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My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-09 09:12pm
by Pulp Hero
I just came back from WLC (Warrior Leader Course) and in order to stave off the Army's brainwashing I ignored the classes as much as possible. With the sanitized laptop I was issued that meant fucking around with MSpaint. Behold.





Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-09 10:47pm
by Havok
:lol: AWESOME! What is the tank rolling over... some kind of purple dinosaur thing?

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-09 11:03pm
by Zablorg
I see the army is aware of and is training the nation's citizens to defend itself against the zombie menace. This is good.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-10 06:22pm
by FSTargetDrone
havokeff wrote::lol: AWESOME! What is the tank rolling over... some kind of purple dinosaur thing?
A wrecked and burning car? That light blue part looks like a shattered car door window. :)

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-10 07:36pm
by Darth Nostril
M$Paint??? Fuck me sideways that took some doing.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-12 05:22pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
havokeff wrote::lol: AWESOME! What is the tank rolling over... some kind of purple dinosaur thing?
Looks like a crunched up blue car to me.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-13 12:37pm
by LadyTevar
Best I can do in MSPaint


Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-13 12:44pm
by Lord Revan
you did that free hand Tev, as there's tools that can help to simple straight or curved lines (my motor control is a bit fucked up so I rarely draw free hand)



here's pic of the ship I talked about in this thread, ofc it's still very much a work in progress, so any input and/or suggestions are welcome as long as they're productive and serious.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-14 04:03pm
by tim31
Hell yeah, can I get in on this?


Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-14 07:21pm
by RRoan
*Crushes people with anti-aliasing*

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-15 12:26am
by Ford Prefect
The battle damage on that has improved since last time it was shown, RRoan. :)

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-16 06:13pm
by Kanastrous
^^ I dig the Starship Troopers pic.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-16 07:48pm
by tim31
You would, Karl *coughwhichsetdidyoudesigncough* I might try another one :D

I just realized I muffed the trousers though; they should be grey ones of the sort that schoolboys wear that offer no protection against anything stronger than a light breeze.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-16 10:27pm
by Phantasee
Congratulations, WARRIOR Pulp Hero! You know join the ranks of WARRIOR Brungardt in completing that course (that I am aware of). Your WARRIOR training shows through in your art.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 09:09am
by Pulp Hero
I'll kill you. With my brain.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 12:02pm
by Kanastrous
tim31 wrote:You would, Karl *coughwhichsetdidyoudesigncough* I might try another one :D


if you can find the 'art of Starship Troopers' book, I am in a photo inside - the unidentified "art department worker" (grrr) working on a study model of the Camp Curry confidence course.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 01:01pm
by tim31
Wouldn't it have been easier to say 'all the cool ones'? :P

Was the button that tightened the restraints on the whipping post functional, or was it just stage hands pulling on ropes as usual?

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 01:07pm
by Kanastrous
tim31 wrote:Wouldn't it have been easier to say 'all the cool ones'? :P

Was the button that tightened the restraints on the whipping post functional, or was it just stage hands pulling on ropes as usual?
I don't remember how the tensioning on the whipping post worked. We ran cables and sheaves inside, but whether they were servos or mechanical or grip-powered I can't say. Probably grip-powered; it's safer. In any case, though, so far as I can remember the button was just a plant-on.

To me, the Rodger Young flight deck was the Cool Set, of the film. Alas I didn't have any input into that one at all.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 01:41pm
by tim31
By flight deck, do you mean the drop boat hanger, or the bridge? Either way, they were cool sets. I loved the pop-up Big Red Button for the asteroid near-collision scene; that was so Sci-Fi B-movie :D
Kanastrous wrote:Probably grip-powered; it's safer. In any case, though, so far as I can remember the button was just a plant-on.
lol "In other news, former daytime tv actor Casper Van Dien lost both arms in what Touchstone Pictures is calling a tragic set accident."

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 02:05pm
by Kanastrous

...maybe not that tragic.

I mean the bridge; the flight-control seats with command chair behind.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 02:52pm
by tim31
Yeah, that set was b-movie porn. Monitors everywhere, the Big Red Button, hierarchy deliniated by the character's seating elevation, the control yokes bringing to mind bombing aircraft. Hell, they even threw in a giant rotating cylinder just to clinch it.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-17 03:11pm
by Kanastrous
Can't go wrong, with a giant rotating cylinder!

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-21 01:59pm
by Melchior
RRoan wrote:*Crushes people with anti-aliasing*
You're obviously dedicated and talented, but why MS Paint? Some kind of vow of purity? I know of persons that also abstain from the automated "line" and "circle" tools, but to me it seems rather senseless.
Personally, I use Pixen, for pixel art.

Re: My MSpaint works.

Posted: 2008-10-21 07:57pm
by RRoan
Melchior wrote:
RRoan wrote:*Crushes people with anti-aliasing*
You're obviously dedicated and talented, but why MS Paint? Some kind of vow of purity? I know of persons that also abstain from the automated "line" and "circle" tools, but to me it seems rather senseless.
Why Paint? Because I know it well and it's pretty much what I got to my current level of artistic skill using. Mostly, though, I use it because I find producing extremely detailed lineart with fucking Microsoft Paint amusing as hell. :P