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Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-27 11:50pm
by Havok
This is a little project I've been working on for a bout a week when I got the chance. It's not done, as far as shading and doing more pages but I wanted to post something so I felt like I was getting somewhere.

The continuity of DC makes this type of thing a pain in the ass, especially as I tried to put teams together in their original incarnations. It gets complicated as there are individuals that cross over on teams, or who are originals on Earth-One, Earth-Two, New Earth or on none. Then you have characters with multiple incarnations like Robin, so if I wanted to do the original Teen Titans, I couldn't do the current Titans. So basically I said "fuck it" and just did the teams I liked with the members that I wanted. I did try to stay away from currently "dead" characters, but I still used some like The Martian Manhunter.

So we will say that this is before J'onn died, after the Alpha Lanterns were created, after Barry Allen has returned and before Wesley Dodds died. :D Impossible? HA HA SUCKERS! It is DC. :lol:

Oh and these all go together. End to end. When it is done, it will go around in a big circle. So if you wanted to print them out, they would mesh.
Also, I took some creative license with some of the characters and costumes and used a couple incorrect costumes. Most notably The Metal Men, (complete redo), Mary Marvel, (a combination of her old and new personality), Katana (old slutty costume because her new one is butt ugly), Nightwing (added the symbol) and the Sandman (made it a more realistic gas mask).












Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 05:02am
by Shroom Man 777
I find this TOTALLY awesome and I think it's cute how you stuck them into their lil groups! :D

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 05:06am
by Stark
You love your Kingdom Come, and that's awesome.

Is.. um.. Optimus Prime in the first one? That's a bit wierd. :)

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 05:13am
by Flash
Fucking amazing.

I particularly like your Guy Gardner.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 05:14am
by Shroom Man 777
Oh shit, he IS there! Just like in that guy's sig, with the Green Lantern Optimus!

In that last pic, who is the girl who looks like a perky schoolgirl?

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 05:21am
by Flash
I'd say that's Miss Martian.

And am I seeing things, or is Darth Vader up in the back right of the first picture?

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 06:26am
by Ford Prefect
Optimus Prime and Darth Vader. Geeky. :D

This is quite impressive, though to be honest I don't recognise most of the character who appear.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 06:32am
by Stark
I only recognise most of them from Kingdom Come. :)

I want to know what logic Hav uses to determine the sizes of some of these guys' packages. I mean, some of these guys are pretty effeminate, and some of them are fucking LOADED.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 10:54am
by CDiehl
Despite these being DC characters, I imagine that somewhere in the vicinity of the third picture, Tony Stark is in a suit with Fe on it.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 11:42am
by SCRawl
I think that you dropped an orange crumb of something on Robin's cape. Otherwise, it's pretty slick! I especially like that you've put some amusing expressions on some of the faces.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 01:33pm
by Crazedwraith
I note Robin defiantley has the chunky phone dial belt buckle as part of his costume.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 01:47pm
by Havok
I thought I was pretty even with the package distribution. :lol: And yes, Kingdom Come was a defining comic for myself and my style.

Yes that is Miss Martian.

Actually there is already an Fe. Iron is behind Platinum, but her face is obscuring his letters.

Actually that is spaghetti sauce. :D I forgot to fix that before I posted. I will before the finals are done.

Batman is sporting his too. Hell, I almost gave Nightwing one as well! Dial buckles all around! :lol:

Oh and there is one other out of universe character in the GLC pictures. Admittedly, he is hard to find as I had to look for him this morning. :D

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 04:26pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Can we just assume this picture was taken with everyone standing on Mogo?

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 04:56pm
by Coriolis
havokeff wrote:Oh and there is one other out of universe character in the GLC pictures. Admittedly, he is hard to find as I had to look for him this morning. :D
Is that the Predator I see in the first picture?

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 05:22pm
by Havok
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Can we just assume this picture was taken with everyone standing on Mogo?
No. Mogo is in the picture.


Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 05:35pm
by CaptainChewbacca
havokeff wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Can we just assume this picture was taken with everyone standing on Mogo?
No. Mogo is in the picture.
*takes closer look at the horizon/backround*

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Edit: Where's the Pred?

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 06:17pm
by Enigma
Here's a repost from the JL subforum:

The only critiques I have is that Captain Marvel needs a more mischievous or smug look and you don't have a group shot of the Flash family (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Impulse, Kid Flash etc...). Maybe either a front or side profile of them running in superspeed? :)

For a good Capt. Marvel look, check Alex Ross' image of the Golden Age Super Heroes. (Love Alex Ross' artwork)

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 06:33pm
by Coriolis
CaptainChewbacca wrote:
havokeff wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Can we just assume this picture was taken with everyone standing on Mogo?
No. Mogo is in the picture.
*takes closer look at the horizon/backround*

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Edit: Where's the Pred?

Tricky little bugger hid himself.

[edit]Fixed pic

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 07:24pm
by Stark
Enigma wrote: The only critiques I have is that Captain Marvel needs a more mischievous or smug look and you don't have a group shot of the Flash family (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Impulse, Kid Flash etc...). Maybe either a front or side profile of them running in superspeed? :)
Um, I guess people on the JL subforum forgot that Marvel only looks like that in KC because he's FUCKING BATSHIT INSANE. Marvel is a nice guy, not the rictus-grinning sinister lunatic he is in KC.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-28 09:52pm
by Enigma
Stark wrote:
Enigma wrote: The only critiques I have is that Captain Marvel needs a more mischievous or smug look and you don't have a group shot of the Flash family (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Impulse, Kid Flash etc...). Maybe either a front or side profile of them running in superspeed? :)
Um, I guess people on the JL subforum forgot that Marvel only looks like that in KC because he's FUCKING BATSHIT INSANE. Marvel is a nice guy, not the rictus-grinning sinister lunatic he is in KC.
I wasn't referring to KC but Ross' artwork of the Golden Age superheroes. I think the same went for his Justice comic series. Maybe that is how he how he likes to draw CM.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-29 01:11am
by Havok
While I appreciate the input Enigma, do you really think that I hadn't seen those portraits by Ross before? :wink:

Also, while his work influenced me, and I should correct myself from earlier to say that while Kingdom Come was the pinnacle of Ross's work, his work that most influenced me was Marvels. His Captain Marvel, while cool, does not influence me much, certainly not as much as his Superman, which I feel is the quintessential version. Like Stark said, he makes him fairly menacing due to his status in KC and to give the audience the same sense that he feels the characters feel when they are around Marvel.
With CM, I actually looked to his original artwork in his original comics for my take on him, as I've tried to do with Batman.

P.S. I hate that particular poster mash because all the capes are going different directions and it bugs the shit out of me. :lol:

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-29 01:15am
by Zablorg
Meanwhile I'm still trying to find Optimus in there.

Also, Ross' drawing of Superman makes him look like a bigger dick than usual somehow.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-29 02:32am
by Hotfoot
Zablorg wrote:Meanwhile I'm still trying to find Optimus in there.

Also, Ross' drawing of Superman makes him look like a bigger dick than usual somehow.
Second picture, big fish

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-29 07:12am
by Havok
Ok, so here are a couple almost finished. Going backwards this time.



Let me know if these are too big.
Also, is there a way to get my scanner to do exact copies of the drawings? There are very subtle shadings that are not transferring well. Such as M'gan's very lightly shaded skin.

Re: Havokeff's DCU

Posted: 2008-10-29 08:11am
by Enigma
havokeff wrote:While I appreciate the input Enigma, do you really think that I hadn't seen those portraits by Ross before? :wink:

Also, while his work influenced me, and I should correct myself from earlier to say that while Kingdom Come was the pinnacle of Ross's work, his work that most influenced me was Marvels. His Captain Marvel, while cool, does not influence me much, certainly not as much as his Superman, which I feel is the quintessential version. Like Stark said, he makes him fairly menacing due to his status in KC and to give the audience the same sense that he feels the characters feel when they are around Marvel.
With CM, I actually looked to his original artwork in his original comics for my take on him, as I've tried to do with Batman.

P.S. I hate that particular poster mash because all the capes are going different directions and it bugs the shit out of me. :lol:
Nevertheless, what about a picture of the Flash clan? :)