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"Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-22 08:00pm
by Big Orange
I really like these clips of Doctor Who characters done in anime style. It includes sound bites from the original Doctor Who.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 12:36am
by Crossroads Inc.
That, was one ofthe most BADASS things I have ever seen.

I mean sure it was full of various cliches, the various Companions being reduced to scantily clad big breasted chicks DID irk me... But, So much ELSE was pure AWESOME

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 02:18am
by Darth Fanboy
Wow.. i'm not even a fan of the show and that looked really good.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 02:20am
by General Zod
Surprisingly not too bad, though some of the ideas seemed. . .well, out of place. Kind of surprised they went with Pertwee's Doctor, but I guess he makes the most sense if you want fisticuffs.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 09:07am
by mr friendly guy
I am left speechless. Although his animation is definitely better than the ones used in David Tennant's cartoon version, and this is despite me not being a particular fan of the anime.

That being said, if by some fluke BBC decided to create another DW animated story and tasked someone with a similar style and equal talent, I might consider getting it.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 02:30pm
by andrewgpaul
Technically, very good. I'm not a fan of the beanpole proportions, though. Or the Master's '80s shoulderpads. :)

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 03:14pm
by Zixinus
I was disappointed when the chick in her underwear appeared, as well as the scene with the sword and dude shooting sideways with the pistol. Call me a snob purist, but those two don't stupid elements don't need to be adopted into an anime version of Dr.Who.

Otherwise, it was awesome. The scenes were pretty awesome, except the two I described above.

EDIT: Actually, if that scene with the katana and the gangsta-wannabe would be some yakuza thugs getting their ass handed to them, I could forgive that.

Also, call me a purist, but is it more or does the doctor appear much more violent than he usually is?

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 03:57pm
by Vanas
That.. was pretty damned good. Couple of iffy bits that the people above have pointed out, but other than that, awesome. I'm almost tempted to keep tabs on this guy's work.

Edit: Looks like he's also going for some of the less recurring villains. I, for one, welcome our malevolent not quite Egyptian overlord.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 08:25pm
by General Zod
Zixinus wrote:
Also, call me a purist, but is it more or does the doctor appear much more violent than he usually is?
Pertwee's Doctor was rather big on showing off his physical skills, so it's mostly in character for the 2nd Doctor.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-23 08:54pm
by phred
That was a fairly solid amount awesome there. I like the cybermen especially.

I also have to echo the WTF on turning his assistants into bikini clad teenagers

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 03:46am
by mr friendly guy
General Zod wrote:
Zixinus wrote:
Also, call me a purist, but is it more or does the doctor appear much more violent than he usually is?
Pertwee's Doctor was rather big on showing off his physical skills, so it's mostly in character for the 2nd Doctor.
Third doctor actually.

I have to echo that bikini clad assistant part. It just made things look out of place.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 04:21am
by Akkleptos
phred wrote:That was a fairly solid amount awesome there.
I second that.
Crossroads Inc. wrote:I mean sure it was full of various cliches, the various Companions being reduced to scantily clad big breasted chicks DID irk me... But, So much ELSE was pure AWESOME
What? Are you by any means implying that scantily clad big-breasted anime girls can match... say, Freema Agyeman's and Billie Piper's acting?

Zixinius wrote:Also, call me a purist, but is it more or does the doctor appear much more violent than he usually is?
Well, he's always been more of a science guy than an action hero, yes, but after 900+ years roaming around time-space, you'd reasonably expect to have picked up some mean martial arts skills, wouldn't you? I would. It's a refreshing break from the usual canon, IMHO.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 07:20am
by Ford Prefect
Zixinus wrote:Also, call me a purist, but is it more or does the doctor appear much more violent than he usually is?
The first Doctor expressed considerable glee after schooling a Roman assassin in hand to hand combat and tossing him out the window, though he once stated that he disliked weapons. The third Doctor was a practioner of Venusian aikido and frequently engaged in physical combat with people (most notably he is thrown into a pit fight in Peladon). The fourth Doctor was adept in combat as well, dominating a swordfight against the best duellist of a planet, got into a pretty serious fight with a clone of himself, and once almost snapped a man's neck.

The Doctor isn't exactly a pacifist, he just doesn't resort to violence where necessary. The second Doctor once killed someone, for example, and the fourth Doctor spent an entire episode trying to kill someone, simply because they were driven to thep oint where they had no other option.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 03:50pm
by Enigma
Ford Prefect wrote:
Zixinus wrote:Also, call me a purist, but is it more or does the doctor appear much more violent than he usually is?
The first Doctor expressed considerable glee after schooling a Roman assassin in hand to hand combat and tossing him out the window, though he once stated that he disliked weapons. The third Doctor was a practioner of Venusian aikido and frequently engaged in physical combat with people (most notably he is thrown into a pit fight in Peladon). The fourth Doctor was adept in combat as well, dominating a swordfight against the best duellist of a planet, got into a pretty serious fight with a clone of himself, and once almost snapped a man's neck.

The Doctor isn't exactly a pacifist, he just doesn't resort to violence where necessary. The second Doctor once killed someone, for example, and the fourth Doctor spent an entire episode trying to kill someone, simply because they were driven to thep oint where they had no other option.
Didn't Tennant's Doctor also defeated someone in a swordfight? I know Eccleston's Doctor was wanting to kill that Dalek.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 04:09pm
by Captain Seafort
Ford Prefect wrote:The second Doctor once killed someone, for example
When? :? The only one of the first eight Doctors I can think of who killed someone was the Sixth in "The Two Doctors".

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 07:59pm
by Ford Prefect
Enigma wrote:Didn't Tennant's Doctor also defeated someone in a swordfight?

Beat him and then dropped him onto London from a kilometre up.
I know Eccleston's Doctor was wanting to kill that Dalek.
Got a gun and everything.
Captain Seafort wrote:The only one of the first eight Doctors I can think of who killed someone was the Sixth in "The Two Doctors".
Oops, I got mixed up. I was thinking of The Two Doctors, but got the second mixed up with the sixth. It was the sixth who killed Shockeye (of the Quawncing Grig!) with cyanide. Though strictly speaking the fourth killed someone in The Ribos Operation, I suppose.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 08:08pm
by Stark
That chick looks fucking retarded - and also demonstrates it's doomed to anime cliches btw - but her tits are in no way 'huge'. 'Huge' = 'over 100cms you don't bother counting anymore'.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 08:21pm
by Rye
I'm amazed when one guy can do stuff like that. Almost makes me want to learn how to do it, but I know it would take more effort than I can reliably put into just about anything. It's a good "proof of concept" though, even if it is packed with anime cliches for its own sake. The Doctor beating up some chavs = worth crazy looking girl.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 10:28pm
by Ford Prefect
That chick looks fucking retarded
To be fair my automatic thought was 'hey, she's at least wearing more clothes than Leela'.

Yes, I am aware that this is inaccurate.
I'm amazed when one guy can do stuff like that.
Yeah, it's always impressive when someone starts animating stuff on their own stuff, even if it's just small clips. For example, this clip is pretty astounding for just some random dude.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-24 11:54pm
by Ohma
I really love the final bit. "OMG DALEK COMM CHATTER *drool*" ;>.>

The whole thing is rather delightfully 90s. I'm not sure why I don't consider that bad.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-27 08:58pm
by Zor
That is a damn impressive fanwork, even if it did have no shortage of Cliche. I second the doctor beating up Chavs as being the highpoint, although the Cybermen and Dalek bridge scene were also pretty interesting.


Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-02-27 09:17pm
by fusion
The chick, just seems out of place, like what every one else had just said. However, I do think that I can forgive him for the chick... Everything else seems to be extremely good...


Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-03-06 09:25pm
by Setzer
I liked the old "state the obvious" tendency with the Daleks. It had a car thrown on it, and then noticed it was under attack. :P

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-03-06 09:29pm
by Stark
fusion wrote:The chick, just seems out of place, like what every one else had just said. However, I do think that I can forgive him for the chick... Everything else seems to be extremely good...

The chick isn't the issue itself; it's that the chick demonstrates the 'fan' making this is subject to all the asinine stereotypes of anime, which will be fucking terrible. Technically it's great, but since it's being made by someone so hamstrung by convention it's doomed.

Re: "Doctor Who" Anime!

Posted: 2009-03-08 05:11pm
by Zixinus
'fan' making this is subject to all the asinine stereotypes of anime, which will be fucking terrible.
I'm curious: what's terrible about the stereotypes of anime?