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Rob Liefeld...

Posted: 2008-09-25 08:03pm
by Big Orange
I've read about Rob Liefeld, a famously bad comic book artist who was none the less successful and popular back in the mid to late 80s and early 90s, but fallen out with fandom in recent years and a couple years back out with Moore, and is now being seen as a low benchmark for hack mediocrity.

I found this article very funny and I myself have taken p*ss out of Liefeld's drawing style here (note the convoluted female torso, bent out of shape).

Posted: 2008-09-25 10:32pm
by YT300000
Your drawing is actually much more realistic than many of his. Try to make the woman's spine bend back more than 90 degrees, and make sure the man's muscles are so large that he can't fully move his arms. :lol:

Posted: 2008-09-25 11:02pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Also you shouldn't draw people's feet, you should use every trick you can think of to avoid it.

Posted: 2008-09-25 11:47pm
by Stark
Use hatching or add pouches to conceal anything you can't be bothered drawing.

Posted: 2008-09-26 02:17am
by Ford Prefect
That gun isn't enormous enough, and it looks like it has only one barrel.

Posted: 2008-09-26 03:00am
by Havok
I'm not going to click that link. I did enough damage to my eyes and my soul working in a comic shop in the 90s and laughing my ass off at that article once before, assuming it is the 40 worst article I am thinking of. :lol:

However, while your attempt at Crapfieldism is admirable, I will now have to throw my hat into the ring to show you how it is done son...



Posted: 2008-09-26 03:55am
by DPDarkPrimus
The latest issue of Deadpool had this gem:

"The more pouches the better... right Rob?"

"Who's Rob?"

Posted: 2008-09-26 07:11am
by The Yosemite Bear
I used to have a joke about Ffolro the Rob Liefield rip-off of Hellsing Manga, (featuring the Nosferatu Vampire)

Posted: 2008-09-26 08:45am
by Chardok
pff. Package isn't big enough AND he's only got 4 pouches. Where is the bandolier with EXTRAS? WHAT IF HE RUNS OUT OF WHATEVER IS IN THERE?! CATASTROPHE!

Posted: 2008-09-26 09:37am
by Big Orange
Here's my next attempt at aping Liefeld's style:


Liefeld Check List

*Giant bulging codpiece

*Giant swords/knives sticking out the back with no straps

*Oversized elbow and shoulder pads

*Tiny head relative to size of body

*Lots of pouches around the waist

*Oversized legs

*No feet

*Magic crayon background

*Tiny face cast half in the dark with a glowing left eye socket

*Poorly drawn hands masked by oversized lazer rifle

How was he so popular, even though there is relatively little craft behind his work? But his style is certainly distinctive and drawing like that is rather addictive.

Posted: 2008-09-26 03:15pm
by Big Orange
Two more pieces of Liefeld-ish rubbish:



Posted: 2008-09-26 03:36pm
by Covenant
Havokeff fails! You need his thighs and waist to be larger than his shoulders, and those guns and swords are facing correctly--this is an error. You must have the hilt facing forwards but the blade flat on, with balled fists clearly in punching form that then have strange little guns drawn on top of them, that bend and point the wrong way.

Posted: 2008-09-26 09:48pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Strangely enough I think Rob Liefield must have seen that first squad of plastic Space Marines I assembled....

Posted: 2008-09-27 01:38am
by Havok
Covenant wrote:Havokeff fails! You need his thighs and waist to be larger than his shoulders, and those guns and swords are facing correctly--this is an error. You must have the hilt facing forwards but the blade flat on, with balled fists clearly in punching form that then have strange little guns drawn on top of them, that bend and point the wrong way.
Dude. You can't turn off actual skill. I can't HELP but make his crap look better. :lol:

Orange. It is time for you to stop now. If you don't, I will be forced to reach through the intranets tubes and beat your drawing hand to a pulp with your own testicles. :evil:

Posted: 2008-09-27 01:52am
by Death from the Sea
this thread is made of pure win. guys keep those drawings coming, they are cracking me up!

Posted: 2008-09-27 01:59am
by The Yosemite Bear
So can anyone create my joke of Rob Liefield's Nosferatu inspired Hellsing Pisstake?

Posted: 2008-09-27 11:17am
by Big Orange
havokeff wrote: Orange. It is time for you to stop now. If you don't, I will be forced to reach through the intranets tubes and beat your drawing hand to a pulp with your own testicles. :evil:
You just try and stop me... :twisted:





Posted: 2008-09-27 11:28am
by Shroom Man 777
What... an... asshole.

Posted: 2008-09-27 03:06pm
by Big Orange
Shroom Man 777 wrote:What... an... asshole.
He really has plagiarized stuff quite blatantly (making you wonder if he is using tracing paper).

Posted: 2008-09-27 06:36pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Big Orange wrote:He really has plagiarized stuff quite blatantly (making you wonder if he is using tracing paper).
Is that Shatterstar stabbing Magneto? How would that even work? How would a dude who carries a sword around even get within a hundred yards of Earth's Mightiest Mutant?

Also, yeah, a lot of that stuff seems to have been traced. The airship in top center just corresponds way too precisely to the original to even be drawn from reference.

Posted: 2008-09-27 07:23pm
by Kanastrous
Wow, that's blatant.

Must be a bunch of artists wandering around with hopes of eventually punching his lights out...

Posted: 2008-09-27 09:16pm
by Big Orange
Pablo Sanchez wrote: Is that Shatterstar stabbing Magneto? How would that even work? How would a dude who carries a sword around even get within a hundred yards of Earth's Mightiest Mutant?
He seems to be worse at writing than at drawing, which seems too terrible to contemplate. :o

Well somebody who types "Yabba-dabba-doom! What a rush!!" needs to be kicked in the balls. :)
Also, yeah, a lot of that stuff seems to have been traced. The airship in top center just corresponds way too precisely to the original to even be drawn from reference.
Huh, at least I don't use tracing paper, I'm not so lazy and tacky. My Liefelcation of the Clown Biker from Akira includes pouches and sixty exposed teeth. :P

How has he not been sued or/and fired?! And why the heck did an artist who not only stole original (& superior) works of comic book art, but with such fundamentally repetitive, garish, derivative and scrappy drawing skills become so successful?!

Anyhoo, since I like to kill Death from the Sea with laughter and incur a anger induced stroke in havokeff, I've posted one last Liefeld-style work of 'art' (note the silly female body proportions and pigtails writhing around for no reason):


Posted: 2008-09-27 10:54pm
by Shroom Man 777
Big Orange wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:What... an... asshole.
He really has plagiarized stuff quite blatantly (making you wonder if he is using tracing paper).
No, I'm talking about you.

Drawing atrocities just for shits and giggles... :lol:

Posted: 2008-09-27 11:45pm
by Academia Nut
Bounty... is the one on the left a man? Because aside from the rather strong chin... there's something seriously wrong with the crotch down there.


Posted: 2008-09-28 07:50am
by Big Orange
Shroom Man 777 wrote: No, I'm talking about you.

Drawing atrocities just for shits and giggles... :lol:
Well I find it hard to stop and at least I'm not being paid millions or given my own studio for my atrocious crap. :P
Academia Nut wrote:Bounty... is the one on the left a man? Because aside from the rather strong chin... there's something seriously wrong with the crotch down there.

That's Big Orange to you. :wink:

Well it is a woman but she took too many body building steroids (Rob Liefeld drew bulging patches on some of his female characters, while steroids making a penis actually happened to a WWE female wrestler and East German athletes).