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Web joke idea...

Posted: 2009-04-16 03:38pm
by The Yosemite Bear
well I had the thought of a discussion between three much misinterpretated Chaos theory animals.

The Chaos Butterfly (who creates hurricanes by flapping his wings half a world away), The Infinate Monkey (laptop typing samian who is destined to create the greatest work of liturature but currently writes bad fanfics, TV scripts, Microsoft code, and mind burning images for the net), and Schrodinger's Cat (Who appears to be some form of Undead kitty)

alas my art skill suck, and it's just an idea, could it be funny?

Re: Web joke idea...

Posted: 2009-04-16 07:45pm
by salm
The Yosemite Bear wrote: could it be funny?
CanĀ“t imagine how it would be.