread fails to deliver on its promise of boobies.

Posted: 2008-09-03 09:01am
by J
DEATH wrote:Awesome pictures. (Although why is there so much noise on the shots despite the lighting being so good? Did you crop them?).
They're really cropped, something like 90% of the original was cropped out on some of them. The rest is probably haze & smoke from all the planes messing up the jpeg compression.
Zablorg wrote:Cool. I've never seen a waterplane in action before. Are they very fast compared to regular ones?
No. They're fairly slow, they were probably the slowest aircraft in the entire airshow except for the helicopter.
Kartr_Kana wrote:That's not an F-16 it's an F/A-18 :D
Oops! I knew that! :P

Posted: 2008-09-03 02:24pm
by Marko Dash
just so we don't have to change the title

By marko_dash

Posted: 2008-09-04 06:23am
by Tsyroc
Marko Dash wrote:just so we don't have to change the title

<snip> Booby Picture <snip>[/URL]
Thank you.

I was at least expecting the birds. :)

I thought there might be an offhand chance that Aerius might get shots of the sun tan lotion lady in here but I at least expected to see some boobies of the avian variety.

And really, birds go with an air show theme don't they? :wink:

I do really like the pictures of the water carrying planes. They are something I haven't really seen in action before. Any idea how dangerous it is to be in the direct path of the water once it's dropped? I imagine that it could hit pretty hard depending on the speed of the plane, the height a which the water was dropped and whether it stays together or spreads out before hitting.

Posted: 2008-09-04 08:15am
It actually pisses me off we don't get such colorful birds up in the NE? If we had booby's and gannets instead of seaguls, I think I could at least appreciate the colour.