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Eeek! It's a Maus!

Posted: 2008-11-16 09:48pm
by Frank Hipper
This is the Pegasus Hobbies kit in 1/72 scale, photographed with my new Fujifilm Finepix S1000fd.

Please keep any incredulity at a Pzkpfw. VIII's surviving long enough to have 15 kill marks painted on it's turret on the tongue-in-cheek side, I certainly had my tongue squarely planted in my cheek as I applied them.

Consider the color scheme "Urban ambush, fall of Berlin, January 1946". :P


Re: Eeek! It's a Maus!

Posted: 2008-11-17 02:21am
by FSTargetDrone
VERY nice work. The scheme looks great. Weathering is not too heavy-handed, which is sometimes an issue with some modelers. Less is more, I think.

Re: Eeek! It's a Maus!

Posted: 2008-11-17 05:21am
by Havok
Damn Frank. Bad ass.

Re: Eeek! It's a Maus!

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:54pm
by TheMuffinKing
Very nice indeed. That is a fine model, how long have they been available?

Re: Eeek! It's a Maus!

Posted: 2008-11-18 03:57am
by Frank Hipper
Thanks for the compliments, guys.

I'm under no illusions to my skills as a modeler, and not having an airbrush sets me at an even further disadvantage when it comes to certain subjects, like armor. :wink:

The kit was released in 2004, I'm not entirely certain of how easily available it still is, I found mine at a local hobby shop in Phoenix.
Dragon has one out that's almost as nice, and in the same scale, too, and it's also easy to find at most online hobby shops.

Should you be interested in getting the Pegasus edition, be warned that I had some difficulty with the fit of the suspension; the hull sat too high.
I was forced to sand down the lower hull to bring it closer to actual ground clearance, which removed a noticeable amount of the glacis plates. That, and the suspension itself comprises 12 sub-assemblies of 8 parts apiece; removing the sprue attachments and mold seams on 48 road wheels was tedious. Getting those sub-assemblies to sit flat and ninety degrees to the hull was also somewhat challenging. After mounting the bogie attachments to the hull, I dry fitted the trucks to the bogie attachments and cautiously glued them in place without so much as breathing on them. :P

The only other criticism, and it's a slight one, is that the surface detail of the hull sides and turret are of different styles; a couple swipes of sandpaper, re-surfacing with some CA glue, a couple more swipes with the paper again, and you'd never know.

The kit's a lot of fun, almost entirely open to interpretation as to color schemes, and gets my highest recommendation.

Re: Eeek! It's a Maus!

Posted: 2008-11-18 08:11pm
by Marko Dash
now you just need to kitbash a US or Russian ultra heavy tank, give it a single or twin naval gun and call it the Catte so it can eat Maus and Ratte for breakfast. :twisted:

Re: Eeek! It's a Maus!

Posted: 2008-11-20 05:41pm
by Vanas
Well, it certainly scares Elefants.

Classy looking model there, would it be imprudent to ask if we can see it next to another 1/72 tank?