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Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-05-18 03:34am
by Crossroads Inc.
BEHOLD! the endless imagination of what happens when a Dr.Who Fan meets Steampunk!

Oh sure the above may be just CGI, but the real thing is slowly being built!

All of this is the brainchild of one "Douglas442" on live journal who has been working on this for a couple of years.

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-05-18 03:37am
by Stark
How is this 'steampunk'? It's BROWN and has BAKELITE SWITCHES. So what? There's a console room made out of fucking WOOD.

At least it appears to have a steam gauge under the counter.

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-05-18 10:58am
by Flagg
Isn't this pretty much what the TARDIS looks like now?

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-05-18 03:22pm
by Starglider
Flagg wrote:Isn't this pretty much what the TARDIS looks like now?
The current one is a mess of different stuff. This looks like a more boring version of the TV movie (8th doctor) design.

Personally (for the series) I'd like to see a fresh attempt at a futuristic design. Hopefully something a little more radical than the Star Trek iBridge. After all, what will the man-children of 30 years hence fawn nogalistically over if we don't come up with a new look now?

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-05-18 05:25pm
by Temujin
Flagg wrote:Isn't this pretty much what the TARDIS looks like now?
Well, its reminiscent of the current interior, but IIR both the movie version and one of T. Bakers interiors had similar retro elements as well.

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-05-19 09:53pm
by Ford Prefect
Stark wrote:There's a console room made out of fucking WOOD.
Also it had chairs, which was unusual. :)

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-06-22 01:07am
by Crossroads Inc.
Posting more content so I hope this is not considered a Necro.
New pictures of this guys work:



Also, for those comparing this to the movie Console, well I had rather forgot just how primitive and boring the Movie Console was.

Compared to what this guy is making, that console looks like it was put together in shopclass.

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-06-22 09:15am
by JointStrikeFighter

Re: Steampunk TARDIS (no 56k)

Posted: 2010-06-23 02:20am
by Kuroji
If I were the BBC, I think the next time that the set needs to be revamped, I'd buy this from him and drop it right in. It is absolutely awesome, and as schizophrenic as the interior of the TARDIS is, it would fit almost perfectly.