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A request for a friend

Posted: 2009-03-13 07:39pm
by Ender
This is my friend Mike. Mike likes to take photos in his spare time. Truth be told, if he could break into the industry and do it full time, he would rather do that then work his current job as a code monkey. Here are some of his pictures. As you can see, they re pretty good, particularly for a guy who has no training as a photographer and only about 18 months or so of real experience.

There is currently a contest going on. If a photographer in the contest gets enough votes, they get $50k to go on assignment and shoot something. I am asking you to go and vote for my friend. He is currently sitting at 12th place with 262 votes. That is about half of what the first place person has. So with some work he could get bumped up.

Please vote for Mike. Thank you.