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The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 01:10am
by CaptainChewbacca
So, I've been thinking about it for a while, and today I got a kitten. 10 weeks old, and a whirling tornado of claws and adorable:


Do not cross Xerxes...


Or he will take your chair.

More pictures to come when he holds still long enough while doing something adorable.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 01:17am
by Kodiak
I dare say he's in your chair, taking your naps.

All hail Xerxes!

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 02:21am
by Superman
Thank Gods, Chewie. I thought you were going to say that you discovered that you have a son, and that you named him Xerxes. ;)

Gray with black stripes is my favorite kind. I grew up with one like that. Cool kitten!

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 03:15am
by Havok
Agreed. That is one bad ass kitten. If I actually liked cats, I would want one that looked like that. Good job Chewie.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 03:34am
by Raesene
Cute kitten, congratulations. I think he brings you joy -and scratched furniture, chewed on cables...:-)

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 04:16pm
by CaptainChewbacca
He's perfected the art of coming over the back of my desk chair while I'm playing World of Warcraft, but he slept on the foot of my bed and purred all night.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 09:48pm
by Samuel
Any reason why you named him Xerxes?

As for pictures... get him to attack a banana!

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 09:50pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Wait until he has to face down 300 mice in red capes with little tiny spears.

he's a cat, and thus a star god.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 10:10pm
by Sriad
Named after
I assume. ;)

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-16 10:10pm
by Mr Bean
The Yosemite Bear wrote:Wait until he has to face down 300 mice in red capes with little tiny spears.

he's a cat, and thus a star god.
It could be the Other Xerxes, the crazed AI from System Shock II

With such memorable lines as...
"This is Xerxes. Can you not feel the glory of the flesh? Do you not yearn to be free of the tyranny of the individual?"
And who can forget..
"Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one."
...we will know which if the next pet gets named Leonidas or Shodan.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-17 02:23am
by CaptainChewbacca
He was named after the Persian Xerxes. I hadn't ever seen the dog poster before.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-18 08:46am
by White Haven
Oddly enough, I came within a day of being named Xerxes by my mother.

Public school would have sucked tremendous ass, but I coulda dug it afterwards.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-18 10:46am
by Thanas
Don't ever let him travel to Greece.

Seriously though, that's a beautiful kitten. I especially like the fur pattern on the back.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-18 11:07am
by Imperial Overlord
He's adorable.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-18 03:52pm
by CaptainChewbacca
I'm at the computer a good chunk of the day, so Xerxes has gotten a new 'default' position:




I expect he'll turn up soon at talking about how he's looking for the mouse.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-11-18 08:26pm
by erik_t
He will soon dominate the yard like so:


Enjoy your superiority while you can. Good color choice!

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-04 04:57pm
by CaptainChewbacca
When life gets you down, look at MORE PICTURES OF MY CAT!

I didn't make him a bed, but he decided to claim my toolbox. Truly a manly cat.



He also likes to help when I'm playing World of Warcraft.


He was also decorated for valor after single-handedly taking out an AT-AT at the battle of Hoth.

Truly, the nerdiest cat on the internet.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-04 05:21pm
by Kodiak
That would be awesome if you could get a picture of him hissing while you were actually killing whelps in UBRS. The nerdiest cat on the internet belongs to one of the nerdiest cat owners.

I had to do a double take when I saw your speakers, because they look just like a set a bought in Brazil- then I remembered I sold them to you six months ago :lol:

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-04 06:08pm
by Thanas
So how many times has he messed up your gaming/typing so far? Or is he one of those cats that stay in one position and disregard the keyboard?

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-04 06:33pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Thanas wrote:So how many times has he messed up your gaming/typing so far? Or is he one of those cats that stay in one position and disregard the keyboard?
He generally stays off the keyboard, so that hasn't been a problem.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-04 07:28pm
by Zor
Xerxes looks so adorably smug.


Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-05 12:37pm
by Kodiak
CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Thanas wrote:So how many times has he messed up your gaming/typing so far? Or is he one of those cats that stay in one position and disregard the keyboard?
He generally stays off the keyboard, so that hasn't been a problem.
I thought you said he learned to turn off your computer?

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-05 01:18pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Kodiak wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Thanas wrote:So how many times has he messed up your gaming/typing so far? Or is he one of those cats that stay in one position and disregard the keyboard?
He generally stays off the keyboard, so that hasn't been a problem.
I thought you said he learned to turn off your computer?
He does that with the plug underneath the desk.

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-05 05:36pm
by Thanas
So in order to dominate the can-opener...err, owner, Xerxes goes straight for the big bucks, thereby proving himself worthy of his namesake. :D

Re: The newest addition to my family... Xerxes!

Posted: 2008-12-06 04:14am
by Crown
<WoW Elitest Prick>Keyboard turner! Clicker!</WEP>


Cute cat.