Need a favor (for all of you with video input, PS2 and FFX)
Posted: 2003-02-27 01:00am
I made a desktop of Yuna dancing at the sunset in Final Fantasy X out of a really shitty, compressed screen capture from Game Spot.

I turned it into this:
Not too bad, given what I had to work with. But there are still lots of JPEG artifacts all over the place. If anyone could possibly get me a higher-res, uncompressed (PNG, TIFF, whatever, just not JPEG) capture to start with (something like 640 or 720 width), I could make a better desktop out of it.
[640KB (!) Don't inline huge images. --Enlightenment]

I turned it into this:
Not too bad, given what I had to work with. But there are still lots of JPEG artifacts all over the place. If anyone could possibly get me a higher-res, uncompressed (PNG, TIFF, whatever, just not JPEG) capture to start with (something like 640 or 720 width), I could make a better desktop out of it.
[640KB (!) Don't inline huge images. --Enlightenment]