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New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 01:34am
by TithonusSyndrome
"Bible Black"

Words cannot express how happy this makes me and how awesome this is. Fuck that miserable bandwagon-hopping malleable insecure first singer of theirs, Dio still has it and the cohesion and tightness among the band is brilliant. I have high hopes for this album.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 08:04am
by JointStrikeFighter
Ozzy is better.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 10:30am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Bad ass.

You know this metal revival's got teeth when even Sabbath is putting out new material.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 12:19pm
by NomAnor15
Ahhhh! I just sat and listened to this, and all I could do was stare at the screen and cackle like a mad scientist. Holy shit. This makes me so happy I can't even describe it.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 02:04pm
by Gunhead
I shall now perform the happy dance of awesome. I'll be seeing Heaven and Hell :angelic: live in june.

And just to be clear. Ozzy is okay at best, but he's got nothing on Dio.


Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 02:53pm
by TithonusSyndrome
For those of you who missed their last tour, here are the three new songs they debuted there: Shadow of the Wind, Ear in the Wall and The Devil Cried.

Not since the Judas Priest comeback album have I had minor hope that the radio might play a new song I actually like! :D

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 07:14pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
You have radio stations that actually play (real) metal?

The best I've gotten is my local generic rock station once playing "Number of the Beast" and the classic rock station occasionally putting on some older Judas Priest.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 08:17pm
by Havok
:lol: Holy crap that sucks. Dio's voice is still just awful. That type of metal is best left for mocking on VH1's Metal Mania.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 08:46pm
by The Vortex Empire
Dio can't hold a candle to Ozzy. That new song isn't good at all.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 08:56pm
by TithonusSyndrome
Well I guess if you have that same vocoder program that Cher has, which Ozzy plainly does as anyone who heard his last single can hear, you don't need to be able to sing well.

Do you believe in life after Sabbath? :lol:

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-30 11:17pm
by YT300000
Hahaha, RJD in top form: "the night has left me bl-i-i-i-i-nd!"

I'm very glad to see this lineup again, it's been far too long a break. I'm kicking myself even more now for not seeing them when they came through here on tour (I think I had an exam that night, I can't quite remember).

They're really sounding fantastic, especially Vinny's drums. Although it must be said that Geezer is a bit buried in the mix, and Tony could benefit from putting a Laney back into his signal chain.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-31 02:07am
by JointStrikeFighter
Havok wrote::lol: Holy crap that sucks. Dio's voice is still just awful. That type of metal is best left for mocking on VH1's Metal Mania.
Watch out Hav the music police will get you!

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-31 01:06pm
by charlemagne
JointStrikeFighter wrote: Watch out Hav the music police will get you!
Well it's all taste and such, but one thing is just fact: that Dio's voice did not age as ungracefully as, say, Ozzy's (ok, never much voice there in the first place) or Ian Gillan's voices did. The little guy still sounds almost as he did on "Holy Diver" or even "Long live Rock and Roll" decades ago.

That song is pretty rad, though, looking forward to the album. Sabbath after "Sabbotage" was always strongest with Dio on the vocals anyways.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-31 01:55pm
by TithonusSyndrome
hey charlemange bro dude buddy duder just chillax and favor whatever is most iconic rather than competent you nazi 420 peace out broski hombre

The release date has been set for April 28, 2009. The album title? The Devil You Know, and the artwork is absolutely badass.


I guess that's unless your idea of "badass" leans towards a tryhard in black eye shadow trying to strike "dangerous" poses.

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-31 02:10pm
by charlemagne
TithonusSyndrome wrote:hey charlemange bro dude buddy duder just chillax and favor whatever is most iconic rather than competent you nazi 420 peace out broski hombre
Woah dude, far out, you just made me understand that Keith Richards is the best guitar player ever!*
TithonusSyndrome wrote: The release date has been set for April 28, 2009. The album title? The Devil You Know, and the artwork is absolutely badass. I guess that's unless your idea of "badass" leans towards a tryhard in black eye shadow trying to strike "dangerous" poses.
Yeah... I wonder why metal artwork has to look like MMORPG raid bosses or something these days.

*of course Keith Richards still rocks, don't get me wrong

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-03-31 11:31pm
by Ford Prefect
TithonusSyndrome wrote:I guess that's unless your idea of "badass" leans towards a tryhard in black eye shadow trying to strike "dangerous" poses.
Forgive me for not being particularly impressed by Generic Horned Beast With Three Tongues, man. :wink: That said, I did enjoy that song, though mostly because of my huge soft spot for Dio. I was giggling a little because of the song title though, and the name of the band is going to make me want to play Guilty Gear every time I hear it. :lol:

Re: New Black Sabbath (Heaven & Hell) track!

Posted: 2009-04-25 05:17am
by charlemagne
So, it's out, and yeah, it's pure fucking awesome.

(Too bad the album is almost as loud as the infamous Death Magnetic, but there's not that much awful audible compression.)