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Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-08 09:54am
by Cosmic Average
On another board, a user named Lord of the Spam made a thread for Whimsical Spaceships and posted this drawing. Realizing it looked bad ass, I decided to try to make it in Blender.

Here is what I have so far:



Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-08 01:49pm
by Alan Bolte
A bit of reinterpretation there, but if anything it's an improvement. Tail detail looks good.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-08 03:49pm
by Cosmic Average
Introducing the Marlin-class personal transport. This little beaut can reach nearly 60 knots when traveling the Milky Way--UPSTREAM! Just the thing for a day trip through the aether.


Coming soon to a solar system near you!

Thank you, Alan Bolte, for replying.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-08 03:56pm
by Samuel
It needs to be more practical. I recommend laser beam eyes. :D

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-08 04:00pm
by Darkevilme
I like it Cosmic. It's very shiny and the tail is quite nicely done.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-08 05:16pm
by Starglider
It looks like a ship from Spelljammer (fantasy/steampunk space travel RPG setting). Almost exactly like one of the ships from the 'ships of known space' expansion in fact.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-09 05:26am
by Covenant
That actually looks really good. Most people are terrible at 3D, I can tell you know what you're doing. I really like the smoothness when combined with the shine and soft lighting. Not photoreal, but it's very... Spore-like, is what I'd say. It's a very cheerful aesthetic.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-09 06:35pm
by salm
I like it, too. Only thing, the pilot capsule sticking out of the general shape in the front like on the drawing would be better.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-11 07:59pm
by Cosmic Average
Covenant wrote:That actually looks really good. Most people are terrible at 3D, I can tell you know what you're doing. I really like the smoothness when combined with the shine and soft lighting. Not photoreal, but it's very... Spore-like, is what I'd say. It's a very cheerful aesthetic.
That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. :o

Seriously, though, I have no idea what I'm doing. The soft lighting is just a few lights with the Approximate Ambient Occlusion render-setting on.

Pirate-Squid, work in progress:


Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-12 08:22pm
by Cosmic Average
Now with guns:


Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-12 09:35pm
by Darkevilme
That is very very cool Cosmic. And also a good reason for me to use more detail in my next creations.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-12 10:58pm
by Cosmic Average
Darkevilme wrote:That is very very cool Cosmic. And also a good reason for me to use more detail in my next creations.
Thanks for responding. Your stuff looks fairly well detailed.. And you've applied textures to yours, something that I'm quite horrible at. :)

I'm not done with mine yet.. I'm going to probably change the 'guns' to engines so that The Pirate-Squid will fly tentacles first.

Until then, giant-sized render.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-13 04:00am
by salm
Looking good. Are you going to rig the tentacles and animate them?

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-13 06:44pm
by Cosmic Average
salm wrote:Looking good. Are you going to rig the tentacles and animate them?
Sadly, I already tried that and met with little success. :oops: They didn't deform properly or follow the rig very well.

Tentacles first! *NOM NOM NOM*

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-13 07:04pm
by Darkevilme
For robotic components you just set the amount the vertexes follow each bone to maximum and make sure they arent associated with any other bones. That's how i rigged my robot. This will lead to the individual segments not deforming at all, which is bad for living things but good for machines.

Re: Fish Ship(WIP)

Posted: 2008-11-14 12:21pm
by salm
Yeah, you´ll need to set absolute vertex weights.

3ds Max has a thing called spline IK which is perfect for snakes, tentacles and things like that. Perhaps Blender has something similar.