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Corellian ships (my own)

Posted: 2009-10-09 12:29am
by Knife
Well, enough with politics and what not for the moment. Time to bring out some of my inner nerd. Been playing with sketch-up for a while and think I have just an elementry understanding of it. :)

Based these designs off of some sketches and a touch of memory off of something I wrote and posted here a long time ago. Four thousnad years after the fall of the Galactic Empire, the SW galaxy is broken up into fiefdoms with Corellia being one of the major ones. Here is my representations of a couple of their ships durring this time period.

This is the main ship of the line for them. Corellian Battle Cruiser. About 1300 meters long. Has the huge main forward gun and 22 standardized turrets (this model isn't done yet)

Hopefully a better look at the forward batteries.

This is an escort ship, a frigate or corvette type with only two of the standardized turrets at 195 meters long.



A heavy starfighter. I envision this as a two to three man gunboat more than a snub fighter. Still need to put a gun turret on it but... The central disk body is 8 meters high.

Three engines on the aft end. I was thinking of putting an engine on each 'wing'.

I like the cockpit, I wanted something like the WWII torpedo bombers.

This is an uncompleted version of the Second Chance, my MF wannabe in the story. Basically a small Corellian freighter.



Re: Corellian ships (my own)

Posted: 2009-10-09 12:43am
by RogueIce
I like 'em. I'm wondering why the fighter is a big disk though. But the cockpit design is rather neat.

By the by, I want to lay claim on your designs for SDN Wars if you don't mind/when you're finished. Because I am the Second Corellian Empire. :wink:

Some tweaks may be needed (I doubt the BFG on the battleship will fly under Thanas' watchful eyes) but the general designs are pretty neat. Even though the game isn't set four thousand years post-RotJ. :D

Re: Corellian ships (my own)

Posted: 2009-10-09 01:09am
by Knife
Hmm, three engines, three guns. Keeping with the heavy fighter and Corellian Cruiser motif with one huge gun and two slimmer smaller ones. Big box like bit is a launcher, though not happy how it turned out. I'm thinking one of the crew is bombardier and gunner and is in command of the big gun and missiles/torpedos, while the pilot hast the fixed small guns.

And I've got to erase that line attached to nothing. :)
Rogue wrote:I like 'em. I'm wondering why the fighter is a big disk though. But the cockpit design is rather neat.
Uhm, Corellians and disks seem to go hand in hand. I flipped it on it's side just for shits and giggles and something new. The wings are Slave-1 ish and I see em as repulsars or similar.
By the by, I want to lay claim on your designs for SDN Wars if you don't mind/when you're finished. Because I am the Second Corellian Empire.
I'm cool with that.
Some tweaks may be needed (I doubt the BFG on the battleship will fly under Thanas' watchful eyes) but the general designs are pretty neat. Even though the game isn't set four thousand years post-RotJ.
Well, that was an element to the story, IIRC. The Corellians had a huge main battery they used to batter the enemy as they closed in to close range and blast them with the turrets. I set up the turrets so most of the fire power is in the forward arc anyways, plus the big one.

Re: Corellian ships (my own)

Posted: 2009-10-11 03:04pm
by Aaron
Well the battlewagon could use some centreline turrets to improve it's firing arcs, either that or some PD guns to stop it from getting raped by fighters.

Ascetically I think there rather nice.

Re: Corellian ships (my own)

Posted: 2009-10-11 03:07pm
by Thanas
That big gun may not be that good of a choice - I'll need some reactor figures to ever understand how it could be powered. And big guns in SW seem a bit unusual anyway, unless it is a superlaser, but that one has a pretty hard time targeting fast-moving ships.

Re: Corellian ships (my own)

Posted: 2009-10-11 03:53pm
by Knife
Cpl Kendall wrote:Well the battlewagon could use some centreline turrets to improve it's firing arcs, either that or some PD guns to stop it from getting raped by fighters.

Ascetically I think there rather nice.
Yeah, cruisers not done yet. I have the ventral turrets on, but the dorsal four turrets aren't there yet. I'll post some shots when I get them there, need some other detailing on it too.
Thanas wrote:That big gun may not be that good of a choice - I'll need some reactor figures to ever understand how it could be powered. And big guns in SW seem a bit unusual anyway, unless it is a superlaser, but that one has a pretty hard time targeting fast-moving ships.
One of the inspirations for it was the Munificent starfrigate in RotS; it was also the idea of brute strength over finess for this particular period. Due to the loss of a galactic civilizations industrial base, smaller fiefdoms make smaller ships but the Corellians like a 'charge forward and attack' strategy with all power to the forward guns type thing. slow to fire, and probably from recharging capacitors instead of a direct feed off of the main power source. It's meant to batter enemy cruisers at range while closing in with the other standard turrets, most of which are on the forward arc.

Re: Corellian ships (my own)

Posted: 2009-10-11 04:24pm
by Thanas
Yeah, but if you have smaller fiefdoms, wouldn't it make more sense to prepare for one-to-one fights, in which case multiple firing arcs are far more important, and in which slow-firing weapons may actually be a disadvantage?