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[Battleships Forever] New ship: Sword of Satan!

Posted: 2008-09-21 05:42pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Anyone remember this game? I made me a new ship...

Plan view. Warning: long ship is long.


Action shots! Note: most of these were taken prior to fit of bow gravitic engines to alleviate stresses in the long hull.

Prototype hull on space trials previous to weapons and systems installation. CIWS defense installed to prevent damage by wayward space debris.


Ship gets weapons and a name: Sword of Satan.


Weapons tests.


Sword of Satan absolutely dwarfs a standard military spacestation.


Sword of Satan demonstrates her omnidirectional thrust capability of her engines by strafing directly to port.


And now the reason for the twin turret rows.




Primary weapon is known as the Evil Beam, and for good reason.


This is what it does. Target is a Hypercube, one of the more powerful ships built and infamous for sheer tough. Two Evil Beam pulses did that!


Posted: 2008-09-21 06:58pm
by fusion
Horrible, Horrible....

It is not big enough!!! :D

Yes I do have that game still, but I don't post there often...

I need to upload my new micro fleet....

Posted: 2008-09-21 07:05pm
by The Vortex Empire
I love crazily overpowered ships.

Posted: 2008-09-22 12:24am
by Venator
Honestly... I'm not a huge fan. It's highly repetitive, and the MegaTach turrets take up a lot of space.

It's a good design, no doubt, I'm just not as thrilled by it as I am with other ships.

Also, Ein - I post under the same name on Wyrdsym, if you were wondered about a connection.

Posted: 2008-09-22 01:43am
by Hawkwings
Now make a kamikaze version.

Posted: 2008-09-23 12:57am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I promise a treat if you scroll through to the bottom.

Danny420Dale wrote:Five giant ships...


Suddenly, a Sword of Satan appears!


SoS rips a huge bite out of Hypercube as everyone opens fire.


OzyDragon bites back with its primary weapons while something (Hypercube I think) Frosches the shit out of the SoS.


Hypercube bought it, so OzyDragon hammers into the Sword.


SoS 1 dead, a second challenger appears...


...and trades huge damage with the OzyDragon.


Apispatha Pyriferra tastes the Evil Beam's fury; 90% of OzyDragon becomes glowing space dust.


Result: One severely damaged SoS. Easily half its hull is missing in this shot.



Refitted the gun turrets, reinforced the Evil Beam cover plate, installed stern chase turrets.


Posted: 2008-09-25 11:43pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Danny420Dale wrote:See if you can spot the difference. It's subtle, but it's enough to declare a new Mark for this upgrade.

Danny420Dale wrote:
Lord-General Thunder wrote:You Aegised the entire ship, you bastard... :lol:
Not the entire ship; there are a few unshielded areas. What's more significant is I bumped up the HP of the main structural members to more accurately reflect that they're solid fucking pieces of tridimensional nanotube mesh in an amorphous hafnium-boron alloy matrix 8) along with a very heavy armored collar of same around the Core. This is actually more in line with Aralonian and IVL shipbuilding practice.

As for the aegis, let's just say I acquired a few examples of technology from a race called the Hy'Rakkans. Considering the Sword's biological construction (enabling the interesting bleedingedge-tech 'bones' described above), this was very easy to integrate indeed. :twisted:

Posted: 2008-09-27 09:52pm
by Dark Hellion
I am just curious why so many of your ships end up looking like gigantic double dildos.

Posted: 2008-09-27 10:22pm
by Wyrm
Dark Hellion wrote:I am just curious why so many of your ships end up looking like gigantic double dildos.
Do you really need to ask this question?