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Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-28 09:43am
by MKSheppard
My Front Yard, about 15 minutes ago


EDIT: Changed image hoster to SDN, there aren't any good free image hosting sites now.

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-28 09:45am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Sure looks like it snowed a lot more in Maryland than last year.

What camera model?

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-28 09:46am
by MKSheppard
Updated with bigger pick; click on link again.

Canon Rebel Xsi, with the provided image stitching software that came with it.

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-28 11:54am
by Kanastrous
That newspaper in the center really anchors the composition.

Where are you, in Maryland? I'm from Bethesda.

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-28 12:18pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Nice pic, curse you and your easy stitching software!
Did you remember to keep the aperture constant? Also, the brick and the flag are rather out of focus, you might want to crop the brick wall out, and maybe to do your next version with the flag taking up more of the frame.

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-29 09:11pm
by Lonestar
Kanastrous wrote:That newspaper in the center really anchors the composition.

Where are you, in Maryland? I'm from Bethesda.
Figures that the crazies are from Montgomery County.

How'd the animals like the snow, Shep?

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-29 11:52pm
by MKSheppard
They liked it. But now it's all ice. And they slip when they go out to take a dump

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-30 09:40pm
by Chardok
Man, sheppy; How does an insane genocidal maniac such as yourself come from such a quintessential american neighborhood? Why, that place is positively Beaver Cleaver-ville!

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-31 12:21am
by TimothyC
You forget Chardok, Shep looks and acts like an oversized teddy bear. Yes he's atomic powered, but he's a teddy bear none the less.

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-01-31 12:43am
by Darth Wong
Chardok wrote:Man, sheppy; How does an insane genocidal maniac such as yourself come from such a quintessential american neighborhood? Why, that place is positively Beaver Cleaver-ville!
I realize that this comment is a joke, but it occurs to me that attitudes toward Shep are a classic example of liberal internal conflict: many people here who identify themselves as liberals absolutely despise him for his political views, and particularly for his checkered past, which they refuse to forget.

However, these same people typically stick up for the importance of rehabilitation and second chances when dealing with criminals in general; does this philosophy only apply to people they've never met? Is it one of those abstract things that flies out the window the moment you come face to face with a case study?

It is a very liberal thing to disagree with Shep about a lot of issues. It is also a very liberal thing to see him as someone who is trying to move beyond his past and become a productive member of society.

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-02-04 09:03am
by Chardok
Well, to be fair, I recognize that there is a very distinct internet Shep Persona vs. who he is really. I've chatted with Shep quite a few times in the past, and, though we have very different political views, I don't dislike him in the least (quite the opposite, in fact); I also have never begrudged him his actions in the past and I never will; he's never slighted me, or anyone else that I know in recent history, so I've no reason to dislike him. (In fact - Shep always makes it a point to ask how my little girl (who I don't see very much) is doing, a small gesture whose core of kindness and caring is not lost on me.) summarize, it was my Internet persona poking a little fun at his internet persona.

Or, I may be reading too much into your post and it was completely not directed at me.... :confused:

Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-02-05 02:30pm
by Tranan
I give a shot of my back yard. and hope that it proves that Sweden is a beter place than most.


Re: Wide Angle Photography!

Posted: 2009-02-05 02:49pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Ah, what the hell:
Hand held shot of Reeding (Tel Aviv) dock from under the bridge at low tide:
