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Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-19 02:02am
by lance
I heard a lot about this band, and from what I've heard I'm not too impressed. So I was wondering what other peoples favorite Rush songs were.

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-19 11:48am
by The Vortex Empire
Definitely Tom Sawyer. Everything about that song is great, especially the drums.

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-19 11:53am
by Count Chocula
Working Man is #1. The guitar, the drums, and Geddy Lee's wailing all come together for me in that song.

Red Barchetta from Moving Pictures is my second favorite.

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-19 04:06pm
by Big Phil
Have you actually "heard" the band, or just "heard about" them? What doesn't impress you about them? Do you not like their music, or what's your deal?

As far as favorite Rush songs:

The Necromancer (Part 3) - Caress of Steel
The Spirit of Radio - Permanent Waves
Xanadu - A Farewell to Kings
Fly by Night - Fly by Night
Mission - Hold Your Fire
Limelight - Moving Pictures
The Pass - Presto
Presto - Presto
Dreamline - Roll the Bones
Before and After - Rush
Working Man - Rush

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-19 08:58pm
by Darth Quorthon
My favorites, in no particular order:

The Enemy Within
Available Light
Show Don't Tell
Ghost of a Chance

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-19 10:22pm
by YT300000
Rush were pretty amazing up until Grace Under Pressure, when Alex started losing his balls and playing through little solid state practice amps. They were still a good band through the later 80's and 90's, but didn't really regain their earlier power until a few years ago, with the latest album.

As for songs, here are some random ones I like, in no real order...

Red Barchetta
The Fountain of Lamenth
Cygnus X-1 (both parts)
Distant Early Warning
Alien Shore
Working Man
The Trees

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-20 12:45am
by Mr. Coffee
I kinda surprised no one mentioned Free Will yet.

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-20 01:28am
by YT300000
Mr. Coffee wrote:I kinda surprised no one mentioned Free Will yet.
I personally never found the songwriting on Permanent Waves to be as compelling as on the previous or subsequent records. The excessive radio play of Free Will and Spirit of Radio don't help too much, either.

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-20 04:39pm
by Tsyroc
Rush's music isn't really my thing but my favorite song of their's is Working Man, although I think Getty Lee's singing is a bit screachy in parts. I think his singing improves in more recent albums. The band is definately skilled, I just don't find myself wanting to listen to them a lot. I also don't go running shut off the radio when they come on either. :)

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-21 12:36pm
by Big Phil
Mr. Coffee wrote:I kinda surprised no one mentioned Free Will yet.
That song, while catchy, annoys me

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-21 06:51pm
by Saurencaerthai
My favorites:
Vital Signs
Fly by Night
YYZ, specifically the one off of the Exit...Stage Left Album with the drum solo. Actually, this is one of the albums I'd definitely recommend that entire album as a first, if not for the fact that it's proof that these guys can really pull it off live.

My least favorite:
The entirety of the Presto Album.

Re: Favorite Rush songs?

Posted: 2009-02-22 12:38am
by The Yosemite Bear
Another Sap for Tom Sawyer.