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Because homemade gifts are the best.

Posted: 2008-11-28 02:37am
by Temjin
A friend of mine recently ran into some money trouble, and was left unable to do any Christmas shopping. So she decided to make everybody their gift instead. I was hanging out with her, and she was asked me what I wanted her to make me. I had no clue, so she offered the suggestion of a character we both liked from a video game I lent her (I never really played it myself). I agreed, and so she started.

She worked on this in front of me for six hours (she's awesome like that). It's made entirely of old discarded clothes. Not even any stuffing. All the thickness is just from rolled up clothes she cut up and sewed together. It turned out so well, I had to show it off.

Her posing with the doll:

Close up of the doll:

Because I took the pictures on a camera phone, the colours are kind of messed up. For instance, the hat is actually a dark brown.

Too bad I have to wait till Christmas to receive this fucking awesome gift. My only other problem is trying to find her an immensely insightful and thoughtful gift in return.

By the way, ten cool points if you can identify the specific mage.

Re: Because homemade gifts are the best.

Posted: 2008-11-28 02:42am
by Count Chocula
Does SirNitram have a stocking stuffer coming to him? :wink:

Re: Because homemade gifts are the best.

Posted: 2008-11-28 06:32am
by Havok
Damn... why didn't you just ask for her for X-Mas. She is fucking adorable. :D
Cool little Wizard. I have a few home made gifts from people I will never see again and who I'm not even friends with, and I will never part with them if I can help it.

Re: Because homemade gifts are the best.

Posted: 2008-11-29 05:50pm
by Temjin
What? Still no guesses on which black mage it is? Come on, the resemblance is there!

Re: Because homemade gifts are the best.

Posted: 2008-11-29 05:54pm
by LadyTevar
duh ... it's Vivi.

Anyway, can she make one for Nitram?

Re: Because homemade gifts are the best.

Posted: 2008-11-29 10:22pm
by Temjin
LadyTevar wrote:duh ... it's Vivi.

Anyway, can she make one for Nitram?
Just talked to her. She's thinking about it, but she says she probably would. She would of course want to be compensated for time put in, but doesn't really know what a fair price would be. PM me with an offer, and I'll communicate it to her.

Re: Because homemade gifts are the best.

Posted: 2008-11-30 03:40am
by Nephtys
Temjin wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:duh ... it's Vivi.

Anyway, can she make one for Nitram?
Just talked to her. She's thinking about it, but she says she probably would. She would of course want to be compensated for time put in, but doesn't really know what a fair price would be. PM me with an offer, and I'll communicate it to her.
A voodoo doll of Nitram? How... useful!

*peers at Tiv*